How much are classes for concealed carry for you?

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Dec 25, 2002
Maricopa, AZ
The fee that is sent to the state here in AZ is $50 and needs to be renewed in a 4 hour class every 4 years. So far, the cheapest I have seen for the 16 hour class here is $50. And the most was $90, just for a plain jane class. There was 1 that included ammo and the blue concealed carry book for about $75 I believe. Looking at attending one for $60 a person, without a local range though.

How about in your neck of the woods?
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Ugh... I thought most other places were going to be about the same... glad I live in Arizona, though I still dislike the heat! (Anything above 70 F is too hot to me...)
Wait, are you talking about $50 for just the class or for everything to get the permit?
We have to renew for $50 every 4 years. It's $115 for the application. That's a one time fee unless you let your renewal lapse.
Classes? We don't need no stinkin classes!!!
Indiana has no class requirements and is a shall issue state. Fee is about $20.00 if I recall correctly for a 4 year license.
To clear my fees up,
$50 to $90 for the 16 hour class, range session, written test, etc.
$50 Application, good for 4 years
$50 renewal fee, 4 hour class required, about $25

So I think DadOfThree wins so far!

And Skunkabilly wins the other way! :what:
I believe it's $50 here. Which is alot of money for a young punk like me. $50 for nothing IMO. I think there are some other costs as well, but I forgot. I'm one of those criminal youths carrying without CCW permit right now (until I can afford it).

Hey, I even got liability car insurance last month (after being without for 3 years) even though it's a total rip-off for people my age and I've never been in any accidents or gotten a DUI, just lots of speeding tickets. Buying insurance...that's progress for me I guess.

Now if only I could afford health insurance on top of everything else....
$89.25- 12 hour class
$40.00- fingerprints and photo
$99.00- to the state troopers for the permit, good for 5 years.
$25.00 to renew, no additional classes.
New Hampshire is a "shall issue" state and requires no class. Fee is $10 for 4 years
The license in Iowa costs ten dollars, renew every year.
Class is a one time three hour course, provided at no charge. No fingerprinting. I find the idea of fingerprinting repugnant.
ND was $35-50, good for 3 years. I have to get mine renewed in April, so I'll find out then. Open book, 10 question true/false written test, 10 rounds in 10 minutes on a B-27 target practical test. Getting fingerprinted and photographed was another $4-8. No mandatory class.

SD was $10, good for 4 years. Fill out 8.5"x5.5" form. No test, no photo, no mandatory class, no fingerprints.

WonderNine - I'd consider getting the ND permit. I like to think of it as a "good guy certificate". Why be illegal when you have the option of being legal? Just my $0.02
In Ky it is $75 or so (instructor sets the price with limitations set by the state (I think)) for a 8 hour class.

Permit is $60/5 years. No class needed for renewal.

When I went to the mall the other night, there was a flyer on my windshield when I came out - CCW classes for $20 - "bring your sweetie." I guess it was a valentine's day special? I think I paid $35 for my class, $60 to Sheriff for application fee and $15 for license (in W.Va.).
Here in New Orleans, I've seen most classes go for between $100-$150. The permit cost $50 for 2 years, or $100 for 4 years. So bare minimum you will pay $150 bucks for the whole shabang.
8 hour class: ranges between $95 to $200 or so.
fingerprinting: $15
permit fee: $60 good for three years.
the fee will change in July, but it'll be good for 5 years instead of 3, and a lot of the restrictions will come off.
renewal: $35, currently.

did my class last sunday, and I'll be bringing my paperwork to the county clerks office on friday! should get my permit in about two-three months, in my county, anyway. in the city of detroit, it takes 6 months or more lately.
lets see, i paid $100 for the class, and they provided the fingerprint cards, photos, and showed us how to fill out the application. then it was another $100 to the State Concealed Handgun Permit Program with all the documents and i was good to go.

then there was three different holsters bought, for different types of concealement totaling something like $200.

i forget how much it will be to renew. occasionally the classes are offered free of charge. the class i took is held twice a month, and they max out at 20 individuals each class. they alone see nearly 500 people per year. so for a side business, they take in almost $50,000 before figuring the expenses:
range time: estimating $5 a head, times 20 heads, times 24 classes = $2400
average cost of fingerprinting: $15 = $7200
film for cameras and onsite developing= $? maybe $500 total for the year?
by those estimates they're still looking at $39,000+ a year for spending 2 sundays a month instructing the legal/tactical aspects of ccw.
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