How many similar guns do you own

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I do like variety. For carry I have three similar. A Shield, an XDS and a Glock 26. I also have a Glock 36 and a Glock 19 that I could use. There are a least three other little 9mm pistols that I would like but will restrain myself. When the Lcrs comes out in .357 I won't be able to stop myself. :eek:
Glock: 26, Gen3 19, Gen4 19 and 17 (9mm)
Glock: 27, 23 and 22 (40 S&W)
Glock: Gen2 20 & Gen4 20 (10mm)
Glock: 42 (2) (380 ACP)
Ruger: KP90 (2) (45 ACP)
Ruger: SR9, SR9c, SR40 with SR40c and SR45 in my wife's sights. (SR Guns)
Ruger: Standard, Mark II & Mark III. (.22LR)
Ruger: LC9 & LC9s

Then there's the Glock 30SF that's kind of alone but has a definite family resemblance.

We tend to buy the family if we like the individual.
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For carry guns, no. I have one compact 1911 for colder months, and an LCP for shorts weather. I'll be getting another 442 soon, since I liked it so much.
Yep, all in the Ruger family. I like the familiarity of controls and the familiar "feel."
I have several different twins. Some are consecutive serial numbers some are large groupings of twins with slightly different features like say pairs of them with different length barrels or grips, or sights (think CAS). Some are only alike as they are the same model/style. I am really partial to Rugers it seems now that I think on it but I have a few Smith twins as well.

Then we could go into the same caliber grouping. Oh well.:D
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