Don't make fun of me

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Jan 17, 2007
Howdy folks. I'm asking a question that will more than likely cause severe flaming. Does anyone know of a trusted company that makes good ballistic inserts. I'm asking this question out of total seriousness, so please try not to make a spectacle of it.
I'm speaking of SAPPI plates...Like...what is in my flak jacket right now. I want a set that isn't owned by the government for me to use.
Gunnerpalace must have seen the same episode of Future Weapons on the Military Channel that I did. You need to whisper it though like the host or it just doesn't sound authentic. I would say see if Pinnacle has them in the dragon skin, don't worry I get what you mean. There, that's better. :D
No one's gonna make fun of you, as long as you manage not to mention duct tape.

Nah, duct tape is the easy part of the tactical-ballistic-protection-system to find. Trauma plates always take a little more looking into. And briefcases... you need a good tactical-ballistic briefcase...

Hey, wait a minute...

That man is in Iraq serving his country.

I don't think you guys are qualified to make fun of him.

Lighten up a little bit. I've been to Iraq a couple times myself, and if people weren't making fun of me, I'd think something was wrong.
Fast Frank said:
Hey, wait a minute...

That man is in Iraq serving his country.

I don't think you guys are qualified to make fun of him.

We're not.

We are, however, totally qualified to make a giggle about "geckoWithA.22".

And a voiceless chihuahua.

And a wheelbarrow ...

And a, and a, and a ...

not to hijack the thread, but....your post is at 11.28 pm....tell me true, AT the north pole, how do you decide what time(s) it is???
If you got deployed without SAPI, someone failed big time. At a minimum you should have had it issued at an RFI site in country.

Get your supply folks to look up the NSN of what you are using and find out the Cage Code. From there, they should be able to tell you who the manufacturer is. Give them a call/email and see if they will sell to you as an individual.
I know with us we got the old black ones with the RFI and then swapped with the green ones once we got to our first FOB in country along with the side DAPs and shoulder pads.
Oh, I have SAPPI plates. I just want my own. I figure if I can duct tape the ones I buy to the ones i was issued, I could have more protection when I push my tactical wheel barrow down the street. The taped together SAPPI plates should absorb the 300 Win-Mag's recoil when I'm throwing down cover fire so the rest of my Mall Security Team can advance :neener:

Thanks for the suggestions, folks.
I wouldnt bother calling the number that will result from a FEDLOG search of the NSN, because they will sell you what you want: At the Government (inflated) price. get a model number and search the web. I am sure it will pop up somewhere else cheaper.

Watch your Six man, I might be sending in air support sooner than perviously thought.

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