Comments wanted on a new poster (NSFW?)

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I've also heard that those vibrating motorized toothbrushes are used more often than not in non-dental applications. *wink wink*

Out of consideration for the residual dignity of this forum, I won't post the illustration of just how to apply menthol toothpaste.

I'll look through "stupid laws" sites and see if I can find more mainstream examples.

Wit all due respect:

It maybe your site, and you can obviously post as you please, but a picture of a ***** herein does not seem to fit The High Road image but rather causes it, in my opinion, to fall into the gutter! In short my opinion of the poster itself is likewise.

All the best,
Glenn B
Will the poster be more effective at sparking open-minded dialog about gun control, or will it spark dialog about, umm, device control?

I imagine most people have already made up their mind regarding guns. I'm afraid the point of the poster might be missed, in favor of discussing obscure peculiarities of law.
Either outcome -- fostering objections to gun control or sex-toy control -- would be fine with me. It the control that I find galling.
Control is Control.

Once any right is allowed to be infringed, all rights are susceptible to being infringed.

Once one right is infringed to greater extent, all rights are susceptible to being infringed to a greater extent.

I am a single white male in my 50's.

What the hell do I need a vibrator for? I don't.

I do not own a AR15, therefore I don't have any 30 round mags.
I don't attend a Church.
I may not read the same books as you.

Rights are Rights, it does not matter if anyone does the same things I do, has the same preferences I do, even if we are total and adamant enemies - we have Rights.

It is NOT the Governments business to Control these rights.



Gov't has no business Controlling Property.
I don't care if it is a Whorehouse, Sex Shop, Church, Nursing home, little league ball field , Gun Shop, Dress shop...

It ain't right!

Years ago the State wanted some property adjacent to some State Property.
Got a bit ugly.
Long time Gun shop, Boarding houses with Retired folks, Whorehouse, Doctor offices in homes, Small Church and other folks "had to" move.

This was years ago. It was interesting seeing the various folks involved working together.
I personally got a kick out of the Church folks and Whores being on the same side.
There are tons of blue laws on the books, that are simply not enforced. There are twenty places within 20 minutes of me where I can buy a vibrator, if I so desired. So as a Texan your poster has no relevance to me.
Hi Everyone, back again...

Let's see...someone asked a little about me. As I said, I'm divorced, 36 years old and a resident of Mississippi. That's where I'm originally from and I returned to my home town there from Memphis following my divorce in 2003. I've been carrying since 1999 after an incident where a man tried to get into the car with me in front of the MLG&W building.

I was raised around firearms. I've always said that there are two things in MS that are passed down in families...guns and cast iron skillets. My father was an avid hunter (still is, but duck hunting got too expensive for him) and pretty much anything he shot in the field with my great grandfather you could count on seeing featured on a table near you. :D We do not believe in killing for sport.

As stated, the gun pictured belongs to my father. I borrowed it only for the shoot since Oleg wanted something "common looking" and I knew that it had photographed well weeks before when we actually shot with it outdoors.

I know many of you are stating that there are sex shops near you regardless of the laws in your state. I'm here to tell you that I know of a sex shop in Jackson MS that was shut down by its Mayor, so I know this "new set" of laws in MS is being enforced by some. I simply think it is ridiculous. I believe in the separation of church (their morals and values) and state and don't see why such a law was ever put into motion to begin with.
Black man picks up white man's habit,, ten years it will be.If he be white, would be dating the prosecutor Paula Smith!
Oleg's poster has stirred up a hotbed of differing opinions concerning some peoples personal habits.

Some of the comments made by our very own people here on THR have been a little less than "High Road". I hate saying this, but as my sig line says, "the truth is not always polite". There are some people acting just exactly like the anti-gunners at the mere image of an adult accessory.

You may not like them, you may not use them, but that does not change the fact that they exist and people use them, just exactly like the firearms we are trying to hold on to.

The poster is an illustration of governmental control on ALL FACETS of our lives, not just firearms. The intrusion is rampant throughout our lives, and that is what needs your attention, not a photo of a little blue battery operated boyfriend. Please think about these things as you post.

Oleg, thank you for a fine illustration. Don't stop producing attention getting posters such as this one. A suggestion to avoid offending the puritanical amongst us (not meant as offensive, just descriptive), perhaps a link to your site for the option of viewing?
May be somewhat 'after the fact'

as Oleg has said in a previous post that he would ponder a similar message with different imagery. However, as this is 'The High Road', and it can be viewed by anyone over the I-net, the alternative imagery would be a better vehicle of the message. There are evidently a number of families with children on the forum, and as they can't be policed 100% of the time,...etc... Childhood is too short these days. I certainly do appreciate the efforts that Oleg takes in getting the truth out, but there are better, more High Road ways of doing it. Just my opinion.
However, as this is 'The High Road', and it can be viewed by anyone over the I-net, the alternative imagery would be a better vehicle of the message.

Images of guns make some people uncomfortable too.
A suggestion to avoid offending the puritanical amongst us (not meant as offensive, just descriptive),
This is not descriptive. I am not a Puritan. I am a Presbyterian.

It is odd that so many members can make such a judgement of a person's character based on internet posts. It is odd that a West Pac sailor such as I, who has lived and loved in Bangkok and Subic Bay is called a Puritan. You, sir, do not know me. I have refrained from making judgements of other member's sexual viewpoints based on their opinion of a single image. How is it that this courtesy is so difficult to reciprocate?

