How to tell if you are in a tyrannical police state

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Dec 19, 2005
Brought to you by our friends at the John Birch Society:

Thomas R. Eddlem said:
How to tell if you are in a tyrannical police state
by Thomas R. Eddlem
December 23, 2005

Tyrannical police states have certain universal characteristics. They spy on their own citizens, kidnap people at will, and imprison them without bothering to charge them with crimes or even give them a trial by jury. Police states imprison innocent people, again and again and again. And they declare kidnapped victims non-persons and torture or kill them at will.

How do police states get away with it? From Hitler to the present, totalitarians say that we must give up our rights and freedoms because it’s the only way for law enforcement to have the tools to protect us from catastrophic terrorist incidents. Of course, that’s the opposite course advocated by America’s Founding Fathers, like Benjamin Franklin, who counseled: “They that would give up essential liberty for temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security.”

Now, I ask you: What do any of these things have to do with America today?
They spy on their own citizens, kidnap people at will, and imprison them without bothering to charge them with crimes or even give them a trial by jury. Police states imprison innocent people, again and again and again. And they declare kidnapped victims non-persons and torture or kill them at will
.They arrest reporters critical of the regime and close the non state owned newspapers down
From Hitler to the present, totalitarians say that we must give up our rights and freedoms

That should read, "From Lincoln to the present..."

We are a long way from a police state. We are, however, on a steady march in that direction.

I don't think we're a LONG way frpm a police state...Maybe a "medium" way...But its getting closer every day....

I, for one, am getting truly scared at the way things are going....
Sure - some of those things mentioned have happened to a couple of people - big deal - they deserved it.
Compared to the colonial era and years following the American secession from England - when a single constable would typically be the only "LEO" for a district and he depended on private citizens for help in apprehending criminals - we have probably been in a "police state" (at least in the major cities) for over a hundred years now.

However, so far it is only somewhat "tyrannical" - but seeming to get more so all the time. :uhoh:
Like the UNpatriotic Act

No, we're not a police state, we're a police country. You think it's bad now, just wait 20 years. You'll look back and remember when you had guns in your houses, then recall how 10 years back they made you "register" them, then required that you store them in "hunting clubs", then, one day they all disappeared. The government needed the steel to make military weapons...but like in the latest land grab, the government did pay you for them...the going rate of steel, what $2.00 a ton?! Think it couldn't happen? Australia...England...Brasil...etc., etc. We just let them grimmy pups keep violating us one civil RIGHT at a time. Going, going...

Doc2005 :evil:
Hillary will save us from the police state. She hates the police because of the Whitewater embezzlement investigation, the disclosure of the Dems grab of FBI background check files on Republicans, the Tyson futures scandal where the world's smartest woman made baskets of cash and her friend went to prison, the investigation of IRS (her best friend from college was appointed to head IRS) political audits on Clinton enemies, the embarrasing investigations of unauthorized doinking by Commander in Chief-Bill, the perjury, the pardons of felons for Clinton Cash. Hillary will make health care, and everything else free so we won't need guns to protect will be free. We will just have to give up some things to gain utopia. Just ignore the big holes in the ground, they will be covered soon and with enough dirt to prevent the smell of decaying flesh. And 150 million will soon be a distant memory on our way to the next socialist utopia.
...When the very right-wing, very patriotic John Birch Society is worried at a time when Republicans hold Congress and the Presidency, we'd all better take a look. They would not raise the question idly.

Even if you trust President Bush's adminstration with all the sweeping powers they have been handed, will you trust his successors? No one party has a lock on the presidency. Picture Hillary with the power to declare citizens "enemy combatants" and detain them you really want that?

Sure - some of those things mentioned have happened to a couple of people - big deal - they deserved it.
That's the way it always BEGINS.

And that's how the support is garnered and maintained. "Sure, it's infringement, but look at the people affected--they DESERVED it."

The zealous protection of rights always means that some people who deserve to be punished, instead go free. However, most agree that it is far more abhorrent to punish those who should go free.
ka50 said:
With presidents like Dubya, the police state is coming at you faster than you think. We are already being spied upon, citizens imprisoned without being charged with a crime and our liberties are traded for "security". What's next?

Citizens imprisoned without being charged with a crime = 1860.
Spied upon by your own government = pretty much every administration since FDR at a minimum

Not saying that there isn't any cause for alarm... simply that these aren't new things. Government will always take exactlly as much power as its citizens allow it to take. The nice thing about democracies and republics is that citizens can take back that power by participating at the ballot box. This method is both cheaper and easier than the more traditional methods throughout history if only people will use it instead of sit bac and complain.
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I'm curious, could a police state exist and not be trrannical? I've worked in Singapore - I always described it as a benevolent police state - which I actually found pretty nice. I don't believe they were grabbing citizens and holding them for extended periods of time without charges, but I'm pretty sure they were doing everything else on your "tyrannical police state" list.
rick_reno said:
I'm curious, could a police state exist and not be trrannical? I've worked in Singapore - I always described it as a benevolent police state - which I actually found pretty nice. I don't believe they were grabbing citizens and holding them for extended periods of time without charges, but I'm pretty sure they were doing everything else on your "tyrannical police state" list.

I think the problem that most of "us" have with that is that it's a terribly thin line to walk. A place like that just barely teeters on the toetips of a couple of officials who, if corrupted, or if less than upright and honorable, could fairly handily toss the whole thang right into the tyranny pot. So many of "us" prefer a system which, in its construction, plants many hurdles for the government to hop on the way toward tyranny (not the least of which would be an armed, wary populace).

... all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

-- excerpted from The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
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