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Dennis Miller on the ACLU

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Jan 1, 2003
Ground Zero
God I like this guy! :D

ACLU Hasn't A-C-L-U-E
Saturday, November 01, 2003

By Dennis Miller

Hey, get this...I want to talk about the ACLU which, quite frankly, doesn’t have an A-C-L-U-E anymore.

The ACLU worked to postpone the California Recall, is fighting to get rid of public displays of the Ten Commandments, fighting against the Boy Scouts and for NAMBLA , the North American Man-Boy Love Association. Working to defend their rights! In short, on the wrong side of almost every issue. The American Civil Liberties Union is imploding and the wide array of life options it endorses seems to no longer include a belief in the traditional American way.

They have no use for common sense; they think it’s common. The big ACLU push during the holidays now is to get rid of public depictions of the Nativity Scene during Christmas. Yeah, that’s what’s wrong with the country, plastic depictions of Christ's birth. The ACLU has now degenerated to the point where they’ll fight against your right to erect a Nativity Scene but they’ll fight for the right of the local freak who stumbles into the scene and fondles one of the sheep.

Not that they’re always wrong. The ACLU is now helping to overturn a Mississippi state law that prohibits homosexual couples in that state from adopting children and I believe that is a fair-minded cause. But you know folks, while I’m not an expert on the subject, if you’re gay and you’ve chosen to set up shop in Mississippi, well even I’m reasonably sure that you’re not equipped to adopt children.

ACLU lawyers love to lounge around in the self-righteous ether until the 'atrocity alarm' goes off and then it’s down the fire pole, into their Bass Weejuns and right out the door to provide immediate succor and aid to the worst humanity has to offer, gallingly, all in the name of humanity.

And they always bring up our forefathers and say they were civil libertarians. C’mon, our forefathers would have never tolerated any of this current-day crap. For God’s sake, they were blowin’ guys' heads off because they put a tax on their breakfast beverage! And it wasn’t even coffee! Imagine how nuts they would have been on a 4-shot espresso.

Let me get this straight. We don’t hate people who prey on children anymore? Did I miss a meeting? Well, if we’re not gonna go sling blade on predators just tell me cause if that’s the case I’m gonna go live in Alec Baldwinia.

Got that?

LINK- http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,101939,00.html
I'd caution folks trying to gage his (or any other comedian's) politics based on what he says. Remember, he's a COMEDIAN. He'll take any "position," so long as there is a punchline at the end. That's neither good nor bad; that's comedy.

On the ACLU topic, I'd be inclined to agree with his point of view. The First Ammendment protects alot of things. It doesn't protect newsletters put out by the boy-buggering set that provide how-to instructions for getting away with child rape.

In more general terms, it seems like alot of formerly grass-roots organizations that were concieved for noble reasons have degenerated into a mix of malice, self-aggrandizement, and bad comedy. NOW comes to mind here... it is a long way from "equal pay for equal work" and "prosecution rates for rape are a joke" to the present fruitiness involving the vehement defense of women who drown their children in the bathtub, etc.
I saw Dennis Miller live in September. This was one of his funnier bits. The best ones were about all the Democratic Presidential candidates. No matter how he feels about guns, I think it's safe to say he's seen the error of his ways...politically, at least. However, nobody's perfect.
The First Ammendment protects alot of things. It doesn't protect newsletters put out by the boy-buggering set that provide how-to instructions for getting away with child rape.

Sorry. It does. Speech is speech.

No matter how unpleasant and illegal USING the words may be, the words are protected.

Freedom's a bitch, ain't it?

. The ACLU has now degenerated to the point where they’ll fight against your right to erect a Nativity Scene

No, just fight against the STATE erecting one. Big difference, left out, presumably, for the sake of comedy.
No matter how he feels about guns, I think it's safe to say he's seen the error of his ways...politically, at least.

I have to echo what Mr. Smith said earlier -- he's a paid performer. He has a financial stake in appealing to his audience. Now that Bush's approval rate is substantial and the Democrats are unorganized, it makes sense to ping on them.

If, in 2 years we're in the Dean administration, Miller will be cracking jokes about the Iraq debacle.

Carlin did the same thing -- the bit about Reagan's gang (400+ indictments and arrests within first administration; preventative arrest) then switched to G H W Bush, then started attacking Clinton once the impeachment bit got into full swing.

It's entertainment, take it as that.

As for the larger matter of the ACLU:
Yes, they take some godawful cases. They threatened to sue my high school because my principal instituted a breathalyzer test for anyone trying to attend dances.

That said, they do some good, and they frequently take cases where no one else is willing to get involved.

