Crap, not again... 5 shot in Chicago...

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Mike Irwin

Dec 22, 2002
Below the Manson-Nixon line in Virginia...
Off the Reuters/Yahoo news wire:

CHICAGO (Reuters) - A man who may have been a disgruntled employee shot five people on Wednesday before being wounded and taken into custody, police said.

Police stormed a used auto parts facility and exchanged gunfire with the unidentified gunman before he was taken away in handcuffs, Chicago Police Department spokesman Pat Camden said.

"It appears he could have been a disgruntled employee," Camden told reporters. He did not elaborate.

A local television station, WMAQ-TV, reported one of the victims was killed.
Why can't these types of people just admit their failures and quietly hang themselves or start the car in the garage or something ?????:rolleyes:
I also would like to know where he got the gun.................aren't they illegal in Chi-town ?
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Yep, all those laws preventing ownership of firearms in Chicago are certainly preventing crimes committed with guns, aren't they?
its all about SPIN

We can turn this, and every other situation like it to our advantage if we try LOUD and hard enough!

Allow me to ramble and explain...
I was thinking about the tounge-in-cheek comments that "its not an assault rifle, its a HOMELAND DEFENSE RIFLE". Truth be said, that phrase should be adopted in all seriousness! The politicians define their own terms, that way they can "interpret the law" any way they want... I mean, they can DO anything they want.
If we begin to define our own term "Homeland defense arms" then WE drive the train. And those 3 words are all non-evil sounding, so far.

Now back to Chicago...

We LOUD and OFTEN e-mail and call the MEDIA (mostly) and demand an explaination, "Guns are illegal in Chicago. All thier gun laws didn't save those 5 people. Gun control gets people killed. This never happens in Alaska or Vermont!"

Can you please comment, Mr. O'Reilly?

Do not say,"How can this happen?" that allows them the control of the answer which will be: we didn't have enough laws, we need more- here and everywhere to prevent this from happening again.

We need to take and keep control.

well, to be fair, bad things happen ANYwhere, to ANYone, no matter if there is strict gun control laws or not. the difference is, that should something like that happen in alaska, theres a good chance the disgruntled employee may have fire returned.

we still have crime. our local law enforcement (not putting them down in any way) has been more concerned with 'trivial' matters, like dog leash laws, and has asked for VOLUNTEERS to patrol bike trails in the wake of attempted rapes on our bike trail systems. the priorities definitely need readjustment.

muggings and home invasions are rarer up here, because as john lott discovered, criminals know they would risk getting killed by an armed homeowner or person on the street. criminals expend their efforts casing neighborhoods to find out when homeowners are away.
3 years I did inside the belly of beast called Chicago. Three years of continual bleating about "guns causing violence." Three years of seeing disarmed good people pushed around by heavily armed thugs inside the government and out. Three years of hiding my guns and my fellows comparing me to gangsters or maniacs because I knew an automatic rifle from an automatic first down.

Maybe this will be the last straw and the sheople will now realize they need to care for themselves?:(
I am sick to death about hearing of last straws. People don't have last straws. Millions of people have been trampled and killed by their government proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no (sometimes explenatives are warranted but still not used in polite company) last straw. We are doomed.

:Wishing for the speedy return of the Gods of the Copybook Headings.:
The Chicago Seven

I am LEO from NW Ind and I can't carry in Chicago. Anywhere else in Illinois is ok, because they recip their state carry laws with ours. But NOT the city of Chicago. I am reminded of a movie about New Yorkers, where the perps are emboldened by an unarmed populace. If they thought about 1/2 of their intended victims would probably be armed, how bold would they be?? As an LEO I am not the least bit afraid of an armed law abiding citizen. Now come Friday night and the golden elixer gets to flowing, put your guns away, alcohol and guns should never be seen together. But then, on this thread, I'm preaching to the choir, right?
Criminal Safety Zone

Cpileri is right. 6 citizens and one BG dead while waiting for 911 to kick in. If deceased #2 could have owned a legal 1911 instead of 911, the score might have been only one dead citizen and one dead BG.

If only it saves one life! :rolleyes: Bah!
Cpeliri's trick works ! The old "Jedi Mind Control" trick of directing a conversation to get a positive response is worthy of any conversation. The key is to carefully choose your words.
Why do we see all of these workplace and school shootings? They never used too happen even though there were plenty of guns around. So what happened? The media happened. Any time one of these things happen anywhere in the country they pick it up and sensationalize it all they can. The big plus is if you can get a few emotional words out of a shocked survivor. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING goes so long, as they say, “it sells papers†(or TV Adds, or whatever). What’s a little blood and gore on one’s hands so long as the circulation or rating numbers go up?

The people who do these things are sick. What they need is a little encouragement and direction. They can get back at those they think did them wrong, and go out in a blaze of media glory. What fruitcake could ask for anything more?

So long as we are held hostage by a corrupt media that only cares for themselves nothing will change. And since they don’t want any attention drawn to themselves a scapegoat will be needed.

That’s why the gun did it …..
I tend to think you are right about the media, though there is the possiblity that the freqency of the these events has not increased, but only the attention given them has made it seem so. Does anyone know?
I don't see how there could possibly be reliable statistics going back more than 70 or 80 years, but if you believe this sort of thing never happened before, do a search for Bath, Michigan, and the name Andrew Kehoe.
I guess I'm getting cynical. I know I should be praying for the victims, and the families, yet all that runs through my head is "Please, Lord, let it NOT be a handgun!"

Also, "Please, dear Lord, let this not be spark that ignites a whole new spate of laws like the Brady Bill. Please make others realize that firearm education and enforcement of existing laws can work.)"

Yes. The crime rate in Texas is down significantly since CHL came into effect. No BG in his right mind wants to confront a Texan with a gun! :)
A few questions leap to mind. Actually they are the same questions I posed immediately after the Meridian, MS Lockheed shooting.

>how many reports did management have of this guy state of mind?

2>How many co-workers had conversations with the guy where he discussed "getting even."

3>What is Lockheed's personnel policy on legally licensed employees carrying handguns on company property?

4>How many of those shot and either wounded or killed were legally licensed to carry concealed handguns?

5>How many people in the vicinity of those wounded or killed were legally licensed to carry concealed hanguns?

I can't wait for the media to answer my questions.
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