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Do you wear camoflauge to the range?

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Same people that nned to wear camo to the gun shows and range meetings I guess. It must give 'em a sence of "machoness". To me personally, it says "hey, I'm a wannabe but must look tough to impress and compensate for my other inadequacies":neener:
I don't even OWN any camo
LOL! me either.

I usually wear jeans and a bright colored t-shirt or sweatshirt depending on the weather.

I do sometimes wear an OD boonie hat, but only when actually shooting. It looks silly, but it does keep the sun out of my eyes. Someday, I hope we get some cover over my range. :(
I am with Gewehr98. Why would you choose to wear the stuff if you have to almost all of the time.

I do like to wear my ‘no longer serviceable’ stuff for paintball, yard work, auto maintenance.
Nope. Funny story though.

Back in my fraternity days, we decided to throw a "Military Party." The idea being we would all dress up in camo. It was widely known in the fraternity how into guns I was, they were all surprised when I told them I didn't have any camo clothes. Pretty much everyone else had them :rolleyes: . Although this was in Colorado.
When I mentioned earlier that I generally wear red over black, I should've said that while I do own a couple pairs of black BDU pants, I most commonly wear black jeans. Personally, I've often found denim jeans to provide excellent "protection" during the normal course of long training day. The black BDU's are sometimes a bit cooler in the summer months, however, and the extra pockets are handy for the usual additional magazines, varied ammunition, screwdrivers, pocketknives and whatnot that are useful down at the "working end" of the range ... ;)

Even I sometimes cringe when one of our regular folks shows up to qualify wearing crisply clean camo clothes, and/or a "too-new" boonie hat. Sometimes it's obviously dedicated "shooting clothing" ... but then sometimes it's also what they may have bought to typically wear while attending dedicated shooting training.

I've always been a proponent of wearing for training & qualification whatever you normally wear for everyday work ... barring wearing your best dress clothes, obviously ... or for any special weather conditions that may exist at the time of the outdoor range training ... and that means the only folks that would commonly arrive to shoot in BDU's of some sort are the special team/unit folks ... you'd think, anyway.
The sole piece of camo that I own is a snow (or maybe it's urban) camo boonie hat. It's white, grey, and black. It's my camping hat. Can't say that I've ever worn it to the range.

My usual range attire is a pair of cargo pants, along with whatever t-shirt or polo shirt is clean. I have a brown suede pair of Hi-Tec Magnum hikers that I usually wear. Come to think of it, I wear those shoes all weekend, every weekend, range or not. Come to think of it, I wear the cargo pants and t-shirts every weekend, too. Ok, so I just wear my regular clothes to the range. The only thing I do differently is switch out the belt to a Wilderness belt so my Kydex holsters don't mangle my good leather belt.
Well lets see, the collection of pants I wear in the field is pretty equally split between jeans and BDUs if various colors/patterns, cause IMHO, they're good outdoor pants. So on any given range trip theres about a 50-50 chance I'm wearing BDU pants. I don't go out of my way to do it though, and I almost never wear a camo top off of the airsoft/paintball field.
I hear that camo clothing makes you shoot better. If you're wearing an HK embroidered polo, along with some black or urban camo bdu pants, you'll be the best shooter there.
So far it's been easy to sneak up on the paper targets in jeans and a pullover. Once they see me and start running I'll switch to cammo. Most times at the range or gun shows the people in cammos are idiots, and prove it from their own mouths in 10-15 seconds or their attempts at shooting. I prefer not to have people look at me and assume the same.
I had to wear that crap or something like it for 22 years in the military, why would I PAY to wear it now. The wannabes I see wearing it now make me want to puke. If you aren't hunting or have a military id in your pocket then your just a wannabe.:barf:
Never! I don't own any cammo and the only "military" looking piece of equipment I do own is an OD three mag pouch for my AR, which I don't take out if anyones around.

God save us from the gun store commandos!

Almost never... I have a Swiss Alpenflage jacket (CTD $4 !!!) with lots of pockets that I wear from time to time. That and a pair of $7 camo coveralls I keep in the car in case I have to crawl around under it are the only cammo I have. The Swiss jacket is handy because it was so cheap I can wipe my hands on them if they get dirty etc. :) The range I frequent most is usually deserted when I go so visibility isn`t a big concern. Marcus
Add me to the "urban camo" crowd. Blue or black jeans with a t shirt. I had a couple pairs of black BDU pants though, all those pockets came in handy.

I dont even own any camo.
The idea behind camouflage is to be transparent with your surroundings. Works great in the field. Those who wear it anywhere else, and not receiving an LES every month, probably never received an LES.
Count me among those who don't own any camo. So the answer to the question is no.

Normal range attire:

Weekday days: Office camo. Khakis and polo.
All other times: Urban camo. Cargo shorts, t-shirt, and ball cap.

Sounds like we have a bunch of "camophobes" here.
We're not afraid of camouflage clothing, some of us have to wear it every day on duty. Or didn't you read the thread in it's entirety? :scrutiny:

Sounds like we have a bunch of "camophobes" here.

We're not afraid of camouflage clothing, some of us have to wear it every day on duty. Or didn't you read the thread in it's entirety?

Lighten up, Francis.
Tommy, as a fellow Wisconsinite...

Lighten up, Francis.

I'm about as happy and easy-going as they come, and I've got the t-shirt (and BDU's) to prove it. In fact, I plan on retiring back in Cheeseland the day after I burn those issued BDU's. So, if you're anywhere near Wisconsin Dells or Portage, you can come on over to my several acres of standing oak and call me "Francis" all you want. Or if you'd like, you can wear camo to that really nice rifle range in Lodi and call me "Francis" there, too. I choose not to wear camouflage off-duty, and it's been explained many times on this thread why people don't wear it to firing ranges. That's not camophobia by a long stretch.

Now, if you have something constructive to add to this thread instead of jumping in and calling people names, I'm all ears.
Maybe you've ben away from Cheeseland too long.

Where I go shooting, or even where I work for that matter, men and women typically wear camo Field jackets, hats, or camo hooded sweatshirts. Its he type of clothing they wear during the time of year for hunting turkeys, deer, or for splitting wood on saturdays. It has nothing to do with being a "tactical poser" or "military wannabe" but everything to do with working class sensibility- wearing cheap yet very functional clothing for several different purposes.

When I see someone wearing head to toe camo BDU's to shoot their AR I often think that they might have a screw loose, but to tell me I'm a hillbilly or poser for wearing a camoflage jacket to the range is nothing less than bigotry.:rolleyes:
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