Fred Thompson on the Issues

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Still Wrong Colt.

I get it. I'm wrong because I disagree with you. Okay, now I know.

Hey Titan6: You're Wrong! (Hey, this is fun! And it makes me feel good about myself, too!)

was a little bit in there about "only congress shall have the power to declare war" or some such nonesense.

I thought congress DID pass an Iraq war resolution. What did I miss here?

But this thread is not about Paul this is about Thompson.

Are you reading the same thread I am? I think Ron Paul's name is in here more than Fred's.

You'll have to forgive my general ignorance on Ron Paul. Like the vast majority of voters, I have very little idea who he is or what he stands for, other than blaming the US for 911.

How can I forgive your ignorance when you keep making comments about which you know little apparently? If you went out and learned the truth and came up with an honest arguement like; "I Don't like Paul because he rejects a Federal Ban on Abortion and Gay Marriage" I can buy that, but to distort the truth or lie and then claim ignorance is not reaaly forgivable since you make no attempt at making ammends.

Thanks for trying to put words in my mouth and for calling me a liar. But the truth is, I don't know much about Ron... Paul is it? I do know a few things, though.


- Most voters don't even know who Ron Paul is, let alone support him. The majority of those who do actually recognize his name or know that he's running, know him as "that crazy kook who thinks the U.S is responsible for the attacks of 9/11" (You can thank Ron Paul for that. He's a whiz at debating!)
- Ron Paul has no grasp of reality. If he did, he'd know a candidate can't say the things he does and still expect to get elected.
- If you think Ron Paul is electable in today's political environment, you have no grasp of reality.
- On the plus side, Ron Paul does have the coveted pro-gun, pro-gay, pro-abortion, retreat-from-Iraq vote all sewn-up. So I guess that's something. Hang onto that.
I'm 110% behind Fred Thompson. If he runs he will get my money & my time; and I've got lot of both.
I followed the link to here - - for Ron Paul. It looks to me like Fred Thompson is SOLIDLY pro 2A, and Ron Paul is mixed - judging by his voting record.

Ron Paul on Gun Issues
Voted NO on prohibiting product misuse lawsuits on gun manufacturers. (Oct 2005)
Voted NO on prohibiting suing gunmakers & sellers for gun misuse. (Apr 2003)
Voted NO on decreasing gun waiting period from 3 days to 1. (Jun 1999)
Support the Second Amendment . (Dec 2000)
Rated A by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record. (Dec 2003)
Fred Thompson on Gun Issues
Allowing concealed carry could have limited VA Tech massacre. (Apr 2007)
Voted NO on background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
Voted NO on more penalties for gun & drug violations. (May 1999)
Voted YES on loosening license & background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
Voted YES on maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks. (Jul 1998)

Am I missing something here? He might be NRA 'A' Rated, but I don't see how?:confused:
Paul is following doctrinaire libertarianism.

Tort reform goes against Libertarian doctrine.

Now my personal opinion is mixed. On the one hand, limiting damages by law can thwart justice. On the other hand it costs far too much to get "justice" sometimes, and our civil court system is objectively so screwed up that it is being abused regularly.

In the balance, we need some sort of reform. I won't fault Paul for voting "no" on "reforms" he thought were bad. However, I don't see him offering an alternative, and we need that alternative.

Our "health care crisis" is a lawsuit crisis, and a legally-distorted market crisis, not a crisis of health care per se, or even of the direct costs of health care.

If not tort reform, then WHAT?

If you want to be President, impress me. Answer the question.
Tort reform goes against Libertarian doctrine.

I always find this interesting, as restricting the ability of a federal court to hear what cases come before it, and setting rules about those cases is within the power granted to Congress by the Constitution.
This thread illustrates exactly how you can throw your vote away.

You should pick a viable candidate who best represents your interests. I don't care who you are, you're not going to actually get someone in the White House who believes exactly what you believe.

If we get a great pro 2a Dem or Rep in the running like Thompson, those of you who are hell bent on voting against him (or her!!) are effectively giving your vote to the other guy (or gal). Just look at what Ralph Nader did to Al Gore in 2000.

I would love for there to be a viable third party candidate. Unfortunately, there isn't one. Do I agree with Mr. Thompson on every issue? No. Do I agree with him on most issues? Yes.
I would love for there to be a viable third party candidate. Unfortunately, there isn't one. Do I agree with Mr. Thompson on every issue? No. Do I agree with him on most issues? Yes.

