How many of you have bought rifles w/o telling your wife...?

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I buy stuff with my money so I don't tell her every purchase. I don't hide stuff just don't tell her every little thing. She knows but as long as the bills get paid she is okay with it.
My wife would be pissed if I didn't tell her. She likes to shoot new guns just as much as I do.
I dont worry about that. I bought my AR without even planning to do so, told her about it and showed her that night (once she fired it she loves it). She didnt care that I spent several hundred on a rifle, heck she doesnt care if I spent alot more and then some. She doesnt question my spending, she knows she benefits from it, usually greatly.
The last time I checked as an American, no one can tell me what I can or cant do with my money as long as I am responsible and fulfill my own obligations. Maybe some guys just need someone to monitor, and control their behaviors or they cant function.
The nice thing about our arrangement is that she has her money, and I have mine, we have always been honest about what we do, and there is no "our money", we both contribuite (mostly me, by my own choice).
Why do men look at things like this in terms of your wife "allowing" you to do this or that? It's your life and it's your money. You can buy whatever you want and you don't need to feel guilty about it!

It is our money not my money or her money. There are rules in a successful marriage if you expect it to last. We have a standing agreement that we can make small purchases without discussing but anything big (over $100) we need to at least run it by the other person first. She is usually OK with my big purchases as it is usually quid pro quo and she will get something nice also. For example when I bought my M1A she got a $400 pair of riding boots.

I guess you either are not married or a "real" man whose woman is bare foot and pregnant in the kitchen and believe women should be seen and not heard :evil:
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I'm not married but do live with my girlfriend. I let her know what I spend money on because she can't do anything about what I do with my money, and if she were to get pissed about how I spend my money it wouldn't do any good cause I'm not going to change it.
Yesterday. Unexpected bonus so... If she's interested enough, she can open then safe and take a head count and I'll not lie, but informing her implied (set's the impression) that I'm asking permission.

That said, I've tried really hard to never tell her "no" to a purchase, although I have said that I think it's a stupid idea once (swimming pool). I was right BTW.
I agree with lipadj, I don't know a good marriage where everyone has their own money. Most of the time, when I get a big toy, I offer my wife to get something special for herself and most of the time she doesn't want anything. She is happy when I'm happy :)
I involve my fiancee in every firearm purchase I make... the last 3 purchases have been claimed by her for her own enjoyment.
In return, she involves me in all of her extracurricular purchases... Domestic tranquility is a wonderful thing

Plus one.

The goal should be to marry wisely, and agree on all major purchases. In other words marry a woman who shares your hobbies. :D
I never was much of a collector in the sense of old Winchesters or whatever, but I've had a few.

I generally bought any gun for some specific purpose, and my wife commonly understood my reasoning. So, never an objection.

But I never let gun-buying put any strain on the family bank account--which is the cause of most conflict over any spending pattern. I generally did extra work on my own, away from my 8-5 job, to let us afford "stuff" for the both of us--and the kid, too.
Well I have two AKs, and a new Henry 22 that my wife doesn't know about. As long as the money for them isn't coming out of the checking account she is cool with my hobbies.
Rifle? What rifle? Oh THAT rifle. Well dear that's a friend's rifle. He asked me to hold onto it for him. hehe
Not only have I bought rifles that my wife didn't know anything about, I've even sold rifles without her prior consent and knowledge.

Oh, the horror!
It's your life and it's your money

Actually, it's "their" money.
$4,600 for a year. These were all PFA numbers, but I'd say depending on your shooting habits and purchasing habits, we got them beat. Besides all I have to do to look good with a gun is pick it up and holster it.

I have spent probably $500 in 2008, if that. 3 boxes of .30-06 @$20, 2 cases of shotshells at $60 each, one rifle at $250, and other little things.

I don't know about you guys, but I don't spend a lot on firearms.
All of them (no wife). Which means it's reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllllly easy for me to say "Man up, you pansies, and tell her what you're going to do, and what she's going to do as well, and like it, and by the way, she'd better get your dinner done PDQ. And a beer." :D :p

For example when I bought my M1A she got a $400 pair of riding boots.

I'd say you got the MUCH better end of that deal! :)
My wife said no more money on guns, so I learned a trade and work for myself on weekend/evenings to pay for my hobby. My full regular pay check and overtime go to the house. When I want new toys I have to find more work.

$4,600 for a year. These were all PFA numbers, but I'd say depending on your shooting habits and purchasing habits, we got them beat. Besides all I have to do to look good with a gun is pick it up and holster it.
I have spent probably $500 in 2008, if that. 3 boxes of .30-06 @$20, 2 cases of shotshells at $60 each, one rifle at $250, and other little things.

I don't know about you guys, but I don't spend a lot on firearms.

When I said, "we got them beat," I was a little ambiguous. What I meant is that they probably spend more, iff they purchase the amounts I mentioned at the average prices I guessed.

I spent about $2,500 last year just on guns and ammunition, but that was a rebuilding year. This year is going to be a rebuilding year too, so I expect to spend up to $5000, but after this year, I will probably get by on $1500 a year.
This can quickly become much nastier than any religious/political/racial/ethical discussion.
PLEASE let it go........... This is on the same lines as old girlfriends/wives and whose house we are going to spend Christmas or Thanksgiving at this year.
Besides Honey please apply pancakes to this syrup, I'm only "cleaning" some guns for some guys at work for some extra $$ to take you out for lobster. Those idiots don't even know how to maintain their firearms properly. Now if I had a few of my OWN firearms, I'd take much better care of our future investment. wink, wink
Uh, yeah. Rifles, handguns, ammo, components, holsters, bayonets, lots of stuff. She doesn't need to know everything.

I tell my wife, eventually, sometimes. As in "damn I got a good deal on a Ruger .45".

She goes "uhuh" and raises an eyebrow.

But then again, I spend money on her, freely.

Drifting off topic, but there's a lot to be said for partner-shopping in the pre-owned trade. Because everyone involved knows how much worse it can get.

I've dropped less into my guns over the last ten years than I've dropped into this house over the last year -- but then, it's good to have a disposable income, and I know there are a lot of people out there who have to be a lot more careful, money wise.

No point in this post, really :)
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