Do you carry a sheeple-friendly knife?

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I carry a SwissTech Utili-Key, for 2 reasons:

1. I can use it in front of anyone, without a raised eyebrow. People who don't carry knives sometimes even make a positive comment and ask where they can buy one. Heck, if I can "convert" a sheeple into at least a low-level tool carrier and user, I think I've done a good thing. :)

2. It's inexpensive, so if someone needs a knife, I'm not handing them something expensive and irreplaceable.

All my best,
I like your Benchmade, though. Is that a zip-tie on the thumb-hole?

yup, unlike the nice sharp edges on the sypderco hole benchmade went and chamfered the oval hole so i can't get a positive engagement and can't open the darn thing without the zip-tie. but it does open real fast now.

i understand where you are coming from what with all the knives coming out made to look threatening or scary to the average consumer, i just never saw the appeal of most "classic" folding knives. i guess i just like FRN and G-10 better than i like wood or bone.
Ah, there it is. Though my SAK is plastic, it still retains the classic shape. I also prefer wood on my rifles and shotguns, prefer clocks and watches which wind up, and like handguns where the only synthetic is the finish and the grips.

Though, I am quite a sword guy, where brass, fishskin, and steel reign supreme. I'm just plain happy with either my baskethilt or long and heavy curassier sword. I suppose I'm just old fashoned.

Heck, my extensive C&R collection caused on acquaintance to note that I had enough guns to start WWIII. I shook my head and corrected him that I had enough to start WWI only.

I carry a mini-Griptilian most of the time. If not, then a mini-AFCK. I do, however, almost always have some form of multi-tool, even if it's simply a Leatherman Squirt on my keychain.

On a few occasions, I've had folks make comments about a knife. I point out that it's perfectly legal, that I mostly use it to open mail and packages, and that being able to operate it one-handed is extremely useful.

Depending upon how well I've known the person, I've then pointed out the folly of switchblade laws and showed them how fast a completely legal knife can be opened and closed. This would typically devolve into a discussion of how stupid the AWB was.
Nice handle on that Emerson, MacAttack.

Trapper Ready, tell me if I'm wrong. When somebody's attacking you, they don't really need a switchblade, do they? The attacker has the initiative, and he can normally set the timetable, right, or at least take the time to open his knife before he initiates the attack? But the guy defending himself; I think he's the one that needs to open his blade immediately, whether by a thumb stud or a spring mechanism.

Not that it matters. Arm the people!
fistful - When it comes to banning switchblades (or balis), it doesn't make any sense. The only thing that does make sense is that at some point a bunch of politicians saw a movie which showed something they found scary. Voila! Instant ban.

This summer, I had a good friend look crosswise at me while we were camping and fishing. Why? I was carrying a Randall Model 3 with a 5" blade. If I'm camping or hunting, that knife is along for the ride. My friend couldn't figure out why I needed a knife of that size. However, he had not one, but two 6" bladed filet knives in his tackle box. Argh!!!!

It drives me nuts when people look at knives (or most guns for that matter) and see only deadly weapons. I use knives as tools. I may always have one clipped to my pocket, but that knife has opened thousands of pieces of mail, hundred of packages, whittled many sticks, cleaned piles of birds, and so on... Not once has it ever been used as a weapon. But, some nimrods still find it scary.
I always carry a SAK Soldier with a CMG flashlight attached.

I'm also carrying this -
The DA scale release from Matt Diskin and Butch Vallotton.

And this DA from Darryl Ralph-


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Well, yes, but not because they are sheepel freindly. I found them to be less obtrusive, and to do everything I need them to do. I do have a fairly unsheepel knife, that I carry at times but mainly just when I am out working and might need a large heavy knife.


Trapper Ready, you are all too correct. That's why I concluded that my argument doesn't really matter. We shouldn't have weapons because we are just children to be managed.:rolleyes: As for your fishin' buddy, he probably thought you were eager to kill somebody. Obviously, that's the only reason for a person to wear a weapon. Just like I only have fire insurance so I'll be ready to torch my house.