I do not believe Oleg will cease his work based on opinions voiced here. Let's get back to critiquing the poster rather than each other.


1. of or relating to Puritans or Puritanism
2. exaggeratedly proper; "my straitlaced Aunt Anna doesn't approve of my miniskirts"
3. morally rigorous and strict; "the puritan work ethic"; "puritanic distaste for alcohol"; "she was anything but puritanical in her behavior" [syn: blue]

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
I'm a little late on this discussion with internet problems running amok.

I will preface my statements by saying that I am a friend of Hellsbelle's. She was actually staying at my house in TN when the photos were taken!

I find the poster (all versions) a very dramatic statement - and I think that's what oleg intended. It's meant to grab your attention by using the vibrator that, for some, may be disturbing or offensive.

Now I ddo see the point of view of the paretns - this is not a poster I would show my children (if I had any), but there are LOTS of things in the general TV, public, line of sight that I find offensive for children. It IS the job of a parent to shelter, protect, and provide age appropriate explanations as the PARENT sees fit.

I think that there is a place, time, setting, and audience that needs to hear the message on this poster. YMMV
I haven't read the whole thread yet, so maybe my opinion will change when (if?) I slog through it all.

However, that said, I like the poster. I saw it and left a positive comment on Oleg's LiveJournal. It was something to the effect that "here's a poster you can hang at the local NRA meeting and at the local college's 'Womyn's Issues' meeting and get a good discussion in either place. Thought provoking."

I stand by that. It looks like it's provoked a lot of thought and discussion here.

Now, I am NOT saying this to insult anyone, but I think a lot of people ARE having the reaction to that vibrator that anti-gunners would have to that revolver. It's an emotional reaction, a discomfort, maybe a feeling that a child might see this, and how do I explain it to that child?

This might be a good time to think about who those anti-gunners are and WHY they do what they do. If you're feeling that way about something as harmless as a vibrator, then you understand how a person can simultaneously know all the intellectual arguments for freedom and yet feel deeply that what's in front of him is somehow indecent and should at the least be hidden. In other words, you're seeing how hard it is for an anti-gunner to set aside emotion and force himself to tolerate another person's judgment of decency, morality, utility or whatever.

Empathy is usually useful, and I don't see it here very often.
Now, I am NOT saying this to insult anyone, but I think a lot of people ARE having the reaction to that vibrator that anti-gunners would have to that revolver. It's an emotional reaction, a discomfort, maybe a feeling that a child might see this, and how do I explain it to that child?

I know you're not, Don, and I appreciate that. However, I have never run into an anti-gun person who had that kind of reaction. Kids see guns all the time. From their childhoods, they play guns, they see them on TV, they see them in movies...heck, they see them if all you take your kid to is Bambi. People have a visceral reaction to guns that has nothing to do with the use of a vibrator in posters. They fear guns, because (and every anti I've ever known has been) they are absolutely CERTAIN that they'll go off by themselves. Every one. They loathe guns, because they loathe the violence of society and they have bought the rhetoric that if there were no guns there would be no violence. We know that's not true, but they believe it. And they may fear them because they've been the victims of violence.

This has nothing to do with vibrators on a poster. I do not mean to continue to beat a dead horse here, because Oleg has said he's looking for other images, and I'm glad he is. Vibrators offend people's sense of decency in the public place. Private is a whole 'nuther matter. I don't care how many vibrators, of what color, and for what use, ANYBODY has. I agree it's none of the government's business, and the Mississippi legislature is stupid beyond words. That does not mean that it is less an offense to public decency to put one up on a poster.

Put one of those up in an NRA meeting and you'll get some reactions just like mine and others'. I am a life NRA member. And I don't like the vibrator on the poster.

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@ springmom

That does not mean that it is less an offense to public decency to put one up on a poster.
Put one of those up in an NRA meeting and you'll get some reactions just like mine and others'. I am a life NRA member. And I don't like the vibrator on the poster.

Is there anything more offensive about the vibrator than there is about a tampon or a suppository? I'm just trying to gauge what it is about the vibrator that you find offensive. There are some here who don't like the phallic comparison, but that is a different issue from yours, I suspect. It seems to me that you wouldn't tolerate that vibrator on ANY poster, never mind Oleg's.
I'm trying to wrap my mind around a poster with an open tampon on it. My mind may explode :neener: :D

Society has lost its common sense on this. NOTHING is private anymore. Our generation took EVERYTHING and "let it all hang out" (how long's it been since you read that phrase? :D) As I said in an earlier post, we shill drugs for genital herpes, get to listen to commericals for tampons and Preparation H , all in prime time. There was a time when not only were children told "that's none of your business" but adults, too, "just didn't talk about that" in public.

That's apparently gone. And that's a loss. In those days, people knew perfectly well what a vibrator was, how to use it, and where to buy one. They knew what Preparation H was, didn't need reminding in the middle of the nightly news. They knew what KY jelly was, and didn't need a 30-second soft porn movie to tell them what they could use it for. Neither do we, of course, but that's what we get.

There is a huge difference between fiercely defending the right of anybody to own whatever sex toy they want, and thinking that it belongs on a poster in public. There just IS. And this is not "puritanical" :fire: It's a matter of good taste, a matter of keeping the public square a family place (and this High Road has always aimed to BE a family-oriented place, not an "adults only" venue). We as a society have utterly abandoned good taste and restraint in favor of utterly unlimited expression of everything, anytime, anywhere, in any way.

Does that help?

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