Did you know that the National School walkout was planned by the Organizers of the Women's March?

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Yes I did. It was "leftover" from "The Summer of Resistance" organization meetings that happened about a year ago. Women's March and others are organizing another on April 20. These are largely voter registration drives to recruit anti gun voters.

To keep this gun related, I took my daughter to the range that day. She had a great time with an old Browning ATD.
The most striking fact about these walkouts is how they became effectively a school sponsored political event in many areas.

The schoolchild’s function is not to be a sock-puppet for anybody’s partisan agenda.
See I didn't realize it and was really nervous. But now I feel better, because like, when I was in high school if some adults organized a walkout I probably would have walked out on any issue haha. Doesn't mean I'm necessarly going to grow up and vote that way.
Our adversaries are quite willing to stoop to using guileless juveniles as PR chaff in the battle for political and ideological supremacy.

Of course, this kind of politicization of kiddos has only one purpose: to advance whatever political agenda the Progressive Left whether its local or global happens to be advocating at the time. And if associating a particular political or social policy with children symbolically paints that policy with the caring brush of helping the helpless, it also tarnishes any opponents of that policy with an image of uncaring heartlessness—regardless of the merits of that opposing point of view.
Political ''human shields'' to deflect rational fact based 'attacks' on tired, hard leftist/socilaist:evil: ideals, perhaps?
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