I asked Obama about Gun Control...

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So, DaveBeal, you also want fine upstanding people to have guns, but not those urban folk?

What I find fascinating is that Mark Twain foresaw the Obama supporter, a century before Obama was born. "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt," he said.
What takes a measure of a man when he lies bold faced,and asks others to go lie for him?

Obama said at a rally in Vegas last week to have each person there (17,000)go talk to their friends and neighbors,everyone they know in part of the mention was (not exact quote)

'If they ask where Obama stands on gun control,tell them he's Pro 2nd amendment'

yeah...right...know how many sheeple follow this rhetoric?Too many...
The secret to success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you've got it made.--Jean Giradoux (1882--1944)
Love it.

Jim is absolutely correct here. They hate us, hate our guns, and will say whatever it takes to con us to get in power and take our guns. (Or make them too expensive to own- same thing)
John Kerry said he was "pro 2nd Amendment," too.

John Kerry believed that the 2nd Amendment guaranteed nothing the "right" of the National Guard to have guns. So he said he was all for that.
"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
- Barack Obama

"I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities, and that our leaders must say so in the face of the gun manufacturer's lobby. But I also believe that when a gangbanger shoots indiscriminately into a crowd because he feels someone disrespected him, we have a problem of morality. Not only do we need to punish that man for his crime, but we need to acknowledge that there's a hole in his heart, one that government programs alone may not be able to repair."
- Barack Obama

"Let's be honest. Mr. Keyes does not believe in common gun control measures like the assault weapons bill. Mr. Keyes does not believe in any limits from what I can tell with respect to the possession of guns, including assault weapons that have only one purpose, to kill people. I think it is a scandal that this president did not authorize a renewal of the assault weapons ban."
- Barack Obama

I like guns. I think both Obama and McCain would make good Presidents. I kinda want Obama to be President, I think it would be a good change of pace. However, I don't agree with his policies.

I would prefer Ron Paul, but I suppose I'll vote Libertarian anyways. I live in Texas, which is a red state, so my vote is semi-worthless anyways.

NObama for me.

I'd lie to to get into a position of power. Mwcain seems more trustworthy than Mwobama regarding safeguarding America's freedoms. Retrieving all American soldiers from IRAQ, all at once, should scare every American. We are at war, so this is not a viable or sane option. North Korea is in bed with Iran, both nuclear POWERs. We have them surrounded to date; can we afford to lose our tactical positioning? Commonsense would indictate that OBOMA doesn't act as if he has a grasp on reality. We are at WAR, with the worst yet to come. All Democrats need to wake up and smell the napalm! Homeland Security INCLUDES armed citizens. Big City Gangs are a thorn in every American's side but disarming American Citizens creates no viable answer, yet it would exacerbate already existing criminal problems. Arm the citizens of the District of Columbia, and watch evil vacate the place. cliffy
we need to acknowledge that there's a hole in his heart

Seems there isn't, but there really ought to be a hole in said gangbanger's heart. And I think that the crowd he is firing at has the right to be armed and to make that hole, or several such holes.
Strictly speaking, BHO may very well be fine with you owning automatic weapons; the current system allows you to do so at a 15x markup on >20-year-old used arms, plus a $200 tax and paperwork, under threat of draconian punishment, coupled with outright bans in many jurisdictions. As things stand there isn't a problem with civvies owning machineguns because it's so hard & expensive to, if legal at all. If you're OK with moving to a low-population region just to pay $15,200 for a hard-used Vietnam-era M16, and begging permission to obtain it & keep it & take it out of state, with severe penalties if you take it into Chicago which you won't because it was so hard for you to get the thing, then he's OK with you having it.

Buying a new M4 to defend your wrong-section-of-town apartment in Chicago, well, he thinks he has the right/power to decide whether you'll be allowed to, not you.

"I am however troubled by these kinds of weapons in urban areas or areas that have trouble with gang violence. I've never seen more firearms help in these areas, and usually they are illegally obtained."

YEAH! The ONE loves us and wants our votes! :barf:

Like all liberal political weasles, OB hands it to us on one hand but carefully takes it away with the other. What he will feel is "reasonable" gun control, all for the inner city gangs of course, is much tighter registration, licensing, records keeping and high taxes for us to pay to support it. None of which will ever even slow down crime or stop already illegal possesion but it WILL hassle many honest people out of their lawful rights.

Biden NOW says he's an ardent supporter of the 2nd. IF you don't know his history then you may be be tempted to believe him. In fact, he has ALWAYS been one of our greatest attackers, along with the ONE ever since he got into politics.

If anyone thinks a tiger can change his stipes, they can trust both of them to "defend" us and the Constitution. I don't.

