Do you wear camoflauge to the range?

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We have over a thousand members in our Club;so it is comon to see shooters with a piece of camo clothing;like a cap,or jacket. Iwould wear them too,if I had them.
But I just cannot remember ever seeing anyone at the range,fully bedecked in camoflage;except for the Military Men from the nearby Post.
That's OK by Me.
Ummmm....I have been known to wear "cammo" to the range and even to work but it's a violet/black/grey/white T-shirt and when asked, I smile and say, "It's Arts District cammo." Green/brown cammo at the outdoor ranges, no thanks. I see enough examples of lack-of-awareness already. No sense makin' it any easier for the witless to shoot when I'm downrange!

...Black BDU slacks don't seem to get noticed, especially if you remove the cuff ties. I wear 'em pretty much interchangably with jeans. Jean back pockets are better for keeping knives and other tools stashed, at least for me. Darn BDU pockets are too roomy. Either that or I'm too skinny.


(Walgreens had some really odd tanktops in like pink/cream/purple cammo with sparkly thread and even worse. I think it's tactical prom wear....):uhoh:
Thanks to the heat and humidity today, my range run was conducted in a t shirt and shorts. Only when it is cool out do I bother to wear camos to the range. I don't really like wearing jeans out there.
Seen too many whackos in camos at the range; wouldn't want anyone falsely categorizing me as one of them...
Seen too many whackos in camos at the range; wouldn't want anyone falsely categorizing me as one of them...
Geez, I thought I posted on this thread, but I guess not yet! I don't go out of the way to wear or not wear camo shooting, but I shoot in my back yard. I wear my OD M-65 a lot, but that's because I wear my OD M-65 a lot. If were going to a range to shoot, I think jeans and a flannel shirt, plus a weather appropriate jacket if needed. Most of my issue stuff doesn't fit anymore anyhow. :(
Mercy-never would have thought such a question would generate some of the responses I've seen here. Would have thought this was the L&P!
Not a whole lot of sense gettin wound up like a cheap watch over this.

I understand both sides arguements in a way, but you know, I don't go to the range to be photographed by the newsies. I go to have fun.

Back in the sixties, my dad told me, "get a haircut-you look like a hippie communist!"

A few years ago, I got a burr haircut, and my dearly departed wife exclaims, "you look like a terrorist!"

.........need to find some fuzzy pink slippers to go with my fatigues..............
.........need to find some fuzzy pink slippers to go with my fatigues..............

True story,
one of my customers/buddies has a pic of me at the range wearing a pair of white bunny slippers, and NOT the liitle ones..these are the ones that you can buy at Wal-Mart...In case you are wandering, yea I wore them to annoy the "NINJA'S" ...My story was simple...You train as you fight!!...I wear these at home NOT combat boots...I might wanna know how they will work if I have to move to cover or use my dreaded Silat skills while wearing them, if I cant get to my weapon!...I thought it was funny...They didnt :D

And yea I did the "THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK!" thing while wearing them as well...:neener:
No camo here. Haven't owned any in years. I wear my regular street clothes, ie. jeans/shorts and whatever shirt. The only time I see camo at my range is when one of the deer hunters is sighting in their rifles before going out.
My main reason for wearing camo is specifically TO fire up those who like to make judgements based on dress. I know the odds are good I make more money and am better educated than the gun-snob with the attitude and if he has the cojones to make an issue of it I can pretty well display his ignorance in three sentences or less. That and it's a simple personal statement against the appeasement mentality that says "OH! Someone might be offended!" Well guess what? They are already offended both by the fact you/we own guns and that you/we exist at all. Trying to keep a low profile just makes them feel like they have accomplished something...and sadly maybe they have.
No, for the main reason that most people who do are generally arses. I put on old worn clothes and resist the temptation to wear my realtree coat, however if it's a bad day I will wear it or a army jacket, but theres this one guy on the ranges who wears a french army coat and those highway patrol cop sunglasses ( i hate this guy, he also drives a yellow/lime car, and just is arse.), so he's just stereotyped cammo for me, as if I put it on i feal 'dirty' :)
One person you personally don't like wears camouflage to the range, and and suddenly everyone who does is an 'arse'?!:rolleyes: [sarcasm on] No wonder you bloody micks can't stop killing each other, what with forming instant sweeping generalisations willy-nilly!:uhoh: [/sarcasm off]
There, how do you like it? :barf: The first part of your username sure seems appropriate whatever your eyeglass Rx may be!:neener:
I shot in a High power match this morning- I purposely put on a camo t-shirt and camo hat. I wasn't the only one wearing camo, and I doubt there was a single person there who cared what others were wearing. Its nice to shoot in a place without clothing snobs.:neener:
Nope - at least not until I'm told to.

Word has it cammies (or as they call 'em "BDU"s) will be one of the training uniforms for the law enforcement academy.

Yech. :scrutiny:
I wore enough camo in the military thank you very much and I am not prone to wearing any just for sport. Although I do find my old flight suits are great for crawling under the house or working on the cars.:D
I usually just get naked and spray paint myself in greens and browns.

It works too, because nobody even looks my way when I'm on the range.
I don't wear camo while shooting.

I shoot twice a week when in town (I work in the personal protection field)

If shooting tactical pistol, I will ALWAYS wear a suit/blazer jacket or a cargo vest(wear the cargo vest when wearing shorts).

We've gotten alot of weird looks when we walk into the range, the range master knowing what we do puts us at the end of the range so we can do the work we've came there to do. I've heard look at the nerds shooting until the start seeing us shoot.

No problem with people wearing camo, just not my practical for me.
it makes sense then that if you go to the range to (practice)...then one would chose to wear the clothes you would normaly be a suit, (work) camo, if you hunt, or are an armed forces member.,.whatever your situation calls for.

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