I got shot in the butt

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Sep 20, 2006
by my doctor today. I've been fighting a cold for a week now, and finally caved and went to the doc. Did the usual wait for 20 minutes for the 3 minutes of face time. Then he turns around, opens some cabinets, & turns back with a needle.
"I guess that's for me" I say.
"You're pretty quick. Drop your pants" says Doc.
"I'd rather have it in the arm."
"It's not as effective. Pants please."
"Uh, well, mmm, I've got a concealed carry permit, and I'm carrying a pistol back there, so, let me just get it out of the way, ok?"
(unsnaps holster & removes with Kahr 9mm nestled inside)
"Good. Great. More people should carry guns. Everybody ought to have a gun" said the doctor.

Despite the great attitude of the doctor, I still should've thought ahead and carried the P32 in the pocket today. Then there wouldn't have been an issue. :banghead:
Cool doc...we need more of them.

Why would he want to give you a shot for a cold though? Did you develope a secondary infection? Regardless, hope you feel better soon.
I too wonder about a shot for a cold...

Funny story, though. I wish more docs were like that!
I've never heard of a shot for a cold either but it sounds like he's pro-gun so it probably wasn't that mind control drug I hear about, haha.
I pocket carry when I go to the doc. I went and got a CT scan for my chest and sinuses a while back and was worried about the G26 I had in my pocket (I was thinking about the MRI or whatever the machine is that uses powerful magnets) :eek: "Uhh, do I need to take off, um, metallic objects for this?"
I got antibiotics right below my hip recently, that MF'er hurt.

Afterwards the nurse (no, she wasn't hot, sadly) said the syrum was the consistancy of toothpaste. No wonder it hurt so bad.
Well, I call it a cold. I didn't get an official diagnosis, just a shot of vitamins, some antibiotics (he said there was infection), & some decongestant stuff. $87 for 10 minutes (not counting time spent waiting.)
At my old doctor's office a couple of years ago, I was able to talk the nurse into shooting me in the arm. She said that it didn't matter as far as the shot was concerned, she just didn't like to stick people in the arm because it hurt more. I replied (having never, prior to that very instant, considered the CCW vs. needle-in-the-rump scenario before) that I don't like to show my hairy posterior to attractive female strangers. (She was a looker!) So I thought I'd be able to persuade this new doctor the same way, but he didn't go for it.
TFin, I didn't feel the shot AT ALL! I actually complimented the doc for that. I mean, how do you perforate a guy's skin with a hollow steel needle, and he wouldn't even know about it except you told him?
Yeah, the needle itself didn't hurt, it was the actual injection.

I had beta strep throat a few weeks ago, which took abotu 15 seconds of injection. I used to play professional paintball and travel across the country to tournaments, I've never felt such a quick concentrated pain like that shot. Nurse said most jump off the table and she has to start all over again, haha.
Great Doc

Here in West Texas with a real doctor your looking at a 1 hr wait and 200 bucks. A clinic 60 bucks and a 4 hr wait.
Posted by TFin04
Yeah, the needle itself didn't hurt, it was the actual injection.

If they don't do it well, it will hurt. That's why should you ever be in South America or any third world country, avoid going to a hospital and stick with clinics. Most of those damn people don't know what they are doing or just plain don't care......
That "this needle has to go in your butt" thing is total bullcrap. They do not need to go in the butt, it's just slightly more painful to go in your arm. That shooting in the butt thing is some kind of weirdo fetish that medical personnel have. :uhoh: Last time I had to go to the hospital the nurse and I argued for a few minutes about sticking me in the butt with a needle. Finally I said, "It's like this. You're not sticking a needle in my butt. You can put it in my arm, or you can put it away."

She put it in my arm, it didn't hurt any more or less than any other needle, and that was that.

Don't stand for that crap! :cool:


25 years ago I went to a doctor about pains in my shoulder. I went while working as an investigator while working. I carried my S&W 9mm in a Bianchi shoulder holster. Told the doc before tacking of my suit coat He said “take it off.”

After checking every thing he said you need better leather and took his coat off showing me his Galco Miami classic with the balanced offset of the magazines. Took his prescription and in 2 weeks my pain was history. Very cool Doctor.
The Bicillin LA given for strep throat does hurt. One reason is it is very thick and it is refrigerated and cold. I take the Penicillin Pills. Cheap and works just as well. I will give the shot to patients if they are vomiting or demand it otherwise take the pills for 10 days. Costs less than 10 bucks.
I went to a doctor once that was so pro-gun I actually got annoyed because he wouldn't stop talking about guns! Evidently, he was a medic in Vietnam, and he found out I was a Marine and that I like guns, and for the next 45 minutes we traded stories. It would have been pleasant if it wasnt for the fact it felt like boy scouts were roasting hotdogs in my stomach.
Interesting. I carry in a belt holster (a Fist #8) and would have had to either drop trou with the gun on my belt -or- unholster the gun.

I think I would unholster and place it on the counter if the doctor wasn't upset at the thought.

I'm not really sure what the proper "etiquette" would be in this case. I know many people don't like to unholster but I personally am not afraid to do that since I am careful to handle my gun properly.

Any thoughts on that?

I didn't have to unholster. I was carrying in a Milt Sparks VersaMax 2, an IWB that attaches to the belt with snaps instead of a solid belt loop. I'm not opposed to a loop, but those snaps are pretty darned convenient. And I do believe it is safer to remove holster with the gun inside on those "odd" occasions, such as this one or if stopped by police.
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