Dr. Laura on the VT massacre

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Nov 7, 2005
Utah, USA
I could not have said it better myself.....

I am "the proud mother of a deployed American paratrooper," and because of that fact I have, perhaps, a unique perspective on the massacre at Virginia Tech.

As a mother I, of course, thought about how horrendous this whole nightmare is to the families of the victims as well as all the emotional damage to the survivors. From listening to the reports on this heinous occurrence, I heard repeatedly that the shooter had to reload several times and went from classroom to classroom.

As a military mom, I immediately wished that our young people had the same obligation and experience that all young folks in Israel have: two years of military training and service. Those reloading and trolling periods were windows of opportunity that only young folks trained militarily would have been able to use to subdue or terminate the perp and save many lives.

Just in case you're saying, "Well, this doesn't happen that often and is not a substantial reason for universal 2-year training," I've got a further reason to support such training.

Radical Islamists and jihadists are already here in the United States. While we have, for better or worse, focused their attention on Iraq and Afghanistan. they will be using their tactics of mass murdering of innocents right here next. It is going to be important that our civilian population have sufficient training and know-how to protect their homes and communities.

The following quote came from an Associated Press (April 17, 2007) article entitled, "Taliban Using Indiscriminate, Iraq-style Tactics, Killing civilians, Rights Group Says." "I lost my son, brother and nephew because of the Taliban. They say that they are fighting for God and Islam, but they are not; they are killing good and innocent Muslims and Afghans who have done nothing wrong," one man was quoted as saying.

I believe every household should have at least one person trained and certified to shoot a gun. I believe every young person between 18 and 20 years of age should be required to receive compulsory military training. Over 70 nations in the world require some level of compulsory military service on the part of their young citizens including countries such as Austria, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. Why shouldn't the United States be as prepared as these countries? I believe we as Americans should be equipped mentally and physically to protect ourselves, our family, and our Country.

Preach it sister! :)
["I believe every young person between 18 and 20 years of age should be required to receive compulsory military training."]

Me too.
believe every young person between 18 and 20 years of age should be required to receive compulsory military training. Over 70 nations in the world require some level of compulsory military service on the part of their young citizens including countries such as Austria, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.
I can't wait until the US is the pinnacle of freedom like Mexico. Nothing says liberty like forced servitude to the government!

Seriously how can anyone here like this idea? Part of the whole purpose behind the 2nd amendment was from the framers natural disdain for a standing army. And now we want not only a standing army but to force everyone into it? We've come a long way.
Switzerland is a fine example of required military training and a distinct lack of a standing military, along with mandatory ownership of (real) assault rifles during militia service and among the lowest crime rates in the world.
Hold up a moment, Soybomb: There easily could be a training program, equivalent, say, to the first eight weeks of Basic (Well, when I was in, it was eight weeks. :) ) and then home again.

Ya get out of high school, go off to a summer camp for a couple of months, and that's it. Then you go home and hang out at THR, TFL, Arfcom, etc. :D

What's the problem? We might pick up some voters! Besides, they'll learn things like how to make a bed and about keeping their quarters neat and clean. They'll learn the joys of regular showers. All that will make life a heckuva lot easier after they're married.

Hold up a moment, Soybomb: There easily could be a training program, equivalent, say, to the first eight weeks of Basic (Well, when I was in, it was eight weeks. ) and then home again.

Ya get out of high school, go off to a summer camp for a couple of months, and that's it. Then you go home and hang out at THR, TFL, Arfcom, etc.

What's the problem? We might pick up some voters!
A small infringement on freedom still seems to be an infringement. How free is a nation where its citizens owe its government part of their life just because it wants it? It seems like more "I know whats best for you" thinking that gun owners seem to dislike when it comes from the other side. In the end we don't owe our government anything, it exists to serve us.

This of course is just the ideologoical side against it, the financial and practical aspect is another issue all together.

Its odd how back and forth the forum is too. On one hand we'll have a thread where everyone rails against public schools and calls it government indoctrination, and then the next everyone thinks epople should be forced into government service for a period of time :D
I can understand some people feeling like we shouldn't be "forced into servitude" - after all, this IS America... Land of the free. But there is some great sense to having everyone manditorily take a short turn in military service.

Alot of these kids that are shooting up schools and try to portray themselves as "hurt or scarred" by everyone around them for no reason lack any sort of self-worth and confidence. I think the majority of them would really see life from a different perspective if they took on some training and learned how hard life really CAN be - not just when your feeling emo because no one likes your haircut or the fact you wear a black trenchcoat over your sister's pants. Not to mention the careless parents, who could learn how to pay attention to their kids and the warning signs.

I can't speak from military experience, because I never served, but looking back at it, I think it would have really shaped me up sooner when I was a pain-in-the-ass teenager - and I honestly envy those who have served. You're taught to work as a team, but be an individual - and learn survival skills and other important lessons for the real world. I constantly learn alot from my military friends.

I think an overwhelming majority of people in this nation could stand to have a little extra discipline and appreciation for where we all live... Instead of sitting on the couch and complaining.

*just my opinion - go easy... I'm still a newb here :)
I got one of those " congratulations " Draft notices in 69 and I can honestly say I watched Military service change lot of irresponsible brats into responsible young men. Sounds to me like some right here among us could use a little grownup wisdom and knowledge.

