Hyper Inflation and Guns

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LOL - VW Jetta TDI Diesel here and I'm considering brewing my own bio-diesel.

This is a really good idea IF you can find a steady source of waist oil to make diesel with. When I researched this idea - I was almost ready to start making it when I discovered that I wouldn't be able to get enough waist oil (on a regular basis) to make it worth while.

You also have to pay the fuel tax to the government for every gallon you produce. They have been busting people for not realizing that the tax still applies if you make your own fuel.

I think the main reason gas is so high, as well as copper and lead is the devaluation of the dollar. also the media isnt helping, when you go around screaming recession you create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Blaming the devaluation of the dollar makes more sense when you realize that the U.S. imports more food than we export....

Also due to the past subsidies, corn was extremely cheap and used as a filler in many products. Now that there is a push for ethanol, this filler just became more expensive.

Personally I think the dollar will rise when the Fed stops printing money like crazy, and that will solve a lot of the price increases. I dont think they will return to circ 2003 levels though.
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