Had an AD at home

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Your accident was bad, but something some of us have experienced. Over 30 years ago I shot a color tv with a .38 special just a week after I came home from the Army. Pretty embarrassing considering it was in my Dad's house, but I remember that despite my embarrassment I was also surprised by the lack to penetration of the .38 round as it didn't even exit the back of the picture tube. Still it was my fault/foolishness and it shouldn't have happened.

Eight years ago I had alot of problems with my marriage as I found out my ex-wife was playing "Cleopatra" with a couple of guys she met on a Casino boat. :uhoh: I was smart enough to properly channel my anger and unloaded all the firearms we had in the house we had placed in strategic places (we had no kids) and I locked them up in the two gun safes I had in the basement. Having to take the time to unlock the safes is an instant cooling off period, from my standpoint. She seemed to be becoming a more and more unstable person and I was more concerned about her doing something than me, and she didn't know the combinations to the safes. She is long gone, and it only cost me $16K to get her to walk. I still have all the guns I had before she left. I feel fortunate to still have my collection and nobody got hurt, atleast physically.
CZ-100, please don't start that argument again. We all know that 99.9% of the time when a gun fires at the wrong time or at the wrong target it involves some negligence. But AD is the traditional term, some of us are more comfortable with AD for good reasons, and the bottom line is that it is an accidental discharge even if someone is directly to blame through misdeed. No need to beat your head against the wall over it, you know? :)
That gun should be in your control.

As for 'on the nightstand', that would depend on how responsible your kids and other family members are. I'd have to say that they would need to be 100% on their gun handling and responsibility index before you could just leave a loaded gun out in the house, nightstand or elsewhere.

The fact that your wife squeezed one off while berating you on your gun safety should put an end to the question of whether or not your household has people who are 100% or not.

Get a small quick-access safe and either have the gun on you or in the safe.

You're asking for some serious heartache with your current habits.

- Gabe

PS: ND is the appropriate term. AD may make you feel better, but it is incorrect nonetheless.
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