Ever not buy a gun based on dreams?

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That's a pretty odd reason to base firearms choices on.

The dream interpretation team would tell you that the whatever goes on in your dream has more to do with your head than your hardware.

Can't get the trigger to pull. Blame the hardware or realize it is your inner conflict about whether you'll actually be able to perform?
I never seem to have a problem pulling a trigger in a dream. In fact they are all light and crisper than anything I actually own. Wonder what that means...
I think that in your dreams, your trigger pull is lighter and crisper than in real life.
Probably means you move your hands in your sleep... you're actually making trigger -pulling motions, and finding no actual resistance. Some people exhibit more 'bleedover' motor movement than others. Did you sleepwalk as a child?
Never had a gun related dream, but when I was getting the instrument rating on my pilot's license my mind went through EVERY system failure possible while I was asleep.
It made the final test a lot less stressful since I'd already faced every problem I could.
Your subconscious is practicing while your conscious is resting. Work on learning to control it and you're halfway to a successful resolution if it happens in the waking world.
No, can't say that I have ever let it affect my real life purchasing decisions. I will admit that I have had nearly that same dream though (and often - it's a recurring theme). Seems every gun I pickup in a dream has a heavy DA trigger that won't EVER break.

Out in reality though I'm not a fan of DA triggers, they're certainly not THAT hard to pull. Of course, in real life I once had a group of mallards fly overhead while trying out my new Charles Daly pump and I pulled the trigger to no avail - nothing (I later discovered this gun often had light strikes on primers - the gun had already snapped and I just didn't hear the click). Given that recurring dream of a gun that won't fire when I need it to, the gun almost got tossed out of the boat that day :).

I've had a few where the BULLETS didn't work...

I often have close to that too. Not really that the bullets don't work, so much as they're the wrong type. I'll be in a situation where I need .30-06 bullets and all I can find anywhere I look are 12ga shotgun shells (or vice versa or other combos).

For the most part its just subconscious fears playing themselves out as we sleep. The fear is very real, but remember that the subconscious mind is not a rational thing. Don't let it affect your decisions or actions too much ;).
I have had dreams about things not working in combat, but the feeling fades when I wake. Training and drills have shown me what and who I can can trust in tough times. Lack of confidence in yourself is the killer here. You were fearing coming up short and any rational person has the same fear. Facing the fear is what differentiates the winners from the losers.
Lack of confidence in yourself is the killer here. You were fearing coming up short and any rational person has the same fear.

Modern psychology has largely abandoned the Freudian idea of heavy symbolism in dreams. If you repeatedly dream that the trigger won't pull on a gun, then you likely have a subconscious fear of a gun malfunction, not lack of confidence in yourself.

Now if you were dreaming that the gun was working fine but you couldn't actually hit anything, then that would be different ;).

I thought I was the only one who had the "I can't pull the trigger no matter how hard I squeeze" dream!

Damn! Others too, eh? :uhoh:

I wonder why that is?

I do know that in certain stages of sleep we are "self-paralyzed" so that we don't hurt ourselves by moving while dreaming, and that it goes away after that stage of REM sleep is over. I read once how the body does it. Maybe that carries over into our dreaming mind.

I've had the dream where I have to run but my legs won't go...I look down at them but they still won't move fast.

WOW, again!
Check this out...

...from a respected online source:



In medicine, atony (pronounced /ˈæ.tʰoʊ.ni/) (or "atonia", or the adjective "atonic") refers to a muscle that has lost its strength. It is frequently associated with the conditions atonic seizure, atonic colon, uterine atony, gastrointestinal atony (occurs postoperatively) and choreatic atonia.
Atony can also refer to the paralyzed or extremely relaxed state of skeletal muscles in rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep) in most warm-blooded animals.
mgmorden; said:
Now if you were dreaming that the gun was working fine but you couldn't actually hit anything, then that would be different ;).

You mean, like the OP said in the first post?
I used to have a recurring dream about a big man that kicked in the door and walked up the stairs. In my dream I had a gun and shot him over, and over, and over again but the guy didn't fall, just kept coming.

Scared the living hell out of me each time, and I woke up from a sound sleep covered in sweat.. because no matter what I did I couldn't stop the guy.

Those dreams went away when I started sleeping with a rifle next to my bed.
This is not a lie.

Two nights ago, I had a dream that my gun was working fine. I fought some "active shooter" types at my place of employment. Finally I trapped the last bad guy behind a heavy steel door and was preparing to finish the fight when I realized...I was naked! After a ridiculously long search (even in my dream I was like, "this is getting weird") the only thing I could find lying around was a package of womens panties. Naturally I decided the embarrassment of saving the world in drag wasn't worth it. So I woke up.

Consequently, I have decided against buying womens underwear. In case a self defense situation arises, mind you.
I've had the issue where I can't run because I keep falling in dreams, but related to BGs its not so much an equipment malfunction, but in simply a failure for the wound to stop them. Quite often anything I do to the BG in a dream will have the same effect as if I were to shoot a bull bison with a paintball gun, whether it be a gun or another weapon.

Conversely, in some dreams I end up in a battle where I realize half-way through that I'm just using a toy or that I'm using my finger and thumb instead of an actual gun.
That's really strange, that so many gun owners would have so many similar dreams.

I mean, really, really strange.

Y'all think there's something to it?
I think the dream of being unable to stop the threat isn't unique to gun owners. Before I was a gun owner it was knives or punches that failed to stop him. I think its the same reason that monsters in movies that don't die when they're hit (thinking Predator, Godzilla, or numerous undead) are so scary.
I was gonna call you crazy but, than i remembered a dream i had where i was forced to use a Rambo knife to defend myself from an army of a few hundred clones of my cousin.:what: that was a strange one, dreams are WEIRD man i wouldn't look in to it to deep
I do not let dreams decide anything in my life. Dreams are dreams not life. That being said I have never had a self defense related dream (that I remember)
I once had a dream that someone started shooting in my school and for some reason I had a M1917 revolver....I was sure I would be the hero and drew, squeezed the trigger.... the pull was like 500 lbs, I only got the trigger to move like 1MM and water started to came out of the trigger guard cylinder.... weird dream. And no, I never have bought a gun :(
Post number two mostly summed up my feelings. Dreams can showcase our insecurities, but they are not reality. I wouldn't exclude a purchase because of a dream, but I would question why the dream occurred in the first place and act accordingly.
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