Purchase Denied

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I have never been delayed or denied so I am asking because I do not know, can you resubmit a 4473 with your SSN this time to make sure it identifies you correctly?

I'm assuming no because I'm sure the people on here who are gun shop owners and those who know better would have already suggested it. If I am correct in my assumption, why not???

I was denied once.

One time I was purchasing a couple of rifles and in my scatterbrained-ness I put down my old student ID number in place of my SSN on the 4473. The guy got off the phone and said I was denied, and asked me to look over the form and make sure I put the correct information on it, while pointing to the SSN box. "Oh Crap! That's my Student ID number" I filled out a fresh form (correctly) and he called it in and I was approved moments later.

So there may be certain situations where a re-attempt is permit-able .

Good luck with your situation!
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