Defence against vicious dogs

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Jul 26, 2007
Everett, WA
A friend of mine has a Level 3 sex offender living across the street who has 2 pit bulls which have menaced my friend in his own yard on numerous occasions. I suggested that he buy a can of long-range wasp and hornet killer and give the dogs a blast of that next time they approach him on his own property. To make a long story short, a 3-second blast had the dog yelping on the ground and unable to continue to be a threat. Don't know about the legality of using it on people, but it sure works on dogs.
they make stuff called "muzzle" that is sorta like pepper spray for dogs. probably similar stuff but just marketed that way to make it "special".
i'd imagine a good, longer range bear spray would be just as good, if not better.

lastly, they make ultrasonic deterrents... about the size of a garage door opener or smaller. point at the offending canid and push the button to release an ultrasonic noise that the dogs don't like.

aside from that, a good, long range squirt gun with a noxious irritant (but NO poison- bad idea!) like rubbing alcohol, some sort of dilute hot sauce, etc.
50/50 water.ammonia mix in a squirt bottle is a good dog deterrent, hit them on the face, the ammonia attacks the sensitive olfatory nerves on the nose with no permanent damage.
dogs agressive in my yard equals dead dogs. My wife has a daycare with small children I won't take a chance .............:fire::fire:
Don't underestimate Felons and their ability to use the law against you.

Using toxic materials in any manner not intended can get you in trouble.

If you shoot my dogs with a can of wasp spray, I will have you arrested, file every charge against you that I can and sue you as well. I'd expect the felon to do the same.

Get large cans of pepperspray or even bear spray. Call the police to deal with vicious dogs.
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Using pepper spray good.

Advising your friend to use hornet spray was a huge mistake and can land him in jail (where he could be introduced to other sex offenders). Blinding and/or maiming the animal is not the appropriate first step in dealing with the problem.

Never advise anyone to use bug spray except where they're denied the right to defend themselves with OC or firearms.

Did you advise him to contact animal control? The police? File a complaint? Have the animals picked up? Establish that they were dangerous? Without those steps you've potentially made him the criminal and the sex offender can ruin his life legally.
BUG spray???

"but it sure works on dogs"

From one that owns and breeds LARGE protection dogs (BoerBoels) Im hoping the above stated was just from text and NOT expierence. Almost all jurisdictions...will indeed add "cruetly to"... to any pending charges if used as and document accordingly PLEASE.

if he is a sex offender, there is a chance he is on parol. If he is I would talk to his PO...
i use pepper spray.other peoples pets should not be my problem.if when i take a walk and dogs come after me,bark,growl,harrass,or anything else,i have a tiny can and i just spray a small burst of pepper spray into the air.usually the dogs will go far away without having to be sprayed in the face.if they need a spray in the face,then tough for them.i have a right to a peaceful walk.
Don't underestimate Felons and their ability to use the law against you.

Call the cops and report the dogs. Then if and when a more serious problem occurs you'll be on record with a complaint.

yeah that would be a better can't spray them all the time.reporting it would be better.i'd still get the spray just in case though.

As someone who's bred and trained American Pitbull Terriers for more than 35 years I've got to tell you that I find your post to be highly offensive. You and your friend are punishing a dumb animal for the owner's sins. Wasp killer is both carcinogenic as well as highly toxic.

In plain English that was a rotten thing to do. The situation could have been handled in a variety of other perfectly legal and less cruel ways. I despise sex offenders; but I, also, loath people who are cruel to animals with equal contempt.

Any animal that hasn't been specifically trained against the technique is a pushover for food. Next time you and your friend get ready to pull a, 'Saddam Hussein' on a poor dumb beast remember that dog biscuits work just as well. (Unless, of course, the two of you have some psychological issues of your own that need to be worked out.) :fire:
Steak, Ground Beef

We had a vicious dog living next to us about 15 years ago. I always felt like the thing wanted to eat me alive. My wife on the other hand had a better idea. She fed it hamburgers fresh off the grill or at times even steak. I started tossing him a burger almost every time I walked past. Case in point; the menace of the neighborhood gained a few pounds and lost a lot of attitude in the process. He still guards his own fenced domain, but he is a lot more quiet and always happy to see us walk by. This was done with pure beef no additives or chemicals.
MUCH good advise above, and assuming the dog has NO allergies (My dogs eat from NO hand outside the pack period, its sends the EXACT opposite signal to those trained accordingly) NO doubt they appreciate the ALL beef snack, especially one with good intentions such as yours:) BUT since most of these threads seem to go the same direction let me please point out the obvious. THIS IS AN Owner Problem/Issue NOT so much an ANIMAL issue and should be addressed directly for best results IMO. 98% of these very similar situations stem from IRResponsible people NOT pups:evil:....Just a though ;):eek:

Isn't giving the thing food a bad thing if it's attacking you?
It may be the owner's fault the dog is that way, but if the dog intends to hurt or kill me, I intend to make sure it doesn't.
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