Discovery Channel Reliability....AR vs AK

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I go the rounds with my brother-in-law all the time about AK vs AR-15. I think he takes his to bed with him at night, and then does inappropriate things to it, he is so in love with it.

That being said, both guns are obviously good at what they do. We all know the advantages of both, but there are some Kool Aid drinkers out there that will absolutely refuse to admit to any of the shortcomings of either rifle.

In the end when it comes to reliability, is it really that big of a stretch to admit that OVERALL, the AK is less finicky about the cleanliness, type of ammo, and overall condition of the weapon, than the AR-15?

I think all of us AK lovers will readily admit that the AR-15 is a more accurate rifle out to greater distances. But we don't care, because when you are shooting a .223, it is probably best to try to hit them as many times as you can, as far away as you can, because it isn't much of a stopper. :evil:

Shoot what you like, but I think the AK is more reliable than the AR-15. The last time my brother-in-law and I went shooting, his rifle wouldn't fire the first round, he was disgusted because I saw it and started laughing about his "beloved" AR. I gladly give up SOME accuracy to gain a bigger caliber, more punch, and a sturdier more reliable rifle.

I'm sure everyone else's opinions will be different.

The important thing to remember is to get either one before Obama and his anti-gun friends make it so you can't. ;)
the AR punches hard, the 7.62 punches harder..... there is NO debate really....

its also been established there was a bad demonstration on the AK from that piece of TV..

for me, it comes down to: Id rather have friends with both!

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