GSG 1911 - 22LR pistol

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Sep 5, 2010
San Francisco
Yesterday, I went to a local gun show, and one of the vendors had 2 very nice 1911's in 22LR. One gun was made by GSG in Germany, and right next to it there was a Colt 1911 also in .22LR. The Colt was also made in Germany by Umarex, the same company that makes the Walther P22.

After handling both guns, I came with the impression that both guns were nearly identical, although I did like the sights better on the GSG. The prices were similar as well $350 for the GSG, $399 for the Colt.

I already have a couple of 22 autos (a Buckmark and a P22), but I'd like to add one of these, so if anyone here have these guns I'd like to hear you feedback.

I have the GSG-1911 and it's absolutely fantastic. I would recommend it highly. I am happy with the accuracy, function, reliability, and authentic 1911 feel. I believe the manufacturer claims 80% parts compatibility with a standard .45 acp 1911. Plus, you can get a threaded barrel adapter, like I did, and run it suppressed. Good stuff.
I dunno what drives people to buy guns made out of pot metal.

Do a thread check there are a couple of threads dealing with the GSG 1911. General consensus is most are pleased with their purchase.
The Colt is made by Walther, so I doubt it is made from pot metal. Also, it has a fixed barrel like the PPK and all other good .22 target pistols.
I like my GSG a lot, it's not 100% reliable with the cheap stuff but in my experience few .22LR pistols are. Runs great on the high velocity stuff.

It's a pretty well made gun, and it feels like a 1911 (although slightly lighter). The mag disconnect safety was annoying to me so I removed it, that whole process takes all of 2 minutes. Sooner or later I'm going to suppress it just for kicks.
The Colt is made by Walther, so I doubt it is made from pot metal. Also, it has a fixed barrel like the PPK and all other good .22 target pistols.
Yes, the Colt is made by Walther/Umarex, and so is the Walther P22, and that gun does have a pot metal slide. So if anything, I'd think the Colt is the one likely to have pot metal in it.

I have put close to 1200 rounds through my Walther P22, and it's still working great with no visible signs of wear or cracks in it's pot metal slide.

BTW, the picture you posted, is that a GSG ?
Yep, they look identical. The Mosquito is certainly different, but the SGI 1911-22 is the GSG.

Unless someone can tell me the Colt is all steel, looks like I'll be getting the GSG.
From what I understand, the Colt/Umarex M4 .22LR rifles have pot metal in them. The Walther P22 slide is also pot metal IIRC.

So I wouldn't hold out much hope that Umarex doesn't have at least some pot metal in their "Colt" .22LR 1911.
Look around enough and you'll find examples of any gun that have failed at some point. So I'm not surprised that you can find a picture of a busted GSG. The early ones had lots of issues with the barrel bushings but that was fixed some time ago.

While I don't own one I help out part time at a rental range where they have one that gets shot a LOT. So far it's stood up well to about 2 lifetimes worth of shooting at the hands of any private owner. And it still feels and shoots very much like new the last time I handled it.

I will say that it has been down for servicing a couple of times. But then the way they use the guns there even Rugers find themselves sitting in the back waiting for the odd part now and then.

I haven't seen the Colt 1911-22 but I read that it's not a full size copy. Can anyone confirm if this is true or not? But if that's so then I'd opt for the GSG as the nicest low cost 1911-22 that is currently out there.
while i do not know anything on these guns reliability or quality of materials. I do see that the Colt has 2 advantages over the GSG/Sig

12 round mag
does not need allen wrench for field stripping.
Does anyone know anything about the waaranties on thses 22's Esp the colt? I can't seem to find anything online
I've never seen "pot metal" used in any firearm part. Die cast aluminum, yes. Pot metal, no (except in my cap guns when I was a kid in the fifties).

The GSG has a fixed barrel, though it's removable unlike some other .22LR handguns with fixed barrels.

It is not a fixed barrel in the same sense as a target pistol.

I've never seen "pot metal" used in any firearm part. Die cast aluminum, yes. Pot metal, no (except in my cap guns when I was a kid in the fifties).


die casting in firearms is synonymous with crap
die casting in firearms is synonymous with crap

Well, I'm going to say you don't know what the heck you are talking about. There are dozens of die cast aluminum frames for auto pistols, receivers for rifles, parts within many, many successful firearms all across the spectrum.

I have to admit that 918v is pretty good at pulling up pictures of busted GSG's.

But if the Colt is made by Umarex and given the price point then it's highly likely that it uses much the same materials as the GSG.

Stop and think about it. There's just no way that a lowly .22LR is going to have the power to push back a "proper" steel full size 1911 slide even if it is a fixed barrel. Hell, even Kimber uses aluminium for the slide on their .22 1911. I'm just not sure if it's cast or machined from solid. So one way or the other ANY .22 1911 is going to be dealing with an alloy of some sort for the slide.
Machined aircraft aluminum is going to be much stronger than die-cast.

I would say if you have a 1911 already, get a Ciener (or similar) conversion kit. I shoot the heck out of mine on my Kimber frame, I have never sandbagged it to REALLY check accuracy, I just shoot it for fun.
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