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Dec 24, 2002
Now THE day has come.

Please do yourself and the rest of the world the favor to give John "Flip-Flop" Kerry and his sidekick John "Tort Boy" Edwards the boot!

I voted early for Bush, but too many folks on this board are voting third party, which is the same as voting for Kerry. :fire:
I disagree. Mathematically, it's voting for each candidate 1/2 vote.

Since I'm in MA, Badnarik is still getting my vote.
If someone lives in an extremely "red" state, a vote for a third-party candidate is IMHO O.K. to show Dubya and the GOP the error of their ways!

Otherwise I agree with StephenT. Anyone in the swing-states NOT voting for Dubya is in fact voting for Kerry.
I've said this a dozen times here, but I'll say it again. I'm a Libertarian of 12 years, and up until a month ago, I was voting Badnarik. Jersey may actually be in play this year, so for the first time in 3 presidential elections, I'm voting Republican. I respectfully request that other 3rd party voters in any state where Bush has a chance, do the same. This time around, defeating Kerry is far more important than "sending a message".

Godspeed indeed! Those of us who are of faith need to spend this day on our knees (but get out and cast your vote first).
I proudly voted for Mike Badnarik. If George Bush loses New Jersey by one vote then you can blame me. I'll sleep like a baby tonight, knowing i didn't sell out my values and beliefs.
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