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Do you wear camoflauge to the range?

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Lighten up, Francis.

I'm about as happy and easy-going as they come, and I've got the t-shirt (and BDU's) to prove it. In fact, I plan on retiring back in Cheeseland the day after I burn those issued BDU's. So, if you're anywhere near Wisconsin Dells or Portage, you can come on over to my several acres of standing oak and call me "Francis" all you want. Or if you'd like, you can wear camo to that really nice rifle range in Lodi and call me "Francis" there, too. I choose not to wear camouflage off-duty, and it's been explained many times on this thread why people don't wear it to firing ranges. That's not camophobia by a long stretch.

Now, if you have something constructive to add to this thread instead of jumping in and calling people names, I'm all ears.

Guy, you're coming across as pretty tightly wound. I'm sorry you're getting so worked up over this. "Lighten up Francis" is a line out of a movie, uttered by a Drill Sgt when a recruit started acting wound up. The nature of this whole thread is pretty light duty. Relax a bit.

I'm former military. I don't wear BDUs because so many wannabe's do. I'm a firefighter / paramedic. I don't wear uniform T's and such off duty 'cause so many robby rescues do. That doesn't mean that every one who does is a wannabe or a robbie rescue, it's simply an association that I avoid. It's also just not a big deal to me. If i had realized that it was a truely important issue for you, I wouldn't have joked about it around you. Oh, and just to keep the record straight, I never said anything about camophobia. That was a different poster.

Now can we fight about something important like 9mm vs .45, or what rifle Al Pacino used in 'Heat'?
closest i get to wearing camo at the range is my uncles vietnam issue OD button up shirt.its a comfy shirt to wear,has a few pockets thats come in handy,and inside of the left breast pocket is another smaller pocket that is perfect for a pistol cleaning rod(just in case).
I wear BDUs of various patterns on the range simply because its easier to toss an empty mag into a cargo pocket than a jeans pocket.They are also durable.
I'd look pretty funny at the range wearing camo chest waders, parka, gloves, and full head and face gear. I guess I could take duck and goose calls and shoot some clays.

I own three pairs of camo gear. One hat that was a gimme form my redneck brother, and two pairs of pants one of which is some super-duper/deerstalker pattern and one pair of BDU's in the tiger strip pattern. I have never worn the "hunting" pair and only wear the tiger tripes when I am working on the house or something similar.

I do own two pairs of tan BDU's that I wear to work, but that is because I work at a casual business and can end up on the ground with someone anytime while at work. Besides, wear tucked in polo's and tshirts and they don't look so Bubba, even with the Hi-Tec's and Wilderness belt. :neener: :uhoh:

As for the range, comfort rules, so it is usually jeans or cargo shorts and tshirts depending on weather. I do use a navy two pocket BDU shirt or a 4-pocket tan BDU shirt for cover in IDPA matches.

I don't own any 'camo'...

At the range I usually wear Sears work clothes, which are my normal general purpose outfit. I have a couple sets of khaki and a couple sets of black. Jeans on occasion.

Just as a matter of perspective, in my case "camoflage" is a tie and jacket.
I get really PO'd when i see guys in camo at a range because I've worked my ass off to try and make the sport look a little more repudable.

Cammies at the range give the media just what they want when they try smear Highpower.

A reporter's dream: 12 guys in cammies shooting the rapids.

Reporters are among the dirtiest of dirty rotten bastards.

if 256 people in slacks and decent shirts are shooting, they will INSTANTLY shoot pics of the 1 guy with tobacco stains on his chin and torn cammies.

If I had my way, I'd remove cammies from anyone that showed up at a range and make them walk home stark naked.

NOTE: This does NOT include 'reenactment' shoots, where contestants are in period clothing (WW2, WW1, Civil war, etc)

Any wannabes wanna say anything, bring a BIG torch. My flame suit is ON!
Any wannabes wanna say anything, bring a BIG torch. My flame suit is ON!
So is that chip on your shoulder...

