FN Five seveN

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Nov 18, 2007
Near Ocala
The press is reporting that the Five seveN is the pistol used by the shooter at Fort Hood, and they are making a big deal of the fact that it is so powerful that it can pierce a "bulletproof vest."

Are we about to see a new gun control law?
No it wasn't sarcasm. Cho killed a bunch of folks at VT with a .22 mosquito and a glock. Neither of those are banned. A guy came into a mall in Tacoma with a WASR and killed a few people. The WASR is still around. The DC sniper killed people with a bushmaster AR. Those are still around.

...See a pattern?
No it wasn't sarcasm. Cho killed a bunch of folks at VT with a .22 mosquito and a glock. Neither of those are banned. A guy came into a mall in Tacoma with a WASR and killed a few people. The WASR is still around. The DC sniper killed people with a bushmaster AR. Those are still around.

...See a pattern?
True, but the Five-seveN is a little bit more unique. This is the first that I've heard about him using a 5.7, I figured he used an issued M9.
I owned this weapon before all the 'rumor' about the armor piercing ability. There WAS ammo available that would pierce the normal police armor. It is NO longer available and was pulled rapidly after the weapon started seeing sale volume. The two out there now do not have the hardened steel insert in the bullet and will be stopped by armor. As for as the weapon itself, it is really a pretty thing and fun to shoot. It is also reloadable. If you check, the armor penetration thing was well hashed over in the 'reporting' community several years ago. The people bashing it now have no idea what they are saying.

We need to keep the press honest in the coverage of this tragedy. Stand ready to Email your local press with facts regarding the pistol and round used by this madman.
I could see the 5-7 pistol being offered as a sacrificial lamb for this one.

It isn't a big seller anyway. It is very difficult for civilians to get the truly anti-armor ammo. It is not a big part of FN's business. It would give it a bit of prestige, and restricting it to LE and military sales would give it an air of lethality, like happened with the Black Talon ammo many years ago. Those already in civilian hands will skyrocket in value. (My brother-in-law has one.) They will either convince FN to restrict sales to letterhead only or they will move to have it declared a destructive device like the Streetsweeper.

Yes it's a stupid 'blame the gun', passing an insane law to prevent insane people from doing insane things, but since they don't have the votes to get any new legislation, it's all they can do.
If Fabrique Nationale wants to voluntarily remove the Five-seveN from the private market, that's up to them. I won't stand for the government banning them. We've given up too much ground in the past 75 years between the NFA, the GCA, and FOPA.

"The line must be drawn here, no further!"
I'm sure the Brady Bunch, the VPC, and the other usual suspects will scream that we need more gun laws after this one, all the while conveniently forgetting to mention that it happened in a gun free zone. He was already breaking the rule against carrying on post; I doubt he had properly registered the two pistols with the Provost Marshall, so that's two laws he was already breaking.

Honestly, the only way to stop this guy was to shoot him as police Sergeant Kimberly Munley did. But, as I end my posts on the Puffington Host, "but anyways, back to talking about taking my rights away because of what some Crip did last night in LA".
It is an interesting choice of weapon though. No reports of him being a "gun guy" even then he would have had guns to do the deed with. You would think that the natural choice would have been a Beretta 92. Something he would have been familiar with. Or I may be completely wrong and the guy at the gun shop was a really good salesman.

It still strikes me wrong that a field grade officer does this. Officers would not be known to commit this type of thing. The most rank I had ever seen commit anything was a couple of LTs in Korea steal a Humm-v and go to Seoul to party for the weekend.
I have seen a lot of the domestic violence but usually from the lower enlisted ranks coming home to discover infidelity and kill the wife/girlfriend/wife and boyfriend. The highest rank I saw do this was an E-7 in Germany that came home from a training ex in Graf and beat his Filipino wife and threw her off the third story window of the housing area.
It just don't fit.
While watching Wolfman Blitzer on CNN, he reported the FN gun as a "cop-killer" gun.....in reference to, what he says, is the street name for it. I rolled my eyes at that one....
I don't know all the details of the story. Were any of the victims wearing body armor?
In general 1 in 4 people deliberately shot with a handgun dies. The results of the Ft. Hood shooting reflect this reality.

There's nothing exotic about the 5.7x28mm cartridge that distinguishes its wounding effects from other handgun cartridges. Indeed, those knowledgeable in wound ballistics do not recommend this cartridge for police/military use due to its mild, marginal wounding effects.

Its wounding effects are unremarkable and approximately the same as the .22 Hornet cartridge. Bullet weight is 40 grains or less. For comparison a common .22 Long Rifle cartridge is typically loaded with a 40 grain bullet.
the 9mm has the highest kill record of all time, higher then the .45 or the FN57, look up all the history of mass shootings in the US . the 9mm lives up to its reputation while most people say the .45 is better while the 9mm has the highest kill records.
I can't believe the round allegedly used is not only being discussed, but has two duplicate and redundant threads talking about the same thing.

Any decent hunting round will defeat any body armor someone is willing to wear all day. What matters is that this murderer took a firearm, pointed it at people for no good reason, and pulled the trigger.
The hardware is not important.
The shooter's motivations and affiliations don't matter.
The capacity of the magazines is irrelevant.
I like how it is being called a "cop killer" round in the same article that says she was shot by the gunman but not killed.
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