Guns, Purchasing, Finances and Your Wife

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Today my wife told me a couple things about the guns today:
1) She is taking a 3 day pistol class at the end of the month.
2) She needs an AR for IPSC
3) She needs at least 3,000 rnds loaded and 2 cases of WWB of 45 ACP to get through the summer

I figure anything I want will fit in there somewhere without too much effort.
for me, YMMV... it's all about responsability: as a husband, as a father, as a hobbyist/ a responsible man, priorities should be...first, to wife, then to children and followed by friends/hobbies.. take care of business at home and i guarantee you won't get a peep out of what, why, how many (insert your favorite) toys you get with your discretionary money...from your loved ones..A man's got to know his limitations, strenghts, etc..i could be wrong...i'm still learning!:eek:
Back in 1975 when I proposed to my wife I told her that I expected to buy a top of the line 7mm Remington Magnum rifle with a good scope after we got married. I asked if she had a problem with that. She said "No." After 30 years and about a hundred gun purchases she has never quibbled. My hobbies have always taken a back seat to my family.
The old saying that honesty is the best policy really is true, especially with the person you plan on spending the rest of your life with. My wife is not all that interested in shooting, but encourages me all she can. I have never felt guilty about any firearm purchase, nor do I question her about the hobbies or interests that she spends money on. We plan our spending on what we have available after the bills are paid. For something special that I want, she has no problem with me saving towards it, and helps toward the goal. Life is too short to hide and lie about things to get what you want, it is so much easier to live with someone that wants you to have the things you want. It is well worth the wait to find such a partner.

When you tell the truth you don't have to try to remember what you said either! :D
This answer is very simple. Probably you have more guns than your wife. Therefore, you may do whatever you like - you have the guns. I have been married for eleven months, and so far this works for me. I have to go now, my wife is hiding from me...again.

I jest.
Do not lie to your wife. To have a good marriage there needs to be absolute trust in the relationship. Can't have that if you make a hanit of lying to her to get what you want. How would you take it if she lied to you about the family money she spent on one of her hobbies?

set the rules up front. Make sure each of you has spending money each month that you can do whatever you want with. If there is a gun you want then save for it. If you dont have enough to buy something at the time discuss it with her or wait till you have saved enough for it.
My gun habit came about 7 years into our marriage, but guns are really no different than any other financial item (assuming your SO is not anti). Before gus I was into cars, rock and ice climbing, mountain biking, woodworking, all things that required money.

Guess we're like most partnerships- one spendthrift and one spender. I'm the spender, wife is a frugal yankee who just wants to Make Do. Which is fine, but at age 40, I'm getting a little tired of making do and I want to start having some fun. I want a nice bass boat at the moment. :)

I have been married to the same wonderful lady for 21 ok 22 years. She is not into guns. But she was with me for ten years in the service, so she knows what being flexible means. When the money is there I can buy and when its not I add it to my next time list. Hopefully you will know your girlfriend well enough to know her thoughts on about you and your hobbies. I would never have married anyone knowing we would have to LIE about anything. That is a snowball waiting to roll. Think long and hard. A marriage can be a long one that seems like only yesterday, or a short one that seems like eternity. Good luck. BY THE WAY DID I MENTION MY SWEETY JUST BOUGHT ME A TC CONTENDER FOR MY BIRTHDAY? My wife is great:what:
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