Concealing NFA items in Colorado?

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No intent to stir "stuff" up, as you put it. If legally able to, why should you worry about the why of it?
I've thought of a way to further complicate this. What if someone had one of the rare Glock happy switches. The Glock pistol itself isn't the 'machine gun'. Just the piece that makes it go full auto (it's changeable between pistols). So if installed on say, your Glock 17, is it no longer a pistol?
That would fall under the definition of machine gun, both by Colorado state law and Federal law.
kurtmax, the part ALONE is considered the machine gun. And, if you have one of those, AND you have a Glock handgun, even though it is not installed, you have a machine gun.

To the original poster:

Can you carry an AOW/SBR/SBS/full auto in your State? I don't know. I have no idea what the law in CO is concerning this.

But, let's say that you DO carry one. And you DO have to shoot someone. Your troubles might well be many and often--ESPECIALLY if the firearm used is a SBS.

The media will crucify you. The cops might look upon you with a jaundiced eye--and in the civil suit that WILL follow, you will be drawn and quartered, because someone carrying one of those is just LOOKING to kill someone.

At least, that's what the commentary will be.

Does this make sense?

And, all the rhetoric spouting, firebreating defenders of your RAHTS, and all the rabid no-compromise posters on this and other RKBA boards won't be there--and won't put one PENNY toward your defense, when all that you have earned and all that you WILL earn in your life is on the line--because little Tommy Thug's heartbroken mother is on the stand, telling the jury in the tort case how little Tommy had been almost cut in half by that mean man's shotgun--why, he WANTED to kill someone, that's why carried it!!!!! :what:

I hope you get my point here, friend. This is reality talking.

I didn't say anything about carrying just a SBS or NFA item. I would be carrying something else for defense, not the NFA item.

I'm talking about a legally registered part here. How does it make all of your pistols into machine guns when only one part is registered? What if you have the part installed one one of your pistols and not the rest. It's not as if you have to register all your pistols as well.
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