How does she get away with it?

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I retired from observing or discussing politics two years ago. I don't even watch FOX news anymore or listen to talk radio. All it does is cause me undue stress. I go and vote for the most conservative candidate in my personal realm possible in every election. I so not care about California. I look at my local ballot preview, do some basic research on politicians that I will be capable of voting for, cast my ballot and then forget it till next election I am eligible to vote in. I can't vote in anywhere but my home county. When state or federal officials filter onto my ballot will vote for the one that I feel the least disagreements with. On occasion, I am so opposed to even the Republican of choice for an office thus I will throw my vote away on that particular race and check the box for the Libertarian candidate rather than support a liberal Republican. Then, I am done for two more years. Try it, your life will become less stressful.
When is she going to retire? She has to be pushing 80. Most people would be glad to be alive and would be taking it easy doing what they like to do.
You are apparently uninformed about the lifestyle of a congressman/woman.

In addition to the power to shape this nation to their whim, they get huge salaries with an annual cost of living increase. They are virtually immune from the repercussions of breaking any law. Some laws like insider trading do not apply to an elected member of congress; they can buy and sell stocks with the privy information they receive behind closed doors and not be prosecuted for it like Martha Stewart was. Many of their perks, they get whether or not they are actively serving in congress. They get free top shelf health care -for the rest of their life, hefty retirement/pension benefits -for the rest of their life, private and free airport parking spaces -for the rest of their life, private elevators, private and free dining rooms -accessible for life, private and free exercise facilities -accessible for life, welcome access to the floor of the house or senate -for life, direct phone line to arrange FREE air-travel with Delta or other major airlines, reserved seats on multiple flights, generous death benefits to the family, they've written themselves tax breaks that we do not get, 228 days of paid vacation, million dollar budgets for their personal staff alone, and forgiveness of their student loans.

And the list goes on exhaustively. With a lifestyle like that, who in their right mind would ever retire from it?
When is she going to retire?

When is she going to retire? She has to be pushing 80. Most people would be glad to be alive and would be taking it easy doing what they like to do.

1: She is doing what she likes to do, trying to exercize control over peoples lives.

2: When she does retire her daughter (Katherine Feinstein Mariano) will most likely step down as presiding judge of the San Francisco Superior Court to run for her seat in the state senate. Her election will most likely be a shoe-in and she will bring fresh energy to the same existing issues.

She has the aid of the main stream media - she doesn't need to tell the truth. They will happily parrot whatever insane things come out of her head as if they were empirical truths. In return, anyone who challenges these figures will just be labeled a "gun-nut" "right wing extremist" or other slanderous term.
AS to the Media...remember how they kept telling us how Romney was up 2% over Obama so all those dimwits didn't vote and what happened????

Now the Media, FOX included, are telling us this bill will never pass in the Dem. Senate. Fool me once but not twice!!!!!! Write your congressmen and tell them that you won't stand for ANY gun legislation.... period !!!!!!
I believe it was Feinstein once said, "if I could I would come and take the guns from Mr.and Mrs.America", yes sir a true American patriot.

Yeah, Ms. Fineswine said that along the line of "If I could have gotten the votes, Yes Mr. & Mrs. America, turn them ALL in."
I asked the same thing on the nra twitter page and got no response,maybe no one wants to see the old hag cry.

Oh what I wouldn't give to see someone just tear her down like a birthday cake at a fat camp.
Feinstein is a left wing Democrat..excuse the redundancy. Their stock in trade is lying and they get away with it because the majority of voters don't care..don't know or who approve. PS California is not the only fact we serve as an example of government under do you like it?
You are apparently uninformed about the lifestyle of a congressman/woman.

In addition to the power to shape this nation to their whim, they get huge salaries with an annual cost of living increase. They are virtually immune from the repercussions of breaking any law. Some laws like insider trading do not apply to an elected member of congress; they can buy and sell stocks with the privy information they receive behind closed doors and not be prosecuted for it like Martha Stewart was. Many of their perks, they get whether or not they are actively serving in congress. They get free top shelf health care -for the rest of their life, hefty retirement/pension benefits -for the rest of their life, private and free airport parking spaces -for the rest of their life, private elevators, private and free dining rooms -accessible for life, private and free exercise facilities -accessible for life, welcome access to the floor of the house or senate -for life, direct phone line to arrange FREE air-travel with Delta or other major airlines, reserved seats on multiple flights, generous death benefits to the family, they've written themselves tax breaks that we do not get, 228 days of paid vacation, million dollar budgets for their personal staff alone, and forgiveness of their student loans.

And the list goes on exhaustively. With a lifestyle like that, who in their right mind would ever retire from it?

i say that would be one way to cut government spending by not having all of that
You are apparently uninformed about the lifestyle of a congressman/woman.

In addition to the power to shape this nation to their whim, they get huge salaries with an annual cost of living increase. They are virtually immune from the repercussions of breaking any law. Some laws like insider trading do not apply to an elected member of congress; they can buy and sell stocks with the privy information they receive behind closed doors and not be prosecuted for it like Martha Stewart was. Many of their perks, they get whether or not they are actively serving in congress. They get free top shelf health care -for the rest of their life, hefty retirement/pension benefits -for the rest of their life, private and free airport parking spaces -for the rest of their life, private elevators, private and free dining rooms -accessible for life, private and free exercise facilities -accessible for life, welcome access to the floor of the house or senate -for life, direct phone line to arrange FREE air-travel with Delta or other major airlines, reserved seats on multiple flights, generous death benefits to the family, they've written themselves tax breaks that we do not get, 228 days of paid vacation, million dollar budgets for their personal staff alone, and forgiveness of their student loans.

And the list goes on exhaustively. With a lifestyle like that, who in their right mind would ever retire from it?
Mind citing some sources on that list? I'd be especially interested to see where any Federal, state or local statute stipulates that insider trading does not apply to a member of Congress.


Cancel that -- sniffed it out myself. An ongoing practice until exposed by Peter Schweitzer in his book Throw Them All Out, which led to the STOCK Act, an attempt to shore up the law allowing this practice:
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She is a Democrat from California. Liberals in that state probably have statues and mini shrines in her honor.
But does Ms Feinstein not remember what Adolf did to SIX MILLION of her people after he confiscated their guns? :banghead: I know she can't ask them because they burned in ovens but there are history books.
But does Ms Feinstein not remember what Adolf did to SIX MILLION of her people after he confiscated their guns?
IIRC, her grandparents were Polish Jews, maybe great grandparents. More than likely she had distant cousins there when the Nazis were active but she was lucky enough to be born in the USA.

Her entire political life is one bizarre series of strange opportunities, one after another. And she married well a time or three.

Her bans against guns began when she was Mayor of SF and she wanted to ban handguns. The tool used to shoot Moscone and Milk. (She was almost the first on the murder scene and as the President of the City Board of Supervisors became the next Mayor as a result of the assassinations.)

She was running for Governor when Purdy shot up the school in Stockton CA. What firearms did that crazed idiot use? She lost that race, but got the Senate seat when Wilson (?) vacated same to become Governor in '92.

So, one could say, her career was based on tragic gun incidents where wack jobs wreaked havoc and she was wise enough to make hay from the results. Like Teddy or McCarthy or others.
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