Clinton vows to block bill criminalizing illegal immigrants

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The headline written by an ap reporter is the funniest thing in the whole article... Think about it, "...Criminal the Illegal..."

Gee I still remember the day when they were rightly called illegal aliens and not undocumented immigrants. Using that (again correct name) I ask how can you be an illegal alien and NOT be a criminal?:confused: :banghead:
This seems like an odd reversal considering Clinton's constant criticism of Bush's soft-line approach to illegal immigration.
It doesn't, but just how many illegals are violent criminals?


I don't know the exact statistics but I do know we have quite a few illegals in our jails that the taxpayer must pay to incarcerate, my main point is that there are immigrants that come here who make us weaker, therefore Jammer's absolutist statement is BS. What would you think if I made the claim "Every time someone crosses the border we get weaker"? It is backed with as much logic as Jammer's claim.

To make such a claim is not only insulting to the intelligence of everyone on this board it is insulting to the board itself, it is not so much discussing as much as using a post to SPAM one's opinion. I suppose it is going along with the idea that if you shout a lie long enough and loud enough that people will accept it without question.

If one wanted to have a logical and meaningful debate on an issue, even if their opnion is opposite mine, I would welcome it but I take issue with someone spamming illogical garbage on what is overall an excellent site.
I thought you'd be thrilled. She's come around to the official Republican position. The GOP is the one that proposed tearing down the borders and making the US and Mexico one back in early September 2001. They are the ones who have eliminated funding for enforcement of the immigration laws and removed liability for companies that knowingly hire illegals. They are the ones who are trying to lower wages with their amnesty programs.

Nope. It's part of her strategy to get votes by moving closer to Republican positions on this, reproductive rights and war mongering.
It doesn't, but just how many illegals are violent criminals? Very few from my understanding.

The statistics is over 35% of our jailbirds are illegal aliens.

Also, let's be terminologically accurate. They are "illegal aliens", not "illegal immigrants". "Immigrant" is a good and proud word in America. Let's not besmirch it by association.
+1 CAnnoneer

But some are replacing that illegal word with undocumented to make their position more palatable.
when in the course of human events...

I guess we will shortly find out how much respect our Congress has for the law, for the American citizen and taxpayer, for sovereignty, for representative government. Once we find out we can deal, realistically, with the problem as it presents itself.
These pricks talking about us criminalizing illegal immigration really tick me off. It is already criminalized, it just wasnt a serious enough problem to stick out from all the routine illegality we already tolerate in this country.
You also have tax money being paid by illegal immigrants.

You don't know it, none of you want to admit it, but you do.

The last carpenter foreman and the last journeyman I hired were Mexicans, and I replaced an Amercian foreman I found asleep in his car, and an American jouryneyman who got too cold and had to go home early. Something about an old "boarding" injury. I missed the details, I didn't listen very closely. Same wages, same benefits.

Of course, I haven't had to hire anyone since then. The biggest difference was that the Mexican crew shows up, works hard, and is glad to be employed. Immigrants are, indeed, a real threat to many American jobs. Thank God.

We get stronger every time an immigrant crosses the border.:cool:
A man with honor answers an honest question if he's not ashamed of his actions.
Hey Jammer Six, do you hire illegals?

im·mi·grant P Pronunciation Key (m-grnt)
A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another.
A plant or animal that establishes itself in an area where it previously did not exist.

Of or relating to immigrants or the act of immigrating.

That's from

As long as an immigrant's migration is permanent, an alien can be an immigrant.

The two are not mutually exclusive. At least, not as long as we're using the language "terminilogical" accuracy.

That was fun... :cool:
No Jammer, what's fun is watching you dodge an honest question as...Bill Clinton would.
Do you hire illegals?
Jammer Six already admitted he hires illegals. He is basically the pro-illegal lobby's representative on this board.

Yeah wow our economy would collapse without the landscaping, fruit picking and housecleaning services that illegal aliens provide. They clearly constitute the elite vanguard of a high tech economy. I love how NPR contrasts the blatant illegality and enormous social costs with the consideration that "senators love their nannies."

The solution is simple. Senators learn to change diapers or at least pay minimum wage to have Americans do it.

I cant wait until the wall goes up. I think we've seen enough narco-terrorism in the border region for a lifetime.

Jammer Six has all *but* admitted the fact. It's a simple question...
Few as a percentage of how many illegals in the US? 10 million? 20 million? 30 million? Fact of the matter is as a percentage of prisoners the number is high.

Charlotte, NC experienced a rash of homicides due to drunken driving. Since the first of the year 11 people have died in traffic accidents in which a driver was drunk. Of the 11 deaths, 6 were caused by drivers who were illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants amount to 600,000 in a state population of 13 million. No clue as to how many illegal immigrants live in Charlotte.

Let's say we need half a million agri workers. Let's say that, for argument. Let's say we need a million five assorted carwashers, gardeners' assistants, busboys, janitorial staff.

What about the OTHER 10 million? Or is it 20 million?

And what about the million or more a year we are supposed to KEEP absorbing?

Congress & Bush need to answer hard questions about the impact of that. If they can't, show 'em the door.
For every illegal aliens in the USA, there is probably 10 alians trying to migrate legally. Throw the illegal aliens out and bring in the legal immigrants.
Sir, this is still a Republic and we still have legal means of redress.
That's exactly my point.

The main, premiere redress we have, the envy of every citizen who doesn't have it, is the vote.

I've always assumed that everyone here exercises that right, without fail.
Therefore, the results of that redress are the will of the people, without the influence of those illegal immigrants. The taxes they pay can't buy that. That tax money is free money. Earned by them, spent by you. Taxation without representation. Voluntarily, of course. The illegal immigrants you all fear so much have no voice in that process.

Mentioning that we have legal redress, and that we can change our government at every election is like saying that midnight will come. It's assumed. Of course.

Hence my "...and?" comment.

I enjoyed the demonstrations earlier today. They were on the news.

I didn't see a counter-demonstration. You must have all been busy. At the range. Watching TV.


You're probably right to fear them.
"It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures," Clinton said, "because this bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself."
Not only is her logic all wrong, so is her understanding of the scriptures. The good samaritan was not illegal. And I don't think Jesus ever left the homeland, so he could hardly be an illegal immigrant.

Hmmmph. Either she or her scriptwriter are either ignorant, or counting on the ignorance of those she's trying to reach with that soundbite.
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