Could be the answer to our political dreams?

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May 28, 2004
Saw this on the news over the weekend.

Looks like the elitist liberals are so fed up they are talking about secession and forming the "Republic of California"

I found most of the articles thoroughly entertaining.

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Can I join General Sherman Jr's army and put LA and SF to the torch?
Same old tired leftist divisiveness and hatemongering. It never works for them, but they continue to do it. Insanity can be described as doing the same thing over and over and expecting the results to change.
No need to burn LA. We'll just shut off their flow of Colorado river water. It would be nice to see Lake Powell full again.
boofus- Can I join General Sherman Jr's army and put LA and SF to the torch?

Come to Atlanta or Birmingham and say that, see how long it takes someone to walk up and punch you in the face.

I heard that Jersey Yankee that has that Savage Nation show say once that we should take Iraqi cities like Grant took Richmond or Sherman took Atlanta. I thought to myself, now there is a good indicator of how long the Iraqis will hate us, here we are 150 years after Sherman's march, and I'll still remember to teach my kids that the last army that raped and pillaged here was the army of the US of A. And never trust a damn yankee or shelter him or help him in any way.

Don't misunderstand, I don't like California either. Personally, I propose sinking it off the coast, but I'd also vote to sink NY and NJ too, even if we had to give up Maine to do it. And in the last 4 or 5 years I have also begun to consider the idea of seeing if Mexico would be interested in taking back Texas, now that its principal export is rich yankee republicans.
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And never trust a damn yankee or shelter him or help him in any way.

Woo! Teh High Road!

My parents are from Texas and Kentucky. I'm from Idaho, but live in Ohio. What does that make me?
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And never trust a damn yankee or shelter him or help him in any way.
Uh, it's over. The south lost, Roland. A long time ago.
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And never trust a damn yankee or shelter him or help him in any way.

I grew up in NYC and didnt like it. I live in the south now and own many guns. Does this still make me a yankee?

My ancestors didnt participate in either side of the war, btw. They were in ye british isles at the time (most of them anyway). One of my ancestors fought in the Boer War.
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California has every right to secede from the Union.

Hopefully, if they do so legally (via their legislature), the Union will not spend any blood or money trying to prevent them or force them back into the voluntary Union like the Union did with the Southern States.

They would be a most excellent trading partner, no?

Would they elect Arnold as their President? Would Washington and Oregon go with them? That sure would be interesting.
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Roland of Gilead,

The war has been over for a long time, get over it. I might be from the frozen North but do you think I am more of a threat to you than Arkansas born Bill Clinton? I can name plenty of antis and socialists from the South, are they friends while freedom loving people for smaller government from the North are the enemy?

There is not the slightest chance in hell that the US Govt will allow California to secede, if for no other reason that it is a huge security risk. Imagine California secedes and they get friendly with their ideological brothers in Beijing, and they for a mutual defense pact and before we know if China had nukes on the Mainland North America aimed at US targets. No, California is going no where, the Socialists should try Canada for their little project.
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Would they elect Arnold as their President? Would Washington and Oregon go with them? That sure would be interesting.

The next question is would Cali, Washington and Oregon themselves split? The mountain passes would make good defensible borders in my opinion.

I'd hate to see the folks on the eastern side of the mountains stuck with the problems the coast will cause them.
Want to make it more confusing? I lived in Louisiana and Georgia for a good part of my life. :)

I'm still waiting on an answer from Roland, though.
Roland - I grew up in upstate NY (until 10), and near Philly (until 16). I've also lived in OR (grad from HS), FL (college), AZ (college and jobs after), KS (internship in college), and New Zealand (as an exchange student in High School). I nearly took a job in AL. I only took the job in AZ because of better pay and vacation time. My dad grew up in DE, and NJ. His dad in NE. My mom was born in OH and grew up in OR before moving to DC after college. I find your statements deeply offensive, and frankly un-American. I don't care who someone is, where they grew up, where their family is from, or any of that crap. All I care about is if someone is a decent person. I understand the statement from boofus offended you, but that was way, way over the line for a response.

You won't trust me, give me shelter if in need, or help me in any way becuase of where I spent the first 16 years of my life? Well that tells me about all I really need to know about you. If we ever meet, and you're in need I hope I can forget those statements and show you the charity I've shown others in need of food, and gas to get to a new town (and job). If you're not in need, I hope I can still shake your hand as a fellow American, and not have it rejected because I'm some "goddamn yankee."
Roland, I have never heard a more concise and thouroughly effecient confirmation of every single negative steriotype I have ever heard about Southerners. Based on my contact with others from your region I feel that it is safe to say that you are the exception rather than the rule. I just hope that others realise that rather than basing their opinion of your fellow Southerners on you.
I say let em try. It won't go anywhere, and they will use up a lot of money that would otherwise go to socialist/leftist causes.
Where would California get their power if they left (pun intended)? Don't they have to buy the majority share of their electricity from out of state? Lack of home generated power seems to be their achilles heel.

It'll never happen, but it's fun to think about. How would we rescue the pro gunners and real conservatives who would be trapped there. You know the left wing governments of past history and even present day, never let their people leave willingly, at least not permanently. I suppose they could travel to Las Vegas and then apply for political asylum.
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