Gun Range Officer - Total Jerk

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I've never been a Range Officer, but I've done things a lot more dangerous - and in not one of those situations did it ever behoove anyone for someone to purposfully inject tension into the atmosphere. Raising your voice may initially draw attention, but in short order it also conditions everyone around you to expect it - to think it's the norm: so conditioned, the raised voice and dirty stare lose all significance and effectiveness - it desensitizes.

In the short term, being crude does more than begin a process of desinsitization - it injects dangerous tension into the atmosphere - thus distracting people from concentrating on maintaining safety - they lose focus. And...those who lose focus while performing hazordous tasks more often end up hurting themselves, or someone else.

So, I say to anyone who has ever encountered one of these "NAZI" RO's - confront them then and there. Tell them that what they do is more dangerous than saying nothing at all. If they should open thier mouths, then let it be encouraging and instructive. Otherwise, they should kleep thier mouths closed - for the safety of all.

By the way, I've seen a lot of RO's in my shooting hobby career and I've always noticed that the very worst always seem to be associated with ranges with the highest accident rates. I don't think it's a coincidence, and I don't believe that high accident rates result in a NAZI RO...quite the opposite, in fact.

Keep cool. Spread good Karma.

I really feel sorry for the guy, he gets abused by a RO who probably needs anti-depressants and then gets abused at this site for expecting a little support. That range officer has many faces but is the same jerk that works at the range down the road from my house. He has a very bad case of little man syndrome, I joined a shooting club 15 miles away so I could have a safe place to shoot. The bad tempered ones I have seen do not prevent unsafe acts they just boss people around if they can get away with it.
well here are my thoughts....are some RSO's jerks?-sure. Do some RSO's need to be? yes indeed, when safety is concerned and the situation warrant's. anybody who has had a close call whether you are the unexpected target or someone you care about is the unexpected target you absolutely believe at a professional range you are going to be safe. I'm sorry somebody yelled at you and made you feel bad, but if the alternaive is somebody getting hurt then thats the way it is going to be. maybe there was an issue with the lane (poor or unsafe backstop) or maybe the RSO was just being rude but either way at that point his word is the final say so. Later you can address the issue with him or is employers. Heck, in the army I saw guys get kicked, punched thrown to the ground by Drill's for acting in an unsafe manner at the range. I hope you can find a range, or property that allows you to do what you feel you need to do, to enjoy shooting in a manner safe to you and others.

I am not placing blame but an accidental discharge resulting in the injury or death of another person cannot be taken back-SAFETY needs to be the goal of all parties concerned. I am still learning the basics with a handgun so myself and a small group (with more experience) head to the sticks to fire and you know what, it's a farther drive, our language and range etiquette does not offend anyone, we always practice safety and it's worth it everytime.
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Ranges have rules for a reason Accidents don't happen, they are caused. All those dumb rules don't mean anything until something happens and they ask you did you follow the dumb rule. If you accidently shoot someone, it may result in a death. It will most certainly result ln a law suit against you and the range and may even put the range out of business.

I don't know what happened at the range that day between you and the RO. I was't there. There are usually three sides to a story 1) your side 2) his side and 3) the what really happened. If you are that unhappy with the range and their rules, just don't go back. I doubt that the range will miss you. Everybody will be happy.
The public range and private gun club I frequent/belong too are both quite good about range and firearm saftey. The public range doesn't have a RO but it's indoors and they have TV cameras all over the place. They will get on the PA if a shooter is doing something fishy. The gun club has an extensive membership process so it keeps out the rif-raf. There is no RO on any of the various ranges and it's all done by working together.

There's another public range on the north side of Cincy where it's mostly a free-for-all. I avoid going there if at all possible. They NEED a RO and one who is more DI and less Mr. Rogers. Serriously, it's an unsafe and dreary place.

I was there once two fellows fired from the same booth at the same time. They held their 9's sideways and popped off as fast as they could. Out of the aprox 30 shots they hit the large "bad guy" paper target all of 3 times. And it was at 10ish yards. Nary a peep was said to them. I finished the mag I was on, packed up and left.
At our range, those of us who shoot regularly do as much monitoring as the two guys whose job it really is to do that. They are both relative rookies, and frankly miss many of the infractions that the rest of us too often see. These are often committed by either a) young women who are with young men who themselves barely know how to shoot safely and b) kids who are with parents who are trying sooooo hard to be cool with guns in front of their kids, a 'buddy' instead of a parent. In all cases, those who make mistakes usually just forget to do something the rest of us do now naturally. I did these too, at first. Back then, we had ROs who watched us like hawks, and would not hesitate to yell "Stay behind the red line during cease fire!!!"

No one likes a jerk, but given the choice between an alert jerk and an lackadaisical nice guy, when public safety is concerned, give me the jerk every time. Someone may get yelled at or their feelings hurt, but no blood will likely get spilled.
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