I like Fred Thompson the best.

I agree with most of his policies. He's a leader, he's got charisma, he can speak, and is good at articulating things. He answers tough questions with a simple yes or no, that is something the American people can understand.

(okay, Ron Paul fans, don't jump all over me, and I swear I'll kill the first person that calls me a neocon) :)

Recently he was asked about his help in the formation of Homeland Security, and asked if he regretted it. He answered honestly that at the time, it was felt that we needed to unite a bunch of organizations together to more effectively defend the country. He said they tried hard to make it not turn into another bloated bureacracy, and at the time, he had been really proud of his work on that. But then he said that they had failed, and it hadn't worked out like he had hoped.

That is amazing, to hear something like that out of a politician.
Jesus I'm sick of the Ron Paul sycophants ... I like Ron Paul a lot but this is a thread about Fred Thompson ... can you keep the Ron Paul proselytizing in the Ron Paul threads please?
This thread illustrates exactly how you can throw your vote away.

You should pick a viable candidate who best represents your interests. I don't care who you are, you're not going to actually get someone in the White House who believes exactly what you believe.

I hope Thompson or Paul or Newt gets the nomination, BUT I will vote for whomever has the R after their name, even if I have to hold my nose. YMMV

If you want to call me names, go ahead. Only an id_ot votes their conscience when they should be shooting, if they really believe what they write. Again, YMMV
Recently he was asked about his help in the formation of Homeland Security, and asked if he regretted it. He answered honestly that at the time, it was felt that we needed to unite a bunch of organizations together to more effectively defend the country. He said they tried hard to make it not turn into another bloated bureacracy, and at the time, he had been really proud of his work on that. But then he said that they had failed, and it hadn't worked out like he had hoped.

And when Ron Paul says it he is a kook? I guess it is all in how you say it...

(okay, Ron Paul fans, don't jump all over me, and I swear I'll kill the first person that calls me a neocon)

More important than the names of people affiliated with neo-conservatism are the views they adhere to. Here is a brief summary of the general understanding of what neocons believe:
1. They agree with Trotsky on permanent revolution, violent as well as intellectual.
2. They are for redrawing the map of the Middle East and are willing to use force to do so.
3. They believe in preemptive war to achieve desired ends.
4. They accept the notion that the ends justify the means—that hard-ball politics is a moral necessity.
5. They express no opposition to the welfare state.
6. They are not bashful about an American empire; instead they strongly endorse it.
7. They believe lying is necessary for the state to survive.
8. They believe a powerful federal government is a benefit.
9. They believe pertinent facts about how a society should be run should be held by the elite and withheld from those who do not have the courage to deal with it.
10. They believe neutrality in foreign affairs is ill-advised.
11. They hold Leo Strauss in high esteem.
12. They believe imperialism, if progressive in nature, is appropriate.
13. Using American might to force American ideals on others is acceptable. Force should not be limited to the defense of our country.
14. 9-11 resulted from the lack of foreign entanglements, not from too many.
15. They dislike and despise libertarians (therefore, the same applies to all strict constitutionalists.)
16. They endorse attacks on civil liberties, such as those found in the Patriot Act, as being necessary.
17. They unconditionally support Israel and have a close alliance with the Likud Party.

Now Correia does that sound like you? Trotsky maybe, but certainly not Strauss...
Jesus I'm sick of the Ron Paul sycophants ... I like Ron Paul a lot but this is a thread about Fred Thompson ... can you keep the Ron Paul proselytizing in the Ron Paul threads please?
I don't know. Does that go both ways? ;)
Calling it out the first mention of Ron Paul was in post #13 by Colt, the local Thompson sycophant. I figure he threw it in there because I expressed why I would not vote for Thompson on the issues, and what I took issues with him on. Instead of disputing the issue he threw out an attack on Ron Paul rather than allow it to turn into a feeding freenzy on Thompson's weakness in the Bill of Rights and Civil Liberities.
Awww, the love is in the air.

My candidate voted to pick his nose in public...

Well, Your candidate is a doodyhead

No, your candidate wets the bed.....

And all this bickering and no one debates the chilling effect on gun ownership if Ether the Hildabeast or Obama gets in office......

How 'bout this. In general, the Republican Party is more Pro 2k than the Democrat party.

