Here we go AGAIN!

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A new push for gun control, at this point, by Obama would have no chance of success, and Obama knows this...
0's trying for all he's worth to get the subject changed. Benghazi, Fast & Furious, IRS, NSA, etc. are all things that he doesn't want to talk about but they refuse to go away. Throwing talk of a "gun grab" out there ALWAYS lights his base up and sucks all of the air out of the room of political discussion. You're right that he knows nothing will come of it, but to his low-info followers, that is manna from heaven.
0 keeps yelling about the GOP trying to stamp out obamacare over and over, saying that they need to drop it and get busy on real issues.
Sound like good advice for 2A issues too.
I don't think that redeems Reagan for what he did to CA or signing the FOPA for that matter.

A cheap machine gun now is North of $12K and then you have to feed it.:(
Can't hate him for signing FOPA. He just did what the NRA told him to do because they knew we would (and did!) get more out of it than we lost. They just didn't realize the time to challenge the little evil amendment to it would take almost 30 years (if then!) to arrive.
He passed a background check. He purchased a firearm legally. He purchased a pump-action shotgun, not some sort of so-called "assault weapon." And he performed the mass-murder in a gun-free zone.

On the other hand, shortly before the incident, he called the police with delusions of mind control and being followed. They did not do anything (whether that is due to lack of funding for mental health, or lack of statutes in that jurisdiction allowing LEOs to do a mental health hold, or lack of training for LEOs on mental health issues, or all three).

Given those facts, it's hard to argue with a straight face that more gun laws would have made a difference. Because it sure sounds to me like a situation where a better mental health system is what we need.
Why is this stuff always about the Good surrendering arms in order to be more efficient victims rather than the Good arming up to defend themselves?
Can't hate him for signing FOPA. He just did what the NRA told him to do because they knew we would (and did!) get more out of it than we lost. They just didn't realize the time to challenge the little evil amendment to it would take almost 30 years (if then!) to arrive.

I'd like to see that compromise get compromised. It's time to end it IMO. But you're right that the bill fixed a lot of problems and was a good bill on the whole.
He did do what the NRA told him to.

I think the theory behind all the AWB and UBC hype that follows these shootings is to simply wear the public out. They believe eventually we will give up and say OK if they just keep harping. Unfortunately too many of know it will make no difference , but there are quite a few people out there that don't know.
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