Got stuck on a job once where the only raido station we could get had Dr. laura. We usta joke about her but that last paragraph she said was right on IMP.
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Hell hold voluntary weapons and tactics training paid for with our tax dollars for those that dont plan on joining the military. You show me any teenage boy that doesnt like the idea of guns, mud, sweat, and explosives. I think the US would have to put the volunteers on a wait list....hell offer a tax rebate for taking the course or even better, make it mandatory that it count as college credit! That way, they get the experience, no pressure to join the military and they get rewarded in more ways than one.
Why wait for the government to train young people in the arts of self defence? Sounds like an opportunity to me.

It's doubtful the couple of seconds it takes to swap magazines in a glock afforded anyone, trained or otherwise, much of a chance to hit the psyco over the head with a desk. And of course there was the second pistol, which probably was not emptied at the same time. As aggravating as this situation was for those of us armchair QBs with some combat experiance/training, without a suitable weapon at hand there would be little chance of subdueing an armed freek without the element of surprise and some teamwork. ("...never bring a knife to a gun fight" -Untouchables)

I, for one, will not second guess the actions of those who were attacked. Having been both a Marine and an engineering student (VT was my second choice for grad school), I've found that most engineering students are quite bright and familiar with firearms (if not downright facinated). Many of them would make fantastic Marines if they chose to do so. The valor of the Aeronautical Engineering professor makes my case.

The blame rest soley on him whose name I will never speak, may he rot in hell.
I think she's right on.

RKBA is not an expression of solipsism, much less narcissism, it's an expression of an awareness of the fundamental rights of a responsible citizen in a free republic. No man is an island.
"You show me any teenage boy that doesnt like the idea of guns, mud, sweat, and explosives."

Sounds like the Boy Scouts when I was a kid. Okay, we had firecrackers, not explosives.

Just what we need to do...give the feds a massive increase in the number of soldiers at their disposal.

You can draft me when you drag my cold dead body to boot camp. :fire:
make it mandatory that it count as college credit

First two years of ROTC fits the bill nicely if you make the semi-annual FTX mandatory. Thrice a week PT would also go a long way toward establishing regular fitness habits.

Wasn't the first two years of ROTC mandatory at one point for the land grant Universities at some point, or am I misremembering something?
The day after VT she said we all need to be armed. Something to the effect that 'if someone there had a gun' . . .
She almost got it right when she said in Virginia you can carry, but VT "vetoed" that law.

Dr L has a HUGE following.
Universal military service seems to work well in many places. It is no more 'involuntary servitude' than the hours I spent last year to earn the money to pay my taxes.

The only problem is that our armed forces have little use for people who cannot read and write or speak English. Most specialties require a lot of expensive training. We can't afford to spend a lot of money training people who will be gone in 2 years, nor can the services teach the basic skills that should have been learned in school.
A small infringement on freedom still seems to be an infringement.

What??! You actually believe yourself to be free?

You may want to think about this a bit more. Things like: if you don't pay the car tax, who gets the car? If you don't pay the land tax, who gets the land? If you want to buy a gun, who do you have to ask? If you wish to get married, who grants permission? If you want to drive around in a car, who do you ask? Who watches your bank account for "odd transactions"? If you wish to speak about a politician two months befoore an election, who do you call to get permission to do so?

Thanks for the laugh!!!
So, am I hearing this right, mek42? We need to force military service on everyone, because it'd be good for them (and we of course know what's best for them)? Did I wander into DU somehow? :scrutiny:

It is no more [or less] 'involuntary servitude' than the hours I spent last year to earn the money to pay my taxes.

Yep, that's true (though when you say "hours", I trust you mean "months").
What??! You actually believe yourself to be free?

You may want to think about this a bit more. Things like: if you don't pay the car tax, who gets the car? If you don't pay the land tax, who gets the land? If you want to buy a gun, who do you have to ask? If you wish to get married, who grants permission? If you want to drive around in a car, who do you ask? Who watches your bank account for "odd transactions"? If you wish to speak about a politician two months befoore an election, who do you call to get permission to do so?

Thanks for the laugh!!!
Man you're right I guess I should just turn my guns in and tear up my voter registration card now :(

If anything I figured gun owners would fight against more infringement on rights. If the system isn't perfect though we're just to give up and accept anything?

It is no more 'involuntary servitude' than the hours I spent last year to earn the money to pay my taxes.
Perhaps we should work on shrinking government then so you spend less money on taxes instead of spending more through some unnecessary government nanny program which will just raise your taxes even more. I think its bad enough I pay as much in taxes as I do, I sure don't feel like I owe my government even more, especially in the form of months to years of my life. The government works for me, I am not its servant.

Send your kids to military school if you think they need it, past that butt out of my life and the life of my children ;)
Radical Islamists and jihadists are already here in the United States. While we have, for better or worse, focused their attention on Iraq and Afghanistan. they will be using their tactics of mass murdering of innocents right here next.

Do a google search for an article called "Mass Slaughter in Our Public Schools: The Terrorists' Chilling Plan". The original article has been pulled and put into subscriber only sections but a few copies of it exist out in the 'net either in excerpt or in full if you look. I managed to cache a copy locally before it got pulled from general availability.

The article is SPECIFICALLY about our lack of security in schools to handle planned terrorist attacks in them by al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.
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