In this country, Party trumps person. The group with the power wins.

So, Whomever is put up against the Hildabeast, gets my vote, as the thought of her getting into office sends chills up my spine.
For me the issue is one of "electability". I will vote for Mr. Thompson if he runs, for I agree with 90% of the things he has taken a stand on thus far.

Ron Paul at this point has no chance to win the party nomination and he does not have enough funding for a credible third party run (unlike Bloomberg).

Unless something goes radically wrong for the Democrats (like they wake up and realize the country is mostly conservative) they will nominate an extremist like Hillary or Obama over Bill Richardson.

The Republicans have no winners right now. Fred Thompson could be their saving grace: he is articulate, he represented Tennessee quite ably, he is telegenic and millions of people have seen him on movies and TV (usually as a person in charge). You can't buy that kind of positive recognition.

If he runs, I predict a clear win for him against anyone but Bill Richardson. If Bloomberg runs as a third party candidate, I predict a lopsided win for Thompson, against any current Democratic hopeful.
I agree with Ron Paul more, but I don't think he'll go the distance. Of the rest of the candidates out there now, I'd take Fred Thompson in a heartbeat.
What I disagree with him on:

Voted YES on $75M for abstinence education. (Jul 1996)
Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage. (Sep 1996)
Voted YES on Amendment to prohibit flag burning. (Dec 1995)
Nov 1999)
Voted YES on spending international development funds on drug control. (Jul 1996)
Voted YES on Strengthening of the trade embargo against Cuba. (Mar 1996)
Voted NO on allowing reimportation of Rx drugs from Canada. (Jul 2002)
Voted NO on allowing patients to sue HMOs & collect punitive damages. (Jun 2001)
Voted YES on authorizing use of military force against Iraq. (Oct 2002)
Voted YES on allowing all necessary force in Kosovo. (May 1999)
Voted YES on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions. (Jun 2000)
Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions. (Oct 1999)
Voted YES on banning human cloning. (Feb 1998)
Voted YES on defunding renewable and solar energy. (Jun 1999)
Voted NO on authorizing air strikes in Kosovo. (Mar 1999)

Hmm...that's funny. I would vote for him based on every single one of those points. While 1 or 2 I may not fully agree with, as a whole he best represents what *I* believe in. And that's a very 5000 foot view of the issues that were actually voted on.

I don't understand why voting no on Kosovo airstrikes was a bad thing...we basically crippled them from keeping the Muslims extremists out of their country...
How 'bout this. In general, the Republican Party is more Pro 2k than the Democrat party.
That's great, if you're a one-issue voter.

Yeah yeah, blah blah 2nd amendment is the most important, etc.

Really now, how effective are your guns when your rights under the 4th Amendment are being taken away with illegal eavesdropping on your cellphone conversations or Internet surfing?

Yeah, the R's may be a little less gun-grabby than the D's, but they're a helluva lot worse with some of the other Amendments.
I like Thompson the best. Now if he'd only run damnit!

So, Whomever is put up against the Hildabeast, gets my vote, as the thought of her getting into office sends chills up my spine.

Amen. That's how I'm voting! :D
Originally posted by Dravur:
How 'bout this. In general, the Republican Party is more Pro 2k than the Democrat party.

How 'bout this. In general, the Libertarian party is more Pro-Constitution than the Republican and Democrat Parties combined.

Its the truth, isnt it?
That's great, if you're a one-issue voter.

Yeah yeah, blah blah 2nd amendment is the most important, etc.

Really now, how effective are your guns when your rights under the 4th Amendment are being taken away with illegal eavesdropping on your cellphone conversations or Internet surfing?
Yeah, right like the Dems won't embrace the Patriot Act and all the other encroachments on our privacy and rights when they get fully in power.

The only reason most Democrats oppose the Patriot Act is because it was signed by a Republican president ... as soon as they are in the white house expect all the anti Patriot Act talk to disappear.

Democrats are just as bad for all our other civil liberties as they are on guns.

How 'bout this. In general, the Libertarian party is more Pro-Constitution than the Republican and Democrat Parties combined.

Its the truth, isnt it?
Isn't that nice ... too bad not a one of them can get into any position of power to actually do anything other than bitch, moan and write editorials in obscure political magazines like Reason (and yes, Reason is obscure ... most people have no idea it exists ... more people know about High Times than Reason).
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