You are guilty of the same thing that anti-gunners are: judging based on looks. You judge them as wannabes because they wear camo, they judge you because you are carrying a gun. Don't try to place the blame on "bubba" for setting the stereotype. It's not bubba's fault. It's the reporters, whom you think so highly of. :D

Sounds like they've put you right where they want you. You are instantly pissed at someone just for wearing camo. And besides, what makes you better than someone wearing camo? I know plenty of people that think those fancy polo shirts or store bought jeans you wear make you a weenie with your head up your rear. Are they right? Are you?

If I had my way, I'd remove cammies from anyone that showed up at a range and make them walk home stark naked.
They have entire organizations that if they had their way, they'd remove the guns from anyone that showed up at a range and make them walk home unarmed. Are you lumping yourself in with that type of group, the kind that thinks everyone should be like them?
Any wannabes wanna say anything, bring a BIG torch. My flame suit is ON!

So is that chip on your shoulder...

You are guilty of the same thing that anti-gunners are: judging based on looks. You judge them as wannabes because they wear camo, they judge you because you are carrying a gun. Don't try to place the blame on "bubba" for setting the stereotype. It's not bubba's fault. It's the reporters, whom you think so highly of.

Sounds like they've put you right where they want you. You are instantly pissed at someone just for wearing camo. And besides, what makes you better than someone wearing camo? I know plenty of people that think those fancy polo shirts or store bought jeans you wear make you a weenie with your head up your rear. Are they right? Are you?

If I had my way, I'd remove cammies from anyone that showed up at a range and make them walk home stark naked.

They have entire organizations that if they had their way, they'd remove the guns from anyone that showed up at a range and make them walk home unarmed. Are you lumping yourself in with that type of group, the kind that thinks everyone should be like them?


I'm simply saying that I'm damned tired of trying to make the sport look good in the media only to have some damned tobacco stained lout of an ignorammus bubba type in cammies that haven't seen a wash in years show up and un do the positive work I've put into the sport.

And do NOT accuse me of having a chip on my shoulder. In this instance I carry none less than the whole damned tree!

Call me unfasionable. I don't walk around with a cell phone glued to my ear, wear camo or try to make any other sort of fashion or social statement. Just an occassional firearms recreation advertisement. What you see is what you get, no put on, no pretense. May not be pretty, but it is honest.

I see no problem where the camo is hunting gear, worn by Armed Forces members or incidental to being part of a functional garment, but some of the ranges around here do not allow camo lest they end up on the 5:00 news as a militia training ground and a "poster child" for the local antis.

I shoot pagers.
Hmmm. I wonder if some people here would be ofended if I wore a NRA hat to the range. We all know the steriotypes that the media tries to portray with the NRA. Maybe shooting handguns or military rifles or offensive to some people too.

I'm simply saying that I'm damned tired of trying to make the sport look good in the media only to have some damned tobacco stained lout of an ignorammus bubba type in cammies that haven't seen a wash in years show up and un do the positive work I've put into the sport.

What have you done to make the sport look good in the media? Have you ever been on TV or had your picture in the newspaper shooting? Did they quote you as saying that if you had it your way that only people who look right to you would have the priviledge of shooting?

What other "types" do you find offensive at the range? Men with long hair? Men wearing earings? Do shooters at their range need to have adentist certify that they don't have any teeth missing? If we are going to judge people on looks alone, what about minorities, do you find them offensive?
If I had my way, I'd remove cammies from anyone that showed up at a range and make them walk home stark naked.

Anyways, I'm off to the pistol range right now. I'm wearing a longsleeve Treebark shirt which happens to be my favorite shooting shirt- its very light and breathable and the longsleeves keep my arms from getting burned from hot brass. If someone is offended by that , they can go piss up a rope.
Most of the camo I own is hunting or paintball related. Two pairs, one woodland, one new pattern tigerstripe, are part of my regular wear. Almost all of my pants are BDU pants, because I like them best. Comfortable, look normal in solid colors, and I like cargo pockets. Even my non-BDU pants have cargo pockets heh.