As for "ACLU = American Criminal's Lobby and Union." Maybe. But if they were amenable to the second amendment, who else would be stepping up to defend someone with the wrong gas piston in a FAL?
Sorry. It does. Speech is speech.

Not true. Your statement is objectively false. Legally speaking, not all speech is protected. Nor should it be. Child pornography is a form of "speech," too. It is also (depending on the form it takes, e.g. video or photographs) direct evidence of the crime of child molestation. Of course, there is no right to take part in a crime either, even if you are only involved verbally or in writing... another case of "unprotected speech" (aka conspiracy to commit a crime, conspiracy after the fact, aiding and abetting, et. al.)

But to be more precise, NAMBLA has no right to exist at all, since by they are a criminal enterprise. We might as well be talking about the Mafia's right to publish a newsletter... the organizations in question have no right to exist at all. Therefore, protecting their free-speech rights is absurd.

A newsletter about how to commit an act IS protected under the first ammendment. The difference between that and videos is that a crime has occured in the video already. Conspiracy actually requires some act in furtherance of the crime. A publication by itself does not meet that standard. A publication on how to rape is no different than the many publications at every gun show on how to build silencers and bombs. It is the same on showing on the internet how to build a nuke. It is protected. True it doesnt take much to change that into a conspiracy but there is still a line there.

In general the only speech that needs to be protected is the speech that is not popular. Saying that "I like puppies" doesnt need protecting. Saying "I hate ..... because he is.........." is what the first amendment was meant to protect.
No matter how unpleasant and illegal USING the words may be, the words are protected.

Great! Why don't you start a web site devoted to showing how to convert common semi's into automatic weapons? I'm sure the ACLU will come along and help out after the BATF blows in your doors, shoots your pets and drags you away to prison.

Really... the ACLU will be right there for you, honest... trust me on this...

Dennis Miller had begun his "conversion" as far back at the Clinton administration.

I recall him applauding the writing of Peggy Noonan on MNFootball of all places (Al Michaels agreed), this was long before 9/11 and Dubya's high poll ratings.

He has done numerous interviews about his "conversion." In a nutshell, he said the policies the Democrats were touting began to make less and less sense to him. If you care about this issue, and I doubt you really do, you can look them up on the web.

Why don't you start a web site devoted to showing how to convert common semi's into automatic weapons?

That information is legal and available.


or perhaps this bestseller....


Full Auto Modification Manual
Item # C-9260
Here, in one book, are the full plans and instructions for the conversion to selective fire of 7 of the most popular weapons. Includes plans for the HK 91, HK93, Mac-10, Mac-11, AR-15, Mini-14 and the M1 Carbine. 51/2 x 81/2, 71 pages, softcover, illus.

Full Auto Conversions
Yeah, I know it's available. Most of that stuff was distributed by an outfit in Boulder Colorado called Palladin Press and they were raided several times and got caught up in numerous legal fights.

I don't know if they are still in business, but the ACLU never showed up to help them. The ACLU never shows up to help in second amendment cases. And they don't show in first amendment cases where the seond amendment comes into play - as in Palladin Press.

Amazing what you can find with a quick google search:


Rice v. Palladin Enterprises, Inc. (96-31). The legal question in this case is whether the publisher of a book that tells how to commit murder and get away with it (the so-called "Hit Man Manual") can be held liable to the heirs of victims who were killed by a person who followed the instructions in the book.
In 1996 we filed an amicus brief in the district court, together with the ACLU of Maryland, the ACLU of Colorado (where the publisher is located), and the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, arguing that under the First Amendment the publisher of a general-circulation book, magazine or newspaper is not legally responsible for crimes committed by people who read the material. The district court (Williams, J.) agreed and dismissed the case.
Why are there so few people who support the whole bill of rights?

Gun owners who only care about the second and want to outlaw homosexuality are just as bad as liberals (including our president) who want to outlaw guns.

And the ACLU, generally takes cases in the defense of liberty... even though they fail to recognize the second ammendment. They're no worse, and no better, they're typical.
I've never seen a gun owner defending the 2nd Amendment while calling to make homosexuality illegal. Most don't care what people do in their homes. They do tend to be against any laws that allow same sex marriages.

Groups focusing on the other Amendments, yet fighting against the 2nd, fall into a couple of categories. The rich, that can hire armed bodyguards (ie Rosie), want to ban guns from all others because they are scared of them. The ACLU is anti-American and fights anything that is a danger to their socialist agenda. Gun owners are a serious danger to their desire to change America into a communist state.

