FOBUS holster issues...

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Back in the days when I had one of these, here is what I did that helped a LOT....

I folded a piece of paper about 12 times until it made a good wedge. Then, I jammed that wedge in between where the two holster "panels" are fit together, right at its retention point of the trigger guard (no gun in the holster) I then put it on the dash of my car in the hot Texas sun in the summer for 2 days. It worked wonders.
My Fobus paddle holster for my Glock 17 is extremely comfortable and close fitting, but like you I found its retention tighter than what I wanted. I used a round coarse file to file down the surfaces that pinch the trigger guard (doing it in increments and testing gun fit along the way) until I got just the right amount of tension. Then I smoothed it out with fine sandpaper and applied Armor-All (a tip I got from this site) and now it's perfect! The gun won't fall out when the holster is turned upside down a shaken but it draws nice and easy from my hip. My son bought a Fobus paddle for his Glock and I modified his the same way. After this modification, I can't imagine a better paddle holster for any price.
Fobus Tight Fit Fix

I have a Fobus SW 357 for my S&W 340 wheel gun. The fit was so tight, I had to use both hands to execute the draw. The BG's got so tired of waiting for a fair fight they went home. Seriously I fixed the problem by jamming a rubber washer to open the holster at the trigger guard and secured it with a small stainless bolt and nut to make sure it stays in place. Works great.
I still will never understand why people buy fobus products. Even if they are the cheapest out there, a Don Hume leather holster or 5.11/Bladetech kydex isn't much more expensive and ten times the quality (and it isn't because they are that great, it is because fobus is that bad.)

I'm not advocating the $100+ holsters so many people rave about, but buying a Fobus is just plain silly.
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