So yeah, I end up at the range sometimes in camo.

I do get the point about image though, so that's why I wear my "celebrate diversity" shirt with the handguns on it, and the "peace through superior firepower" tshirt with regular non-camo stuff :D

Let people wear what they want, who cares, it just covers up naked flesh in the end. And I don't like polo-shirts, because they are for weenies :p

I don't get the huge fuss about image either. Paintball has had the same thing, with the jerseys and all. But there are still people who consider paintball "the marketing of violence" and there will still be attempts to ban or regulate paintball guns, even the pink and purple ones.

Same thing for the shooting community, it doesn't matter if we show up at the range in a ghillie suit or business suit. Sure the media could say something based on how someone is dressed, but failing that they will just call your AR-15 a machine gun or your scoped bolt gun a sniper rifle.
If I had my way, I'd remove cammies from anyone that showed up at a range and make them walk home stark naked.

I don't ever wear them at the range, but ignorant comments like this make me want to go find my duffle bag of utilities that I have somewhere from my time in the Corps. I don't think you'd have good luck removing them either. In fact, I may have to take up wearing my old utilities to the range just because I know it will upset elitist weenies like you. Good job on the stereotyping, you got yourself a convert.
Nearest thing to cammo I wear to the range is an OD colored Carhart hooded jacket on cold or cool days, sometimes with a cammo German border guard hat in place of the black FD hat for rainy days.
Have thought of putting on an orange vest when going downrange to change targets.
Anyone else notice the number of replies that say " I don't wear camo but I wear BDUs/5.11/etc....

Am I the only one that wears jeans anymore?

Smoke - don't have no "tactical" clothes
I sure do wear camo. In the colder times of the year, I have an old, beat-up chocolate-chip pattern shirt that I got a while back for a halloween costume that I almost always wear for a jacket, at least when it's a little too warm for my leather jacket. I also, having very long hair, need a hat to keep it out of my eyes when shooting, so I occasionally wear a camo cap. I usually just wear my Beretta clays hat or El Sombrero Del Muerte (a felt fedora/cowboy hat mix named because I'm wierd that way), though.

Besides, I'm a student, and camo jackets are in for us in the grunge/drugless stoner crowd.

My brother sometimes wears a black trenchcoat to the range, though.
To Cammie or not to Cammie?

Well, I have a duffle bag full of BDU pants & blouses from when I got out of the Army, as well as a bunch of ugly brown t-shirts. Also several pair of jungle & "leg" boots and two field jackets.

My wife finds the BDU pants ideal for painitng the house interior, not that she wears the pants in the family, mind you. :D

I bought two pair of tan BDU pants when for working 'round the house on the fence, the lawn, etc. Cheap, durable, comfy & lotsa pockets I get to use now that I'm outta the service. In the summer I usually wear a tan boonie hat to keep my scalp from frying, some t-shirt, and an old pair of juncgle boots, in addition to the tan BDUs. In the winter, I pull out my field jacket & liner & wear that, too.

In the summer, if I'm shooting pistolas, I wear a t-shirt and a REALLY FREAKIN' LOUD Hawaiian shirt and shorts or jeans. Jimmy Buffet's got nothin' on me when it comes to wardrobe.

If I had my way, I'd remove cammies from anyone that showed up at a range and make them walk home stark naked.

Ahh, the voice of tolerance, rectitude, and high-mindedness.

I think I may have worn my tan BDU pants to the range, once, as well as the tan boonie hat. I get a lot of use out of my old boots, too. No tocacco stains, however, and the dentition is first-rate. I never felt the desire to wear cammie BDUs out there, but the above statement makes me want to break out the old woodland cammie BDUs and head out to piccolo's neck of the woods. Good luck trying to get them off a (current wt) 290lb powerlifter who just might want to dispute your desires.

Now, if I can only find some cammies not spattered with "Ralph Lauren" interior latex paint...
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