Got a lead on a good RKBA organization?

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Derek Zeanah

System Administrator
Staff member
Dec 20, 2002
Statesboro, GA
We're trying to promote RKBA organizations that meet THR's standards, and we can use your help.

We've contacted 17 so far. One declined our offer because they didn't have an executive director, four signed up, and the rest have not responded.

If you know of an RKBA organization that you think we should be supporting, please email or call them and ask that they contact us.

They can reach me directly via derek (at), or click the "contact us" link at the bottom of every page to contact the webmaster.


Edited due to a question from a member: No, we are not charging for these.
GRNC in NC I think you may have reached out them, if so, I am sure they will respond sooner or later. If not they are definitely a great org.
Could you post a list of those you have contacted so we will know of any you may have overlooked?
I can in a couple of weeks. I've contacted quite a few. Some are looking for talent for their top spot, and don't want to make decisions in the mean time. Others are having board meetings or big fund raisers right now and won't get back for a week or three. Others haven't responded e-mails or web forms I've submitted, and depending on their staffing levels they may never get back to me.

I'll post something a bit later, once I have a good feel for who's going to come through on their own.
As earlier mentioned, VCDL should be on the list. If you have contacted them and not heard a reply, the VCDL members on this board should be able to give a little internal push.
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