How to destroy America

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Baroness Thatcher certainly had some integrity, patriotism and guts. Three elements distinctly lacking in her fellow party leaders; who forced her out of the "conservative" party because of her opposition to the further integration of Britain into the EU.

What a shame we do not have a single man in the WH with the same virtues.

Biker said:
"If you had a traffic ticket and you paid it, you're not forever a speeder, are you?"

as a matter of fact, yes you are, for a limited time but you are. using same logic: if you've had commited a crime and served your time or paid the fine, you're no longer a criminal, but in reality -- you're for the rest of your life, but it's a whole different story.
The way the White House and Senate are trying to trivialize the situation is what sickens me.
With that statement alone, they threw another fistful of sand in the vaseline.

The way the White House and Senate are trying to trivialize the situation is what sickens me.
With that statement alone, they threw another fistful of sand in the vaseline.

They will say and do anything to get what they want. I think most of these people are sociopaths (aka politician) for whom lying is second nature.

What I have seen of Tony Snowjob so far--his chummy, clubby, glib, collegial Mr Nice Guy con act--is repellent. He thinks we are all huddling at some toney D.C. watering hole. Tony, you are a fine lapdog; enjoy your Alpo.
Get out there and VOTE on election day. Start group discussions and really think about what it means to be a patriot.

That's why I love "The High Road".

I hope John McCain gets the Republican ticket. Then I'll finally have someone worth voting for.

America is STRONG. Let's keep it strong by putting the right folks in political office.
I hope John McCain gets the Republican ticket.

Well you had me until McCain, he is too much like T. kennedy.If he ran against Hillary I would stay home unless there was a third party slot.

This isn't terribly complex: we destroy America when we become AmeriKa by knee-jerking to threat: which is exactly what we are doing.

"It's not hard to understand." :banghead:
McCain is a variant on the Ted Kennedy-George Bush-John Kerry model. Look at his history and you'll get the pattern.

His election would be a disaster. You'd think everyone on this board at least would fathom that after "McCain-Feingold" and "McCain-Kennedy." I can hardly wait for McCain-Clinton or McCain-Schumer.
This was taken from McCain's website and his speech on senate bill on immigration:

(And of course, I commend Senator Kennedy, who is perhaps the leading expert on this difficult issue. He and I spent many months working to develop a comprehensive, reasonable, workable legislative proposal, much of which is contained in the bill before us. I also want to thank Senators Brownback, Lieberman, Graham, Salazar, Martinez, Obama, and Dewine for their shared commitment to this issue, and working to ensure this bill moved successfully intact through the legislative process.)
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