Cover garments In the wind

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Jan 25, 2011
So i live in South FL. and on rare occasion carry a 4 inch revolver in a shoulder holster under and unbuttoned shirt. My shirt if not buttoned at the bottom wants to blow open in the wind. My question is those of you who always carry under vest or unbuttoned shirts how do you deal with the wind blowing open your cover garment ?
Happened to me the first time I carried. I stepped out of the truck, shut the door and the wind blew my shirt back over and behind my OWB holster. Several people were around me and I'm sure some of them had to see it. I've read suggestions about sewing fishing weights into the fabric along the bottom but haven't taken that step yet. For now I just hold the tail when in the wind or button the middle button which works well for OWB but might be a hinderence for shoulder holster.
I generally ignore it when the wind blows my shirt back. It happens frequently as I'm walking through parking lots and no one ever notices.

No one is looking. They're too wrapped up in their own lives to pay attention to you.
Weight down low is the trick, and stiffness of fabric helps a bit too. I use a 5.11 vest with ammo, lights, knives, etc. in the lower pockets. This also helps you fling the garment out of the way (and have it stay) when drawing.
I carry IWB at about 4 o'clock and wind is a problem for me too. But my method of carry allows me to simply button my shirt and drive on. The disadvantage is that on hot, breezy summer days it's not as comfortable as being unbuttoned.

Good luck!
45crittergitter wrote:
Weight down low is the trick, and stiffness of fabric helps a bit too.

A couple of old time tricks including adding a length of weight to the bottom of a untucked shirt used as a cover garment. Just add a "length" of weight such as fishing sinkers, plumbers lead, etc, to the inside seam of bottom of shirt. Using a thin drinking straw, cut in short lengths, with sinkers, to allow for "natural" flow of shirt hems work.

Expedient? Bell sinker afixed with a safety pin. [Yep, I have done this in Florida myself].

Light jacket? Use a heavier zipper pull. I have also used a clip on badge dealie, with a couple of keys.

Think out of the box.
Don't worry, most folks are oblivious to CCW, and those that are will be "our kind" will simply grin and appreciate you sharing a tip with them.

Being in Oregon, me putting on a shirt that covers the gun is considered concealed, so I am in the clear if the wind shows my OWB gun. Were I to really, really try and conceal, which I have done before, it usually happens with jackets. And in that case my cellphone goes on the gun side. That'll hold it down well.
Another reason for pocket carry.
I find one of the best ways to pin down a jacket in the wind is to stick your hands in your pants pockets. Works, and doesn't look odd.

However, it may slow your access to your gun. Unless there is also a gun in one of those pockets. :evil:

Around here, having your legal CCW gun exposed can turn into a really big deal, so it's something I work to avoid.
Experiment. I have found that buttoning an middle button works as well. With my vest there is an snapped loop I use plus extra ammo on the gun side pocket.
I know it matters in Florida, but it doesn't matter here. My concealed pistol license merely allows me the option to carry concealed, it (and the law) does not obligate me to conceal nor does it specify how concealed it has to be. So printing or wind-induced-exposure don't matter. Another reason NOT to pocket carry!

The way I see it, I was carrying concealed then momentarily carrying open! :D
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So i live in South FL. and on rare occasion carry a 4 inch revolver in a shoulder holster under and unbuttoned shirt. My shirt if not buttoned at the bottom wants to blow open in the wind. My question is those of you who always carry under vest or unbuttoned shirts how do you deal with the wind blowing open your cover garment ?
Just stick your hand into your pant's pocket on the gun side. Keeps the shirt from flying open.

Or keep your keys (or coke can or news paper or hat, etc..) in the hand that is on the side the gun is. Keep them close to your body.

I have CCW'ed for well over 34 years.

And I go out of my way to assure that I am CARRYING CONCEALED.

Once when I was LEO it was asked of my why I was unarmed,I told that friend that I was concealing a S&W 6 1/2" barreled model 29 [ .44 magnum ].btw I am 5'4" and weigh about 180 then.

It is a study and somewhat of a science to carry and conceal.

I am aware that the wind can open and expose my weapon,so I just hold by arms to my body while in the wind.

That is IF there is a chance it would expose me.

It is the same a shooting,training and nothing makes up for it.
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