Most believe that the average American citizen is simply too stupid to be allowed to own firearm. Therefore, they are merely savings us from ourselves. If it wasn't for our single digit IQ, we'd recognize that fact and join with them in removing all guns from America.
The ACLU is anti-American and fights anything that is a danger to their socialist agenda. Gun owners are a serious danger to their desired police state.

All you do is expose your own ignorance. I tend to think that free speech, free press, free association, protection against illegal search and seizure, and voting rights are pretty American concepts.

Go tell me where the ACLU fights AGAINST something "American".

Go on. They have a web site. Go look it up.

Then tell me where they fight AGAINST the 2nd. I know, they don't support it, but it's not like they've thrown in with the Brady Bunch.

Liberals aren't always wrong, and conservatives sure as heck aren't always right.

It's a big world. Come off the range once in a while and go look at it.
Wow, been a while since I've been called ignorant.

Ever heard of Terri Schiavo? She is a comatose woman in Florida. Immediately after winning a lawsuit, her husband popped up and stated that she had told him she didn't want to be kept alive in such a condition. The only thing they are doing to keep her alive is using a feeding tube. Her parents are fighting to at least allow her to undergo therapy to see if there is any improvement before they starve her to death.

The ACLU has joined the fight to kill her. So much for protecting her rights.

Hmmm....nativity scenes on public property. So much for freedom of speech and religion.

The ACLU doesn't fight to protect rights. They fight to protect the absurd.
Ever heard of Terri Schiavo? She is a comatose woman in Florida. Immediately after winning a lawsuit, her husband popped up and stated that she had told him she didn't want to be kept alive in such a condition.

The only thing they are doing to keep her alive is using a feeding tube. Her parents are fighting to at least allow her to undergo therapy to see if there is any improvement before they starve her to death.

The ACLU has joined the fight to kill her. So much for protecting her rights.
Yeah, and as next of kin, that's his call. The woman has been a vegetable for what, twelve years, with no sign of mentation?

The ACLU is fighting to get the courts and the parents out of the loop and let the husband exercise his right as next of kin to make medical decisions. Decisions, by the way, backed by doctors, who would only profit from leaving her plugged in.

Hmmm....nativity scenes on public property. So much for freedom of speech and religion.

Freedom of speech and religion are INDIVIDUAL rights, just like the right to keep and bear arms. The whole point is that the STATE should not be in the religion business -- and that means no state churches, state mosques, state religions, state Ten Commandment monuments, state pagan statues, or state nativity scenes.

"There is a principal which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--that principle is contempt prior to investigation." - Herbert Spencer
Gun owners who only care about the second and want to outlaw homosexuality are just as bad as liberals (including our president) who want to outlaw guns.
Bad analogy. Guns are protected by the 2A. Where is homosexuality protected in the BoR.
The ACLU is fighting to get the courts and the parents out of the loop and let the husband exercise his right as next of kin to make medical decisions. Decisions, by the way, backed by doctors, who would only profit from leaving her plugged in.

People making decisions about their kin. Keep that thought in mind.

The ACLU vs. Parental Choice
By Matthew Berry

Last year, only seven percent of fourth graders at Spencer Bibbs Elementary School in Pensacola were able to score above the national average on a standardized reading comprehension test. Fully two-thirds of these students ranked in the lowest 25 percent nationally, while, amazingly, not one Bibbs fourth grader was able to place among the top 25 percent. Plainly, something is terribly wrong at Bibbs.

For the predominantly African-American parents of modest means whose children are assigned to Bibbs, our nation's promise of equal educational opportunities at times must appear to be little more than a cruel hoax. These parents see their children fall farther and farther behind, trapped in a school that is clearly failing to teach them even the basics.

Fortunately, however, the State of Florida is now offering Bibbs parents hope. Because of Governor Bush's recently enacted A+ Plan for Education, students assigned to Bibbs and other "F"-rated schools will be eligible for an opportunity scholarship, which they may use to escape from a failing school and attend a better public school or a private school. This year, students at Bibbs and one other low-performing Pensacola elementary school will be eligible for the program. Next fall, it is estimated that the list of failing schools will number between 150 and 300.

But just as many underprivileged children finally appear to have a good education within their grasp, the ACLU, teachers' unions, and the NAACP are poised to snatch it away from them. These organizations have announced that they will sue in a misguided attempt to block the opportunity scholarship program from taking effect. They claim that the program is unconstitutional because scholarships may be used at religious schools and are at odds with the state's constitutional duty to maintain a high-quality system of public education.
Bad analogy. Guns are protected by the 2A. Where is homosexuality protected in the BoR.
So is it your contention that anything not specifically mentioned in the BoR is free for government interference?
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