DU - Read the darn message board rules!

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Dec 29, 2002
Brooklyn, NY
I'm tired of people posting that they've been banned from the Democratic Underground! READ THEIR MESSAGE BOARD RULES!

The DU is a place for Democrats!

The DU is a place for Democrats to discuss THEIR SHARED views (NOT all views) and to discuss ways to achieve THEIR goals (NOT all goals.)

Obviously...OBVIOUSLY...anyone against gun control does NOT share the same view as those at the DU and will be banned from their forum…as per their rules!


So please stop going there, getting banned, and then coming here to complain. It does nothing more than indicates that you have no respect for the rules of others' message boards. And that is something that even THR doesn’t tolerate.
Good point, Graystar. Just because we here try to keep open minds doesn't mean that bunch has the collective mental capacity to do so in honest debate. I second your motion that THR folks stay away--they might bring something infectious back! :barf:

TFL Survivor
Probably because "free speech" is so ingrained in our culture that it doesn't make sense for a "democratic" board to not allow it.

But if it is in the rules . . . . I guess its in the rules!
My appologies for I am guilty, but I did learn how the enemy thinks. Sun Tzu would approve.
I don't see anything that OBVIOUS in it.
Stronger gun control is part of the democratic agenda, and anyone that goes on that board speaking of gun rights gets banned. To me, that's pretty obvious but I guess others may see that differently. :scrutiny:
Yeah, but while the DUers are a bunch of nutcases - in general, present company excluded, yada yada yada - to be fair it must be acknowledged that they do have actual arguments amonst themselves over RKBA.

I have been banned from DU too, I never started a post saying that I did. BUT when I went over to DU I pretended to be a liberal Democrat and still they banned me. I think it may have been when I said that my sister and I were expecting the birth of our sixth child and were gonna have to add on to the trailer house, after going to the polls to vote for Gore, again that did it :D

Take care,

I have been banned from DU too, I never started a post saying that I did. BUT when I went over to DU I pretended to be a liberal Democrat and still they banned me. I think it may have been when I said that my sister and I were expecting the birth of our sixth child and were gonna have to add on to the trailer house, after going to the polls to vote for Gore, again that did it

Make one little change:

I have been banned from DU too, I never started a post saying that I did. BUT when I went over to DU I pretended to be a liberal Democrat and still they banned me. I think it may have been when I said that my sister and I were expecting the birth of our sixth child and were gonna have to add on to the trailer house, after sending my dues to the NRA, again that did it.

and you have exactly the stereotype that gunnies like to bellyache about liberals perpetuating. Leave those people alone. Nothing is gained by going over there, agitating, and then getting banned. There is a word for doing that.

Maybe I can best express it in song:
[Robert Preston]
They're just trouble with a capital "D"
and that rhymes with "T"
and that stands for "Troll"
[/Robert Preston]
Actually Golgo...

That was called a joke. I'm not sure your familiar with jokes but in the envent that you aren't, pretend it was said tongue in cheek :D

I went over and read what was going on and actually started up some conversations with a couple of folks that had some intresting ideas. I was actually shocked that I got banned and am not clear on what I said that got me banned because the conversations seemed to be going well IMO. I didn't go in as a "troll" I went in to see what it was all about and didn't do anything to ruffle any feathers that I'm aware of which was actually what shocked me. I guess I exude conservatism, which isn't necessarily a bad thing ;)

Anyway take care and I hope you find that sense of humor you lost :)

Do I miss something? Aren't "liberals" viewing themselves as "open minded, tolerant, caring, generous"?

But, I don't care, I leave them alone in their sand-box.
I just find it ironic that these liberal boards are so quick to boot anyone off who disagrees with them. It's political correctness at its finest.
And that's what I learned about the "other side". I feel responsible for this thread so might I note that the difference is that we're tolerant of differing opinions (knowing that many are just uninformed) and we just offer ours in a clear and concise manner. They (the Mr. Benchleys [Bryan Miller]) are angry and closed minded. The take home message is that they're not worth the effort and our most effective method is to remain calm, focus on fact and logic and not jump on each other if one of us becomes a little sensitive about any particular response (like they oftentimes do).
Fence-sitters make up the majority of those who can make a difference.
Some others just aren't responsive to common sense. That'll never change and I'll never stray again. Nor will I ever buy a Taurus firearm for their role in facilitating smart gun legislation in New Jersey.
So please stop going there, getting banned, and then coming here to complain.

Uh ... I don't think people are going over there, getting banned and then coming here and complaining about it ... I think they are going over there, getting banned and then coming here to brag about it.

Subtile but important difference.
I just floated over there for a bit. What a complete waste of time. I would rather argue about the war on drugs over here all day long than spend another minute reading that garbage. When the rules are laid out and they don't encourage dissenting opinions and then they don't even enforce their being nice rule, what is the point? I would hope not another single person wasts their time over there. The only way you can win with those people is to get out, mobilize voters, and beat them at the polls. Only when we get more conservatives elected and re-elected would it be fun to go over there and just say, "Actions speak louder than words."
I like DU......If for only one reason , They "sound like alot of "us" [read me] when Clinton was in power!!! It's funny how 5 years ago gun owners were anti goverment freaks and a threat to the President and the general safety of the country and now the DUer's are the ones screaming about about lying, abuse of power etc......what goes around, comes around .I have a libral pal that has talked about buying a gun to defend against the attack of the "BLACK HELICOPTERS" :rolleyes:
Oh, come on, DU isn't that bad. Where else can you find topics like this?

"29. It's like Dorian Gray, except they'v hijacked my country for the picture." - octafish (875102)
"When Clark talks, I'm mesmerized" - curse10 (873458)

and my personal favorite from this morning:
[blockquote]You know the part where Luke has to go into the Dark area of Dagobah to fight his personal demons. Going into the FR Forums, its disturbing and you almost know you would always would lose to even start the fight....

but to learn how the Dark Side operates....

or is it just me?
--interupt (sic) (875621) [/blockquote]
1. Minus points for failing to understand that it's a cave, not a "dark area"
2. Minus points for referring to Star Wars rather than an underlying mythology
3. Minus points for incorrect grammar - "its disturbing..."
4. Minus points for "you almost know you would always would lose to even start the fight" ...is that incoherent... or is it just me? :rolleyes:
5. Minus points for completely misunderstanding the Dagobah cave scene... Luke lost because of his mindset, not because he went into the cave. Or maybe "interupt" does understand the scene, and is admitting he wouldn't be able to deal with opposing opinions.

Why even bother posting? You can get a day's supply of humor in 5 minutes just by picking through the most interesting threads.
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