They won't attempt to TAKE our guns but they WILL find a way to impliment "common sense" registration and, from that list, then the feds and the states will tax our guns to the point we simply can't afford to keep them. And no Surpreme Court will even try to stop them from doing that.
Why should I vote for someone who hates me and wants to disarm me? Joe Biden never met a gun control law he didn't like. The Democratic Party has hit rock bottom and has started to dig.:barf:
Obama's record on gun rights is very well known by everyone at THR.

I wouldn't vote for him, not just because of that, but also because I believe his stance on the US economy is outdated, and would lead to large investment in institutions that no longer have value in the modern world.

All that being said, why is it that everyone assumes that Obama will be able to get everything he wants as President? Why is it that everyone assumes he'll get ANYTHING he wants, for that matter? Is it because Bush got everything he wanted? Is it because Clinton got everything he wanted?

Not only did neither Bush or Clinton get everything they wanted, but what they DID get, they had to maneuver for, they had to compromise for, and they had to kiss congress' ass for. They used different METHODS, but that's still how they did it, and that's because both of these men had executive experience before taking office. Clinton and Bush were both governors, and Bush had Cheney as his VP, who has more executive experience than... just about anyone I can think of.

Clinton compromised with Congress to get things that he wanted. He wanted this, so he'd give Congress that in return.

Bush got a small (VERY small, when you think about) amount of people in Congress to support him, and then he got anyone who didn't support him to stand aside and let him have it anyway.

Now let's see Obama. Obama is very intelligent, he's very firm in his beliefs, he's very VOCAL about his beliefs.

He respects very few people (if any), and has little respect for common social institutions (such as religion. I will guarantee you right now that Obama is not a religious man of any kind. Not Muslim, not Christian, not any other religion).

He's very good at painting a pretty picture of himself to masses, but very poor at maintaining that image to individuals who may know him personally.

He doesn't like to depend on others to get what he wants. He doesn't think other people have the RIGHT to stop him from getting what he wants, and by extension believes he'll be able to bowl through anyone that stands in his way.

Obama is going to be more polarizing to people in Congress than he is with voters. Mainly because he won't be able to keep up his perfect image to them for any extended period of time. Unlike Bush, who had supporters and non-supporters, Obama is going to have supporters who LOVE him, and OPPONENTS that will do everything in their power to make sure he doesn't get what he wants.

If all Bush's non-supporters in Congress had said 'No, Mr. President, we're not going to be doing this', then Bush wouldn't have been able to do all the things he did. Obama is going to be facing exactly that if he is elected.
hy is it that everyone assumes he'll get ANYTHING he wants, for that matter?

Could it be because his party currently controls both houses, and if he wins, it's expected that his coattails will increase both majorities, maybe even filibuster-proofing the Democratic Senate?
Can't find the quote - but Obama is already on record stating he can't take the guns because he doesn't have the votes. Hello!!! Betting it won't take long to get those votes.

That doesn't mean that they'll all cave in to HIS demands, just because they're the same party. I will guarantee you that there are a lot of opposing views within the Democrat party, just as there are in the Republican party.

In fact, the way that deck is stacked, Congress doesn't cave to Presidents. Presidents cave to CONGRESS. If it ever happens in reverse, it's because the President in question maneuvered, manipulated, and greased enough palms, not because he just asked his fellow Democrats or Republicans to side with him on issues.

How many Congresspeople lost their seats because of the Assault Weapons ban? If you think they're going to write up a new one just because Obama asks them to, well it just doesn't work that way. Representatives and Senators are just as self-serving as any other politician. Obama would essentially be saying 'this is going to get you voted out of your cushy Senate position, but I want you to do this for me because I'm a fellow Democrat.' The most likely reply would not be very 'high road', to say the least.
Obama does support gun control. Trying to convience yourself or others that he does not is futile. Fine vote for him. Do not come back here and tell us it is O:K when we get more gun control laws or worse of all a USSC who will not protect the 2nd and let it be regulated to death. Go on now. I know many gun owners will vote for him cause they like liberalism most of all. That is fine. Just do NOT try to sell me BS.
Please keep in mind that any question asked of a politician should be taken with a grain of salt and a firm grasp of the person's background.

That considered...he boldly lied to you with a straight face.

A politician telling lies...who knew...
I saw the darndest thing today on one of my bike rides. Sign in front lawn said, "NRA supporter for Obama".

Now...whiskey tango foxtrot?
IBTL, But I asked one of his senior campaign advisors who grew up hunting in S Texas the same thing, and got a very similar and reasonable answer. I say give him the benefit of the doubt. Many a man has been changed by circumstances surrounding him.

You have got to be kidding me. A wolf is a wolf, regardless of the amount or color of the wool he wears.
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