Help with a FTF gun sale...

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Bailey Boat

Sep 30, 2007
Concord, NC
I have a 10-22 listed on another site and have an offer to buy. The person wanting to buy is an "alien resident" and has a green card. He has provided his DL number and a local address. He has further offered to use a pistol purchase permit.
I'm not doubting the legality of his status but I wonder what info and documents I should capture/copy to cover myself?????

Anyone have any EXPERIENCE with a sale of this nature????? :confused: :confused:
I don't know about your local regs but isn't it typically an issue only if you sell to someone you know or have reason to believe is not eligible to own said gun?
Here in Oregon the DMV is brilliant enough to issue driver's licenses to illegal aliens. I would think a pistol purchase permit would be harder to acquire.
I fhe is willing, just photocopy his DL, green card and pistol permit and have him sign a bill of sale. That should be more than enough to CYA. Most states don't require any documentation for FTF transfers between non-FFL's, but it's a good idea to have a BOS and copy of photo ID just in case. I do that.
I refuse to do FTF for the very reason you never really KNOW someone. I mean even Sen Craig's family didn't know he was a perv. Best to make him pay the transfer fee and go through a normal transfer. That way you are covered. What if he just beat his wife or something? If you sell and he does something stupid with it and it isn't legal, you two could end up cell mates! Better safe than sorry. If he's adamant about no FFL transfer, then I'd run the other way.
NC requires no documentation on a FTF rifle sale... that said, its pretty common to have someone want to see a CCP or a purchase permit so that the seller knows that the buyer has passed the background check... other than that, a bill of sale is all you need for records purposes
Thanks for the input guys, I think I'll run it through an acquaintance with an FFl. That way it has to be lawful, last thing I want to do is screw this up...... Thanks again.......
Alabama also required no transfer fot FTF sales for residents. I've walked away from a couple. Did not get a good feeling, simply told them I changed my mind. They got po'd, so what.
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