How long should you wait on the gun shop doing your transfer?

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Dec 31, 2002
I ordered a receiver 2 weeks ago and I was expecting it by now, so I decided to drop by the store I had it transferred to just to see if it was in. The person working the counter couldn't find it and said it hadn't came in yet. She also told me that they will call when it comes in but the thing is I never remember giving them my phone number and even told her that, but she didn't seem to care. Anyways, I thought it was strange they hadn't got it yet because the place I ordered it from said it was shipping out that day and I didn't have any reason to not believe them. So I called the place I ordered it from this morning and they gave me the tracking number. I looked it up on UPS and it is definitely at the gun shop here, they signed for it's delivery a week ago.

Now, I know they need time to log transfers in to the books or whatever they do but I'm getting anxious here and want to make a trip back to the store today because I seriously doubt they'll ever call me but at the same time I don't want to be one of those annoying customers with no patience. I've worked in CS before and can understand the flip side if there's some process. Would you give them another few days, another week or what before you started bugging them?

I would go to the shop and say that the place you ordered it from e-mailed you and confirmed that the dealer recieved the order.This way it looks like you were not going behind their backs.If its a pain for a shop to transfer guns for you then I would look elsewhere. How long does it take to write down where a name and address 2 times in a book.:banghead:
"Overnight Delivery"
"Next Day Air"
"Prioirty Mail"

I'd give them maybe 48 hours for the package to reach them. That's about how long it takes for one of my C&R purchases to show up at the front door.
I would go back with a print out of the tracking information. It should have the last name of the person that signed for the item. If they don't find the item then ask to speak to owner/someone in charge or get their contact information.

My shop calls me the same day my firearms arrive.
Walk in. Ask to see the FFL holder and the manager/owner. Explain that they have YOUR receiver, you have THEIR money. The deal can proceed or they can explain to the BATFE. Is it lost or stolen? Do transfers elsewhere, these are disorganized clowns, the red noses and red hair SHOULD have tipped you off.:neener:
Clear your schedule.
Gather the purchase and shipping / tracking / delivery confirmation information.
Advise them nicely of the time period since they received YOUR goods, tell them you are there to collect them. You are willing to wait the FEW minutes necessary for them to (find their ass with both hands) complete their administrative record keeping.
That simple.
'seeing both sides' is one thing. Being blown off for a week is another. Considering giving them even MORE time to procrastinate - NO!
I agree with all of the above. The longer they have it the more chances for it to get lost or damaged.
I presume you have paid the shipper for this.

It was shipped to them but it belongs to you!
This is why I haven't bought any firearms online. I tried once and had everything set up, but then the person I bought the rifle from said that my FFL holder sent them a photocopied signature that was blurred and kind of funny looking. When I went to the shop, I asked the guy to send a copy signed in blue ink and he said he would. Maybe the original was signed in blue ink and he copied that. Who knows. I went back and explained what happened and they guy appologized and said that he'd send another one. Then the seller told me that it was signed with a blue crayon and the address was not legible. The seller backed out of the deal! Since then, at every place I go to and ask about doing transfers, the employees act like i'm asking for a kidney or something. I can understand if they don't want to do transfers, but they should just say "Sorry, we don't do that." It's like they are offended that I'm not buying from them. The whole thing frosts me. It seems like an easy way to make $15-25 on a gun sale.

I know that doesn't answer the original question, but I had to vent. If I knew that they had my reciever and were brushing me off, I'd be livid. Like this guy :fire:
What Beav said.

It's yours.

They have it.

You know they have it.

You can prove they have it.

Go get it.

In any shop I've worked at, an employee pulling that kind of 'tude with a customer wouldn't be an employee very much longer.
I finally got it. I went in and they started doing the same thing, asked me my name looked on a shelf with a few other boxes and started to tell me it wasn't in yet. I told him I knew it was there and he went and talked to someone else, who talked to someone else in the back who finally found it. I guess the guy that takes in the transfers had just been ignoring it for whatever reason. It took awhile to get out of the place because they had to fill out all their paperwork while I waited, but at least I got it.

I actually haven't had any real bad experiences in the past at this shop. I've bought most of my guns from them, this is just the first time I've done a transfer. It might be the last if I can find another place... and I might even go so far as to say I won't even buy another gun from them, but while I was waiting I saw a Springfield 1911 Mil-Spec for $399 brand new that I'm really tempted to go back for! :)

This is why I haven't bought any firearms online. I tried once and had everything set up....
Yeah, it is definitely not convenient and seems to take forever. When I buy something I hate waiting and this whole process took over 3 weeks from when I decided I wanted to get it to when I finally had it in my hands. First, I had to call up the company I was buying from. They gave me the address to have my FFL send the license. Then I had to go into my FFL with a stamped envelope. Then I waited 4 days to call the company back and see if they had got the license and finally order the receiver. Then of course, they ship out to your FFL and you get to do alot more waiting. It's just a pain.
TheOtherOne, are we talking about Impact?
Yep. I know some people love them and others hate them. Since the majority of my experiences have been pleasant I like the place overall.

Their prices don't seem too bad either. I might be able to do better elsewhere, but I don't know where the elsewhere would be that has as much of a selection. I've bought from Sportsman's Wharehouse before and prices were similar. Whenever I buy something from Impact though I always try and check out the prices on their website before I go in. Sometimes they are cheaper than in the store. Oh, and after getting my C&R license and seeing what I can buy them for online, I'll never be buying a C&R from them -- sometimes they are double or more!
and I might even go so far as to say I won't even buy another gun from them, but while I was waiting I saw a Springfield 1911 Mil-Spec for $399 brand new that I'm really tempted to go back for!
- heh. no doubt why they kept heel-draggin' - more visits = more sales, in their narrow and mistaken worldview. With that kind of lazy or deliberate obstructionism, they've likely LOST more bu$ine$$.
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