Dingbat uses gun during 'sex play', officer shot in face!

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Dec 25, 2002

His Glock 'fired'. Glocks do that.

So, Glocks, having a mind of their own, are taken over by a fit of jealousy if you become amorous with a human?

Remember, if you ever shoot somebody, you will have amnesia afterwards, and what you said to the police was obviously coerced from you. :scrutiny: Of course, coerced, because you have amnesia. Makes sense to me.

Judge allows officer's account of shooting
By William C. Lhotka

A judge ruled Monday that prosecutors can use Thomas S. Zeigler's account of shooting a fellow St. Louis County police officer by accident during sex play - even though Zeigler now says he cannot remember it.

Judge Melvyn W. Wiesman rejected multiple defense arguments seeking to suppress from evidence the statements police say Zeigler made over several hours of questioning after the shooting on March 3.

Among the defense claims was that detectives coerced admissions from their colleague.

Zeigler will stand trial next year on charges including second-degree assault and armed criminal action.

He and Officer Patricia March, who was wounded in the face, were off duty when Zeigler's .40-caliber Glock semiautomatic pistol fired in his car parked outside his apartment in the 5500 block of Southfield Drive in south St. Louis County.

Court records show that March, 30, had follow-up facial surgery last month.

On Friday, psychologist Dan Cuneo was called by defense attorney Chet Pleban to testify in a hearing that Zeigler suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.

One of its symptoms is amnesia, and Zeigler cannot remember what happened in the pre-dawn hours of March 3, the defense alleges.

Because of the amnesia, Pleban reasoned, police must have told him what to say and he repeated it back to them.

In written arguments, Pleban also said that Zeigler's statements were made under duress and coercion. Further, Pleban argued, the department's Board of Professional Responsibility compelled statements from Zeigler under threat of disciplinary action on the one hand and promises of nonprosecution on the other.

Prosecutor John Quarenghi countered with five witnesses. One was a polygraph examiner who said Zeigler never took the lie detector test because he made damaging statements in the pretest interview.

Police say Zeigler, 30, was asked if the shooting was an attempted suicide and he said it was possible. He later told police, they said, that the gun was a sex prop and went off accidentally.

Zeigler also is charged with possession of cocaine and marijuana, which allegedly were found in his car. He is free on bond awaiting trial.

Wiesman denied a request by Pleban to suppress use of the drugs - and of the weapon, which was found in Zeigler's apartment - as evidence.

(Edited by Preacherman to fix link.)
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Handcuffs, OK.
Guns, No Way.

Personally it sounds a little like mixing Tequila and Guns... an excellent way to clean the gene pool.
ahh, another example of "america's finest" demonstrating that impulse control with regard to drugs, illicit sexuality, and threat of violence/intimidation are part of their individual psychological makeup.

tbo, care to rebutt the obvious?

i realise they are individuals, but individuals are what the masses are made of.

reminds me of the recent arrest of a local pa officer who robbed houses of cash and jewelry while in uniform and conveyed by a state car. not too much restraint/maturity demonstrated in either case.
This makes me soooo glad my Glock is in its lock-box when the wife and I are alone - it can't get loose and do evil to us! :D ;)
So why wasn't this merged with the original thread? That was those of us who may have overlooked the original don't have to search for it?

In fact I wonder why, where there are in fact, two or more duplicate threads that are started in close proximity with each other that they aren't merged? What we usually see is a post from a moderator saying "Duplicate Thread" and just closing it. Is it that much more effirt to merge then so everyone posts can be seen together?

Has anyone else noticed this? Does anyone else even care?
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