Range wear - why?

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You can't wear Olive Drab before Labor Day.

Nightcrawler, I sincerely hope that was humor and not a real social rule where you live!

Because it's not what you wear it's how you wear it.

Pitt762x54r, your comparative picture made me wonder.

Long before I carried I wore an untucked Hawaiian shirt whenever possible so I could wear a tallit katan meaningfully. (Yes, there is a way to wear it with a tucked-in shirt if you loop the tassles over your waistband and under your belt. But that's a bother to re-do after using the restroom. I drink a lot of tea.)

This weekend my wife and I purchased a camera after about 3 years without one: I wonder if I'll be ironing more now. :)

As a minister in the Pacific Northwest I do have a license to wear a Hawaiian shirt tucked in, but what's the point of that?

UPDATE: Since I was curious I did a comparison. I don't look in the mirror much. I took out one of my few Hawaiian shirts that is not made of a "wrinkle-free" material. Untucked and not ironed, I look like a frumpy and lazy tourist. Ironed and tucked I look much more respectable. Although I don't care myself much about looking respectable, I have noticed that the more respectable I look the happier my wife gets when she looks at me. I expect the new camera will provoke some change...
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Diogenes was in the marketplace one day, and saw a band of Corinthian youths walking by--perfumed, dressed in the latest florid fashion, preening and simpering with false laughter. "Affectation!" said Diogenes. A little while later, a troop of young Spartans came along. They looked grim, as though they'd just come from the battlefield--in rags, smeared with dirt and blood. "More affectation!" said Diogenes.
UPDATE: Since I was curious I did a comparison. I don't look in the mirror much. I took out one of my few Hawaiian shirts that is not made of a "wrinkle-free" material. Untucked and not ironed, I look like a frumpy and lazy tourist. Ironed and tucked I look much more respectable. Although I don't care myself much about looking respectable, I have noticed that the more respectable I look the happier my wife gets when she looks at me. I expect the new camera will provoke some change...

I think the other guy in the picture needs to have a longer shirt, in order to tuck it in, also... :scrutiny:
I low crawl from the parking lot all the way to the firing line.

Me too! But I always have somebody stay in the parking lot and lay down cover fire. :D

But seriously, some people just wear a lot of camo. A buddy of mine in high school always looked like he was about to go deer hunting. Of course, they could be mall ninjas, too.
I wear camo BDU pants to work. They are comfortable, last a lot longer than normal scrubs, and even if I don't get the blood and puke completely out, it just blends into the pattern.

I wear whatever I have on to the range, usually jeans and shirt. I have been known to show up in business casual, a suit, and a big pink bunny suit at one time.

IMO, it goes hand-in-hand with the being tactical thing...it's apart of why many of them even own firearms -- to let their hidden Rambo's out :D

I don't have special "range clothing".

I wear what I wear what I wear. What a concept, I know.

That's the whole point. Chances are when I need to use my gun I'm not
going to be wearing boots, gloves, body armor, camo, webbing or any other
bits of mall ninja gear.

Which makes sense because I am not a mall ninja, nor do I feel the need to
constantly serve as a walking billboard for one (or more, gasp) brand of
weaponry or ammunition.

I'll be wearing jeans, shorts, or pajamas. As it would
be in bad taste to wear sleepwear to the range, I usually just wear denim.


I will say that in my youth I made the mistake of wearing sandals to the
range. I don't believe that one bears explanation here.
Comfy, lots of pockets, loose fitting, and don't mind if it gets dirty with powder, dirt, etc.

What do you want them to wear, Sunday's best?
I do have a couple of shooting shirts, with shoulder patches and bi-swing backs. One is a canvas long-sleeve, and one a light vented short-sleeve for Summer.

They're nice for shotgunning, either for game or points. They're made to move with your body when you swing a shotgun in the air. Look kinda preppy, though.
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