Clinton vows to block bill criminalizing illegal immigrants

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
Just the type of president we need.:barf: :barf:

Clinton vows to block bill criminalizing illegal immigrants,1122337,print.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork
AP Political Writer

NEW YORK -- Invoking Biblical themes, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton joined immigration advocates Wednesday to vow and block legislation seeking to criminalize undocumented immigrants.

Clinton, a potential 2008 presidential candidate and relative latecomer to the immigration debate, made her remarks as the Senate prepares to take up the matter next week.

Clinton renewed her pledge to oppose a bill passed in December by the House that would make unlawful presence in the United States _ currently a civil offense _ a felony. The Senate is set to consider a version of that legislation, as well as several other bills seeking to address the seemingly intractable issue of immigration reform.

Surrounded by a multicultural coalition of New York immigration advocates, Clinton blasted the House bill as "mean-spirited" and said it flew in the face of Republicans' stated support for faith and values.

"It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures," Clinton said, "because this bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself."

Clinton did not specifically endorse any competing legislation, including a bill co-authored by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and another by Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.), saying she hoped the Senate Judiciary Committee would produce a compromise incorporating the best elements of all the bills and would remove the harsh penalties contained in the House measure.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) has said the Senate will take up his proposal to tighten borders and punish employers who hire illegal immigrants if the Judiciary Committee doesn't complete a broader bill by next week.

Among other things, Clinton said she would support legislation that would strengthen U.S. borders, boost technology to secure the borders, and seek greater cross-border cooperation with Mexico and other neighboring countries.

She also called for new enforcement laws, including penalties for employers who exploit illegal immigrants, as well as a system to allow the roughly 11 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States to earn their citizenship.

Clinton expressed sympathy to representatives of communities along the U.S.-Mexico border that are frustrated by the stress of providing social services to large numbers of undocumented immigrants. But she also said she hoped to send a message that supporters of punitive immigration policy faced significant political risk for doing so.

"We want the outcome to be that they're on the wrong side of the politics as well as the wrong side of history and American values," she said.

President Bush has argued for a guest worker program that would allow undocumented immigrants already in the United States to keep their jobs for up to six years. The effort hasn't gained much momentum, partly due to fierce resistance from others within the GOP.
Desertdog said:
Clinton vows to block bill criminalizing illegal immigrants

Good... We can use this against her as ammunition should she decide to run in '08!
Well, then I'll worry about that when she actually annouces herself as a canidate, wins the primary, gets the Democratic nomination, lays down a gun control plank in her platform, and starts to campaign.

I smell a lot of "if" in that paragraph.

In the meantime, this is an idiot Senator spouting off on a Bill that doesn't affect firearms ownership one wit. (Well, except for the illegal aliens that will have a harder time buying legal guns once they have felonies on their record.)

Sen. Clinton is a nitwit, we knew that, lets talk `bout shooting things.
It's not related to firearms.

It's simply knee-jerk fear, on at least two different levels.

We get stronger every time an immigrant crosses the border.

One senator who agrees with that is more important than any amount of caterwauling on an insignificant gun board. :cool:
Do you hire illegals Jammer Six? If an honest man believes in what he's doing, he doesn't mind answering an honest question.;)
So, do you?
If she is elected, you will find out when they take yours away.
No, if she is elected Mexico will find out how it is to have an influx of immigrants.

Cause if she is elected about 70% of us will head south :neener:
I thought being an illegal immigrant was already criminal, hence the term "illegal." This is just saying they will get off their asses and do something about it. Its funny how they overlook these offenses, yet .gov harrasses LEGAL gun owners at most every opportunity...
Why am I not surprised that Hillary Clinton doesn't care about the future of America. Wait, urge to talk about Chinese missile tech rising! :neener:

We need to stop this poor excuse for a female dog b/f the media gets their opportunity to paint her as Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, and Bhudha all rolled into one.
I thought being an illegal immigrant was already criminal, hence the term "illegal." This is just saying they will get off their asses and do something about it. Its funny how they overlook these offenses, yet .gov harrasses LEGAL gun owners at most every opportunity.

It is illegal, this bill would make it a felony instead of a civil infraction.

Still got nothing to do with guns, though. This may suprise some folks, but not everything Sen. Clinton does is designed to strip you of your guns. She's stupid in a lot of other ways too.
Actually, the second time an illegal crosses, it is a felony. However, this law, like most others that don't benefit the corps and big ag is rarely enforced.
According to THR, it doesn't HAVE to be firearms related:

"Get informed on issues affecting the right to keep and bear arms and other civil rights. Coordinate activism, debate with allies and opponents. Discuss laws concerning firearm ownership, concealed carry and self-defense"
Well, then I'll worry about that when she actually annouces herself as a canidate, wins the primary, gets the Democratic nomination, lays down a gun control plank in her platform, and starts to campaign.

I think there are actually enough people out there crazy enough to vote her in so I don't think it's totally out of reality.

Look at what Klinton 1 did our gun rights. Took 10 years to right a wrong. And this Klinton seems more determined to take our rights away.
Hillary Princeps Maximus

This is some of the same obstructionism that occurred during the recent Supreme Court nomination.

The smaller states were concerned that they would not achieve fair representaion at the founding conventions of our nation and so, the US Senate was given it's even number -representation of Senators to offset the power of the populous states.

How on earth did this devolve into Senators obstructing the legislative process instead of bills passing or failing by vote? I'm sure that in the event of poor legislation being enacted, if, the system did not have the type of representatives such as Sen. Clinton is, that we the people would change things by that very self governing process.

She is showing the US public a preview of her executive office viewpoint
by thwarting our republic form of government by the people, for the people, and of the people. Her contempt of the general public and her own inflated self esteem is a warning for us all.
" We get stronger every time an immigrant crosses the border. "

Interesting theory jammer, care to back it up with anything aside from rhetoric?

From your comments in other threads on this subject it seems that you do employ illegals.
Well, then I'll worry about that when she actually annouces herself as a canidate, wins the primary, gets the Democratic nomination, lays down a gun control plank in her platform, and starts to campaign.
Sequence is wrong, she won't put a gun control plank in her platform. It'll be a post-election surprise. ("if she wins", as is doubtful).

I think most Dems will be "low-profile" on gun control during the next election. The party leaders might even "sit on" the gun-control advocates on the coasts, getting them to shut up or at least tone down. Such is my uninformed opinion.

Hillary Clinton, the arch-secularist, wants to cite verse and scripture to push the legitimizing of the alien invasion? Lord help us! She is certainly tempting the Thunderbolt.

This period in American political history will be remembered as the point where the Titanic tipped over. All I can say is this: may the immigration pimps in D.C. choke on their chimichangas.
If an immigrant that comes here is a violent criminal and proceeds to commit a crime here, how does that make us stronger?

It doesn't, but just how many illegals are violent criminals? Very few from my understanding. We get drit cheap labor for industries that could not compete otherwise save for moving to mexico. Would you rather have the tax income form those industries, or would you rather give that to Mexico?
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