I may have over-reacted...

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You did fine.

Personally I'd have rummaged through my tactical wheelbarrow, found my boiler plate steel body armor, duct taped it to my back........................


Does anybody think these guys would really call the cops and report that some guy pulled a gun on them? Come on. On what planet? People like this want nothing to do with cops.
I think you did fine, I re-read your post and wondered if this wasn't a case of mistaken identity. i.e. The perps were chasing somebody else, who may have cut them off in traffic etc. etc. and thought you might have been "it". Stay alert at work and change your parking spot for a week or two.
Your "overreaction" was drawing your weapon unprovoked. Perhaps they were miscreants with bad intentions. But perhaps they were also just lost or looking for an address. They technically could have called in a complaint and the police would haven been out there after you, not them.

There was no overreaction here, and drawing said weapon was definitely provoked.

I know in Florida the law says you may not brandish your weapon unless you are threatened. The standard they will use if such an incident goes to court is what a reasonable person would have been thinking in that situation. The behavior of the other two men was definitely threatening enough to make a show of force, and to be ready to defend your life.

Now, I'm not a lawyer, I don't even play one on TV, I just have been around the block enough times to have some inkling of what would transpire in this instance if the police were called.

Now, as to calling the police, I would have done so. I know that others wouldn't, but that's their call when it comes time to make it.

The reasons I would have called the cops are:

1. It has been my experience over the years that the one who calls the police first is the one who will most likely be believed. Add to that that the "victim" in this case was were he was supposed to be and simply going about his normal daily life, and the two "assailants appeared to be out of place and looking for trouble, and your story gets more credible by the minute.

2. What if they were scared away but intend to lie in wait for you and catch you off guard next time. Having the police involved might just get some extra patrols in the area. It may not help, but it's like chicken soup, it couldn't hurt.

3. Once you have filled out a report you have already begun to build your self defense case. Obviously you aren't out looking for trouble, or trying to settle this yourself, because you did the right thing and called the authorities. You have taken steps to let the police handle it, and are just carrying the pistol as a self defense backup.

Those are my reasons, your mileage may vary.
Sounds like someone was out lookin' for someone, and your car fit the description - may wanna tell anyone else who drive it about the incident.

Or they coulda been road ragers who got cut off by someone driving a car like yours.


It sounds like a firearm averted an ass-whuppin'.

Shoulda called the cops tho - first one to report is called the "complaintant." The one who gets apprehended is called the "suspect."
Good job at averting a potentially dangerous situation.

But I have a question for you...Do the bad guys know that you armed yourself with a pistol hidden in your vehicle? If so, they now know where to go to steal a pistol while you are busy at work. It only takes 15 seconds to break a window, grab your pistol and make their getaway.
Sorry it happened to you, glad it wasn't me. I don't think I would have handled it any different.
That's why I drive a crappy looking truck and I'm never clean shaven. Nobody wants to start beef with someone that looks like a bum/psycho.
Everybody else has covered the incident and your immediate actions, so I don't feel it's necessary for me to comment on that. But I would recommend either a vehicle switch with a friend for a few days, or arrange a ride in with a coworker. The baddies got a good look at your vehicle, know it has at least the potential to have something worth stealing in it, and are probably annoyed at you for not being a good little victim. Keep an eye out walking to/from the lot, they may have come back.
The only thing that I can say is that you should have called the cops... If you ever have to clear leather and the person sees that you did so, call the LEOs. There is a good fellow from Philly that got all of his firearms and holsters seized because a bum that was threatening him saw that he had a handgun... He didn't even draw, but the bum called the LEOs first.
I wouldn't have draw when you did, but had I done so for whatever reason I wouln't have made sure that they "could see it;" just the opposite, in fact.
Why? Well, I don't live anywhere I'm allowed to draw down on someone because of what you described. And yes, drawing to low ready so they know qualifies as drawing down on someone.
That was definitely not someone asking for directions.

I think you showing your weapon at the ready discouraged the two from planning further. After all, their intentions is probably to strike a target that is unaware and unprepared.
Hello SuperNaut,

I would caution against playing the "what if " game as it has no end. Worse, it promotes self doubt, which leads to indecision and hesitation. All things you can clearly do without.

The situation was forced upon you and you regained control. I expect that in a similar circumstance you would do so again.
The dude was correct in his actions. He was alert and aware of what was going on. He was prepared.

The mistake was showing them the gun. Yes, their intentions were odd, I would say sinister. But by FL law, he may have been in violation.

No way in hell would I have called the police after I had "menacingly wielded" my firearm against two "innocent civilians", not that I think they were. It's that it could easily be viewed that way by overzealous law enforcement/justice system. Bye bye gun.

Like another poster stated, now they know where to get a free gun, background check free in 30 seconds flat.

I'm from the school that if they see it, it's cause I'm in the process of squeezing the trigger.

Gotta play the hand you are dealt as close to the chest as possible.
Your car door provides basically no protection from gunfire:

Plus, as mentioned, it confines you. I wouldn't make any kind of a stand from inside a car, but if you're sure you can get in and drive away, it seems like that'd be the way to go.

But I think you were well within the margin of "good job". It's a shame we have to worry about legal repercussions from what were really very reasonable actions on your part.
Hey SuperNaut

All said, everyone went home feeling very safe.

Doesn't matter if someone thinks you over-reacted. You reacted and helped some very upset people calm down.

[Actually, I thought the entire process an inspiration] :)
The only problem I see is they now know you are armed so if they show up again the threat level has increased. I personally would have a 12 gauge suprise (or G3 with a few full mags) behind the seat of my truck just in case.
Much has been said and resaid, on this but at the end of the day you got home safe. You done right. End of story. I'm a little surprised at what hasn't been said yet though. As a nation of free men why is there a percieved need to retreat? (I know, but please forget legalities for a moment) So you get in your vehicle, and quietly slip away into the dark as some would have done and get home safe. Great. You ESCAPED. If you were/are a woman or mother with her children I'd say bravo. I'm old fashioned, can't help it.

But IF in fact they were ne'er do wells they have recieved an ego boost and who knows what the outcome might be the next time the decide to cruise the town. It is foolish to think the police can swoop in like superman and save your donkey. They come in usually to late for somebody, hopefully the badguy. After the fact it would be a good idea to call them, give them as good a description of the vehicle as you can. Maybe you're not the first or the last to phone in a complaint and the SO or PD might end up picking them up for something else. At least if they will have recieved a description from dispatch and keep an eye out for it.

Gotta remember we were all kids once. Not to excuse their actions in any way, but I know looking back....... At least if it were jsut harmless kids letting the wolf out a little they got educated a little on what they ought and ought not to do.

JWarren, I'm glad you responded to the redneck comment. I my blood pressure started rising till I scrolled down. Maybe they were cholos or bangers. Doesn't matter. Bad folks are bad folks.
Any further description of the "Rydas" other than two males.

You have no idea what the guy yelled at you?

What kind of truck was it?
Lots of good questions that I promise I'll get to. I drove from Salt Lake to Pagosa Springs yesterday with the family for a little RnR. I'll log on tonight and answer as many questions as I can before bedtime.

For now, it's off to Chaco Canyon.

p.s. For those questioning my reaction, I totally understand. I ran the scenario over and over in my head on the drive as well. In retrospect I'm certain those guys were planning to cause me harm.

p.p.s. I also talked to my wife about and got a very interesting reaction. I'll go into more detail later.
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