Well, yes, but not because they are sheepel freindly. I found them to be less obtrusive, and to do everything I need them to do.
Me too. What manner of knife is that at bottom? How do you like the Kershaw?
Me too. What manner of knife is that at bottom? How do you like the Kershaw?

I like it a lot, considering it's a $20 Walmart knife. It's a little heavy, but very slim and feels good in the hand. It also opens very easly, which is more than I can say for the Gerber that my Dad has.

The knife on the bottom is a CRKT Prowler It's my heavy duty work knife.
unlike the nice sharp edges on the sypderco hole benchmade went and chamfered the oval hole so i can't get a positive engagement and can't open the darn thing without the zip-tie. but it does open real fast now.
from previous post
this thread reminds me of a christmas a few years ago. I was carrying a kershaw blackout and flicked it open to cut open a box and my own family looked at me like I was an escaped ax murderer.


my current benchmade 941 carbon fiber hardly gets a second look from anyone.
The knife on the bottom is a CRKT Prowler It's my heavy duty work knife.

i have one of those too and only recently started using it after i spent a few hours reprofiling it to a 20 degree angle. the blade is so thick that it took me quite a while but i got it very sharp and it holds up to all manner of work-related abuse very well. I like it a lot and the LAWKS is pretty cool too.

p.s. great deal
Yesterday in a meeting, one of my colleagues noticed the Leatherman tool on my left hip.

“What’s that on your belt?†she asked.

“Are you an armed man?†another chimed in.

Somewhat incredulously, I took out the tool and opened it up, showing them the pliers and screwdrivers. I described how often I use it, but didn’t open either of the blades. They agreed that it looked pretty useful.

No one noticed the Spyderco Endura clipped to my back pocket.

~G. Fink
Mine usually slips into its locking position when I open it; guess it's too loose. Anybody else's do that?

Mine's not loose like that but my thumb does naturally push the LAWKs into locked position with a normal knife grip. I think it's made to be like that.

brad cook
Sorry but I really don't care about or have time for stupid folks. I walk off and don't say anything anymore. Folks got a right to be wrong, stupid or both.

I grew up in a time and era where one was not "dressed" without some kind of knife - this includes girls. Heck many teachers kept a whetstone and oil so we could sharpen our knives. We might whittle at recess, cut a apple , or even spread peanut butter on crackers while in class.

I carried a CASE most often, I was real proud of that yellow handled Trapper. I had a Case Camping knife. Okay I was a CASE knife person first and foremost a Shrade person second . :D [ Still like CASE and Shrade in that order]Heck we students - kids - had all kinds of knives at school, from the fishing knife to the various stockmans and pen knives. Heck the "coolest" girl in the 5th grade brought the Case "trout and bird" knife her grandpa gave her for a B-day to show off. Forget the math lesson - we had a new knife to discuss. :p

I carried a CASE "Mako Shark" in a belt sheath many times while in HS. Often with a GI knife - to open coke bottles and such. Others carried the Buck 110, or the Shrade version. When we weren't having Chevy vs Ford vs Mopar arguments - we had knife arguments.

Today I most often carry a Kershaw Leek and have SAK with the pen blade, nail file , toothpick , tweezers, scissors. Sometimes I carry a Kershaw Chive.

In my backpack at College I have a Electrician's knife and small SAK imitation , and small disposable box cutter.

I could care less what folks think . If I need to open a box of Cat5e cable,, open a box of bread boards, towers, blister packs of 'puter parts, cut cable ties...etc.. - I'm going to use the Leek , one-handed and open/ cut the darn thing. If folks want to wet themselves or their panties get in a wad....down the hall next to vending machines are the restrooms.

If the stupid PC folks don't want to hear about the new Microtech knife the girl in class rec'd from her boyfriend....and all us making over it... leave , go outside and hug a tree or somthing.
I carry a tiny little SAK, don't remember the model, for just random easy cutting and a Ka-Bar lockback one-hander 3" bladed knife either clipped to my hip pocket or loose in the hip pocket.
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