Handgun purchase denied, what to do?

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DPS put out an open letter back when they were cutting back on the staffed hours a few years ago. They all but EXPECTED there to be temperary denial problems, and included instructions to call in with the reference number on the next business day, and that the approval number would be issued then. On the nice side, they will usually have somebody in the office on weekends when there are (major) gunshows, ans sometimes around times when gun sales go up (ie, around the start of hunting season), but you can't count on either. Amazingly, even CT's antigun lobby believes that taking the staff out of the office was a bad idea- they said it would promote illegal gun sales.

So ya need to travel up here to NGE and Hoffman's- Don't y'all still have Ron's Guns down there? He was pricey, but his inventory was usually pretty descent.
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