David Lee Roth...

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Is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance

Shouldn't the character and ability of the person involved be considered instead of some arbitrary law passed by alcohol-drinking hypocrites? There was an insane time in this country when alcohol was prohibited. Should those who ignored that prohibition have been barred from owning and using firearms? Of course not.

And how many other laws do those here break everyday? Like speeding? Speeding could arguably cause many innocent deaths.

Yeah, I know people are going to jump on me about this. I'm used to it, and I don't even use drugs. In fact, I average less than a drink a week. But I know enough about history and human behavior (I've got two recovering-alcoholic parents) to know ain't nobody gonna stop drug use except the user.

If DLR owns and uses guns responsibly, I have no problem what idiotic substance he puts in his body, even though I may not agree with his use. It's not ipso facto that since he uses drugs he is not a responsible citizen. This kind of "thinking" has helped to bar citizens from hunting or owning/possessing guns because of non-violent domestic charges for life. (I consider anything short of actual hitting to be non-violent behavior. Yelling and verbal abuse should not count. If it did, few married men here would pass this test.)

Man, talk about going off on tangents...
She said Charles Cooley, 47, was being pursued by officers responding to complaints of someone throwing rocks at windows around 2 a.m. Saturday.

Its Ernest T. Bass! :what:
But supposedly Steve Tyler is a gun guy, too.
As is Joe Perry. Uncle Ted's dubbed them the "Rootin',No More Tootin',Shootin' Ballistic Twins". Kinda got a ring to it.
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