Frightened sheeple Bit on the Tush need non gun defense

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Turkey beaks hurt! How do I know? you ask, I have personaly been accosted by a heard of wild Turkey's! Fish and Game introduced Turkeys here a number of years ago and they have done well. It is not uncommon to see groups of turkeys numbering into the hundreds. The problem is that the people living in the suburbs began feeding these pests and now they are about half domesticated and are unafraid of humans. I have had as many as thirty roosting on my roof and I had to quit doing outdoor lights during Christmas because the Turkey's tore the lighs down daily. If you live around Hutchinson Ks. and want to hunt them P.M. me.

Can't you hose them down or do something to scare them off? A firecracker would probably do it.
I can't believe it's been a year and Season Shot isn't out yet!
That sounds like a possibly delicious problem.

"Ammo with Flavor"

Fantastic slogan. If I hunted, I'd buy some.
Solution to beligerent turkey:

Stop...Turn...Kick. Worked for me a couple times with big Canada Geese. I enjoy seein' the big honkers over on the lake, and generally wish'em well...but there's a limit to the sort of thing up with which I will put.
It just occurred to me that injuring or killing a turkey, even if it's being a pain in the butt, could get you nabbed with an animal cruelty charge. Crazy, I know, but I heard about a guy getting nabbed just for killing a seagull that was stealing loads of his food.

Good point, it would be critical to do this out of sight from any moon bats. Or if you're spotted, loudly yell "oh god! I need to get this animal to the VET!!", and scamper off to the butcher with your new prize. :D

These turkeys have shown up at my parent's place in michigan, but always scatter before I can get the .30'06 ready.


Tippi Hedren does not approve...
If a bunch of large wild birds were pooping excessively on my yard I'd break out my trusty 6mm.

(that's an airsoft gun--not powerful enough to break skin or cause serious injury (cept to maybe the eyes/head) but it gets the point across to critters of all sizes).
So I guess turkey hunting is not that big in Mass? You would think you could go out to the woods and almost shoot birds at will there.
What they need to do is install these around town:

Then people will know what to do when they see turkeys...
boomerang said:
I grew up in that town.
My wife teaches High School there.
Brookline is the socialist moonbat center of Massachusetts.

Where in Brookline? Davis Ave here. :) (Not anymore thankfully)
rdhood: They need to rent a 12 year old kid with slingshot and a bag of marbles, and send him downtown to put a little timidity in those turkeys.
In Massachusetts? The poor kid would be ordered into some kind of court-mandated therapy or jailed on a weapons charge.
Random Comments:

1. Umbrellas might work.

2. There's a lot to be said for the Aguila Sans Poudre .22 rounds.

3. Sounds like that lady encountered a turkey from Rome, Italy.
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What do they call it when a Turkey makes a turkey out of someone.
Very funny, and I hope the Wild animal population grows by leaps and bounds in that town in Massachusetts.
To behold Turkeys running that town in circles would be priceless.
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