Head to Head CCW comparison: Whose is best?

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Rhody is schweet in as much as it is technically SHALL-ISSUE for residents. (In practice, however, it's a lot more like Mass ... this is changing, though, thanks to activism by folk at Citizens Rights Action League of RI).

Rhody even recognizes non-resident CCW's for car carry if you are just driving through the state.

For non-residents, this is what I dislike:

1) may-issue - need to provide a good reason.
2) you have to schlepp all the way to providence (AG's office) to pick up the darn thing in person (partly to submit thumbprint in person and then finish the lamination). can't get it through the mail.

And of course, no full-autos or cans or other NFA goodies.

but at least my rhody CCW is good for four years. unlike mass, which i have to renew ever year.
Alaska and Vermont not invited.

Even though we don't have to jump through hoops to carry up here, we still have work left to do.

Some of the restrictions on victim disarmament zones like schools need to be lifted. It doesn't make sense nor serve the public interests for a parent to have to disarm themselves when entering school schools grounds to pick up their kids.
I have a question that this thread has raised in my mind. I went and compared what states honored reciprocity from other states, and NY is pretty poor (does not honor any other state) while is only honored by a few (AK, ID, IN, KY, MI, MO, MT, OK, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT).

Since I occasionally travel to/through other states, the following question comes to mind:

If I receive an out-of-state permit to, say, PA, would other states honor the PA Out-of-state permit that I received THROUGH my NY permit, or are out-of-state permits only good in the specific state applied? If I could get a few out-of-state permits, I would be golden.

Being a NY resident, if I dont get at least PA permitting me to carry, im trapped in the northeast US... cant drive anywhere but Vermont, maybe Maine.

The state of Colorado no longer recognizes the validity of any permit issued by any state to a nonresident of that state (see CRS 18-12-213 amended 2007).

Found this looking around (I may be moving to CO in a few years). This indicates to me that while they no LONGER honor out-of-state permits from non residents, they did at one point.
NC is probably in the middle or upper-middle. One good thing - I think we have the same number of states with reciprocity as Florida.
k. failure to surrender weapon to any peace officer upon demand,

Unreasonable seizure anyone? Cop asks for your gun, presumably even when you've done nothing wrong, and you have to surrender the weapon? No thanks, California. This is my legally owned private property.
This is one of the problems with state level permitting, it leads to unequality. If you're in state A then you're permit is honored in 10 states, but if you're in state B then your permit is honored in 15 states, but if you're in state W with no permit or in state Vt or Ak with no CCW permit required then you can't CCW anywhere away from home (or in the case of state W you can't CCW period).

There is no "better", just less degrees of "worse".

I have no idea if this posting is relevant to the discussion so if not then just ignore it. :cool:

You're right, there is no better or worse, only varying degrees of restrictions, which is my original question. I still say Rhode Island is maybe the least restricted permit of all. It may or may not be "better" than others as far as other factors (reciprocity, cost, training, etc.) are concerned, but strictly applied only to places "off-limits" it clearly is superior; as in there are hardly any.
I submit that ID is the best CCW state. We have reciprocity with 11(?) states (not sure which, if you have a link please post ;)), we are a shall issue state, CCW is legal without a liscense if you are out of city limits and not in a vehicle.. or something like that, I believe its if you are hunting, not sure what the law actually says; it is not legal to ban firearms from a store (see TX), all you need is a hunting liscense to be elligible, price is $35 for application and $25 every 5 years for renewal; and finally, its not CA (go back from wence you came :neener:).

but even that will not allow me to carry in Oregon.

Oregon does not have reciprocity with other states because it requires live fire training by the sheriffs department to issue a liscense.

Unreasonable seizure anyone? Cop asks for your gun, presumably even when you've done nothing wrong, and you have to surrender the weapon? No thanks, California. This is my legally owned private property.

No thanks California indeed. While this may seem like unreasonable seizure, if it is written into law, it isn't unreasonable because your senator/representative didn't think it was. Our great nation is based on the Social Contract Theory: we all give up certain rights for the safety of the whole. Such as giving up your right to stand naked on your porch and shoot at your neighbors house when they make too much noise. The CA legislature, in thier INFINITE WISDOM, decided that having more reasons to take your guns away is better than having more reasons for you to keep 'em, so they added this little exception into the law. You jump through hoops, give up first born child and submit your self to electro-shock therapy so you can have a CCW. Next day, cop pulls you over and legally takes your pistol. What a great place, makes it safe for everyone (by everyone I mean the criminals). Its the oldest crime being committed in the newest way: they appease you by making it legal to carry concealed, then make it near impossible to get a liscense and very easy to take it away. Just like with hunting: make it too hard and no-one will want to do it.
Getting a Non-Res permit in MA is shall-issue, the State Police handle it and if you are clean you are good to go. The major problem is it will cost you $100 a year.

For residents it all depends on where you live, my town is shall-issue, some are some are not. The only place off limits in MA is schools. There is no signage or posted laws either. Price is $100 for 6 years.

This is true for the most part. You can't carry while intoxicated either, but you can carry in bars/wherever. I believe you can't carry in some federal buildings either.

However, heaven forbid if you actually USE your firearm. You have to run away, beg for your life at least 6 times, be mortally wounded, and your assailant better have a machine gun before you can be justified. Our carry laws are good, but our self-defense laws are terrible. The only place you don't have a duty to retreat is your home.

Where is it legal to carry in a school?


Oh, and by the way, we Missourians honor ALL STATE'S CCW permits, and a Missouri shall issue CCW is honored in the majority of states.

But ANYONE can legally carry a firearm in ANY MANNER while in a vehicle here.

Oh, and ignoring a GUN BUSTER sign is not a criminal offense. They can only ask you to leave. Not leaving is a misdemeanor trespassing charge.

Of course, we don't have full firearms preemption, so open carry is a crapshoot because some municipalities have outlawed it. We just can't carry in a Federal building, airport, bar, or venue seating more than 5000. I don't think it's too bad of a CCW state.
Head to Head CCW comparison: Whose is best?

The ones issued by federal agencies, I imagine. :evil:
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