Has anyone on here been shot?

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One chest, one abdomen with what was found to be a .32 auto, small shrapnel to left shoulder blade, armpit and side, knife to right arm from mid bicep to forearm. Got a factory job now.
When I was about 12

I grew up on Long Island when it was nothing but potato fields and duck farms. I was walking home from (Private) school taking a shortcut where the Long Island Expressway was being built. I was ambushed by three older kids from another (Public) school who thought it would be funny to shoot me with a .20 air rifle and a .22 short.

The air rifle pellets left bloody welts on my buttocks and back and I caught one of the .22 shorts in the buttocks also. I ran the last mile to get home and my mom called the police. It seemed like every cop car in town showed up. The police had the boys within an hour. I ID' them at the police station I didn't find out what happened to them after that. Two of them moved away in a few weeks. I found the kid who shot me with the .22 when I was in high school after I heard him talking about it (He was right next to me at a football game. - Obviously, he didn't remember me.) I surprised him about a week later and beat him up really bad, then told him who I was and why he got the beat down. Never had another problem with him.
I Have

been shot in my shoulder and neck (same round deflected off of shoulder) with a .25acp... My brother was improperly handling a pistol when we were teens. The round lodged against my spine which was removed surgically, and my arm was paralyzed and I had a year of physical therapy. the round also pierced the main artery in my neck and I lost a lot of blood and went into shock...
Sort of. A .40S&W round missed my leg by a fraction of an inch. There was an entry and an exit hole in pants and my leg hurt but I was not actually hit. I still have the pants. I consider myself very lucky indeed.
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.25 in the right shoulder blade, point blank range...He shoulda used a bigger gun...Last I knew they said he might actually be able to walk again some day...But his face ain't ever gonna be the same....
when i was 18 years old, i got shot with a .22 short (subsonic) to the fatty part of the calf, through and through, little blood, felt like a hot poker through my leg...

The shooter was an idiot, trying to use a POTATOE and a subsonic round to make a "silenced" shot... (this actually DOES work, i was surprised) from a ruger MK2 pistol...

When the police arrived, they had to have a medic remove the muzzle of the gun from the idiots rectum... (my friend says i put it there, through his pants) I do not remember anything from the point of being shot until the police were asking why i decided to put the gun there... all i do remember is a kind of a red "fog", and alot of anger... i apparently also beat the guy up fairly badly...

no charges against me, since this genius SHOT me... but since then i have mellowed my temper a whole lot...
Boy, all this makes me feel fortunate. The worst I've ever been shot with was a spring pellet gun. Still chewed my friend(the shooter) out pretty badly. Left a bruise about 1" in diameter.

It's the closest I've ever come to shooting somebody. I was holding a CO2 pellet gun at the time, loaded. Yes, I did point it at him, though I'm glad today that I pointed it at his leg(where he shot me), rather than elsewhere.
Gotta agree with JMusic...

I've been shot, twice as a matter of fact. It hurts.

Anything else I could add is purely anecdotal and doesn't reall add much to the discussion.
Geez guys, you're making me cringe. I will review my safety rules, and be careful who I shoot with. Perhaps wearing a vest at the range isn't a bad idea. (All guns are always loaded, don't point them at anything you don't wish to destroy, keep your finger off the trigger til the sights are on the target and you are ready to fire, be sure of your target and what's beyond.)

I have a friend who shot himself with a 9mm hydrashok while sleep walking. He shot himself in the hand and lost his pinky out of it. It was really sobering for him, but he still is careless with guns. (he's pointed them at me numerous times and doesn't realize it...yeah) A cop friend of mine thinks it is perfectly okay to point guns at people in training. (he wanted to show me how he could make traffic stops with his red filter and blue nav. light on his AR. yes he pointed it at me....:uhoh: ...i didn't like it)

Seriously, glad you guys are okay. I hope that it doesn't ever happen to any of us. Thank you to those who served us in combat and were wounded!
Hemicuda said:
when i was 18 years old, i got shot with a .22 short (subsonic) to the fatty part of the calf, through and through, little blood, felt like a hot poker through my leg...

