Has the gun market been revivified

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A friend with a big gun shop here (Kansas) tells me that handgun sales are strong but the market in black rifles and hunting rifles is dead.
What I seen basically is a massive increase in the sale of second hand weapons in the paper in particular. The local ads are filled with AR-15s that people spent $1500 on and now trying to recoup some money on since they have non left for $700 and still trying to struggle. I also seeing more ammo on the market then during the false Obama scare moment. On the downside you surplus weapons are getting very rare now and we got people thinking they can sell their Yugo SKS for $400, or my favourite a Mosin Nagant parts rifle that was priced at $750.
I do know that the market on collector or even semi-collector grade S&W's has gone through the roof in the last few years.

I am guilty of helping to prop up the market for semi-collectable S&W's.

Great guns that can be bought in the mid 100's, and they retain their value after you shoot 'em.
Several market factors:
Down economy, new guns are moving slower, less money to spend on them.
Down economy, people are dumping Obamascare purchases, placing more used guns up for sale. Prices beginning to reflect that.
Obamascare Bubble has burst, moving new guns much slower than during the height of the panic.

Less panic buying of new guns.
Less money to spend on new guns.
Increasing glut on secondary market, depressing used gun prices.

Things are still moving, but I would not call it a general revivification. :)
Is it true that two AR companies are near or in Chapter 11?

A friend who is very familiar knew over a year ago that prices would fall quite a bit with about twelve companies building them.

The artificial 'ammo bubble' burst by summer '09 on lots of rifle calibers.
One guy in Keene, NH had over 50,000 rds. of Russian 7.62x39 on GB. One guy counted 70,000 rds. of x39 under the same nickname.

How about combat shotguns?
A friend who sold twenty Saiga 12s told me that no more are entering the US. If so, maybe our nice new ATF Director is to blame?
What else is that ''Kommunistischer Arschloch" up to?
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