The shooter was an idiot, trying to use a POTATOE and a subsonic round to make a "silenced" shot... (this actually DOES work, i was surprised) from a ruger MK2 pistol...

When the police arrived, they had to have a medic remove the muzzle of the gun from the idiots rectum... (my friend says i put it there, through his pants) I do not remember anything from the point of being shot until the police were asking why i decided to put the gun there... all i do remember is a kind of a red "fog", and alot of anger... i apparently also beat the guy up fairly badly...

no charges against me, since this genius SHOT me... but since then i have mellowed my temper a whole lot...

Remind me if I buy a used Ruger Mk2 pistol to give it the "sniff test" first:barf: :D

i was shooting rats in an ol abandoned house with a 22pistol loaded with CB longs and had one come back and hit me in the boot,:what: it hurt for a good 30 min. iv had several bb's come back and hit me as a kid. luckly iv never had a bullet break the skin. :)
This happened to my buddy, while I was there. After about a year of him not able to go shooting with us, he finally comes out. He is shooting an AK and the area had these steel posts filled with concrete that we were putting targets on. (Not the best idea) And a piece of the bullet ricochet right into the side of his nose. He pulled it out and it just bled a little but he went home anyway. Hasn't come out shooting again yet, but once he has time he's coming back out. :cool:
I've been shot at & had a gun to my head, on two seperate occassions but never actually been hit. I have on the other hand been stabbed, twice. Once by punka** mugger about 5 or so years ago & the other was a few months later while I was bouncing at a hip-hop night club. The second time felt like someone punched me, so until my shirt filled with blood (it was a black shirt & it had been a really bad fight so I thought it was someone elses blood) I didn't realize I had actually been stabbed. Now I have a job at an office with a desk..but I'm trying to get into law enforcement here in NC.

Hope I'm never shot though, alot more things can go wrong, besides while I was in nursing (college) we had to study case studies from gun shot wounds, stabbings, burns, you name it they showed it. A hollow point .45 is very messing to say the least.
Yup. 9mm Mak through my left hand. Didn't hurt at first, but when I was in the ambulance, it hurt so bad I kicked off my leg straps writhing in pain.

Not a pleasant experience. :scrutiny:
jtward01 said:
I was shot in the side of the knee with a rubber bullet from a 12 gauge. I was about 17, and friends with several of the local cops. We were standing out behind the police station talking when one of the guys tried to empty the weapon before turning it in at the end of shift. He thought he'd ejected everything so he closed the action and pulled the trigger.

Today the lawyers would have been lining up at your front door!

Would I have sued? Probably not.

I would have atleast demanded some kick ass part time job (for a seventeen year old) doing some kind of function administrative or otherwise with the department.
I am very glad to never have been shot. I was threatened with a gun when I was 12 or 13 while in my own front yard. Some older kids were walking in the direction of the "woods", the gun in one kid's belt "flashed". I said something to my friend (stupid) which the kids heard. The one with the gun took it out and threatened to shoot us (my friend tried to run so hard that he tripped himself, never seen anything like it, I tried to reason with the kids as I backed behind some cover), they eventually went on their way. My friend and I went into my parents' house pale as can be (quite a feat since my friend was black), my parents called the police, the police caught the kids and took their .22lr pistol away (it was the early '80s, today they likely would have had jail time).
I have a funny one to add to a serious subject. I hadn't thought of rebounds until someone else mentioned it. Here's the story:

I was shooting my new Ruger 45 LC at a at a target stapeled to a woodpile. All at once I found myself on the ground breathless. I grasped my chest area and felt nothing but wetness. I thought I had shot myself in the heart. Upong looking at my hand I didn't see blood but a lighter colored liquid. What had happened was somehow a 255 grain slug had bounced directly back (about 15 yards) and hit me right in the chest. I had put on a pair of bib overalls that had a flask full of Drambue in the chest pocket. The slug had hit the flask with enough force to pop the top and bottom out of the flask. The flask was ruined, and that was the last time I used oak logs as a barrier to shoot into.:)
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